
Time in fire nation

Gon and Korra were looking for a firebending master. They had gone to many dojos, but most were full of students while others didn't allow them in after they saw their water nation attire.

Korra and Gon got stumped by the realization that they might never find a master to teach them.

"What are we going to do?" Gon sighed.

Korra seeing Gon's sad face, decided that they should keep looking for a bit longer.

"Let's keep looking," Korra said as enthusiastically as possible.

After going through an innumerable amount of dojos Gon and Korra sat down tired. They had decided that they were going to try tomorrow.

As they walked back to their ship with downtrodden faces, they saw a homeless man getting bullied by some fire nation soldiers. The homeless man stood up, but before he could do anything, Korra and Gon came to his aid.

"Leave the man alone," Gon said.

"Why?" One of the soldiers asked.

"He is defenseless and old. No matter what he has done, it doesn't warrant you to beat him up," Korra shouted.

"What are you going to do about it," Another soldier remarked while smiling evilly.

"This!!!" Gon shouted.

Gon threw a ball of fire at the man and then quickly proceeded to jump-kick him.

The other two fire nation soldiers looked at their teammate, sprawled on the floor bleeding, and became angry.

"You dare to attack us?" They both shouted, "Then face the punishment."

Gon was about to attack again when the homeless man suddenly attacked. As soon as he moved, everything felt as if it was in slow motion, the homeless man started by kicking a wave of fire to first guar pushing him back and then proceeded to use fire breathing on the second guard causing for the soldier to scream in pain at the burning of his skin.

"Hey, I am an old man Mo. Thanks for the help, but as you can see, I don't need it," Old man Mo said.

Gon and Korra looked surprised at the brutality that the now proclaimed older man Mo had just created.

They looked at each other and nodded.

"Can you be our teacher," Gon and Korra asked.

"Why the hell not," Mo said.

(Timeskip seven months)

It has been seven months since Korra and Gon had found their Firebending master, and they were progressing significantly in the art of bending fire. Gon and Korra were called prodigies because of the pace at which they were learning fire bending.

When they first came to the town, people were on edge. They were wearing water bending attire, and they seemed like foreigners or at least runaways but, once the city saw that they could use fire, they quickly accepted them as one of their own. The non-benders were still on edge, though.

At this moment, they were training with Mo and were doing well. Gon attacked Mo with fire bullets while Korra attempted to chi block the older man's hands to disable him from bending. Old man Mo first dodged fire bullets and quickly punched Katara in the stomach before she could try anything. Gon seeing this as an opportunity coated his arm in fire and quickly punched Mo in the stomach allowing for Korra to leave his grasp and promptly disable their master.

Mo looked up at them and smiled, "The students have become the master has gotten show today. I have taught you everything I know, but just sparring with me won't help. You have to travel the world."

Gon and Korra smiled. They had never won a fight with their master until today, and even that was by luck. They knew that if their master took them seriously, they would have gotten severely injured. They had been with the man for seven months and had seen what he did to people he didn't like, and let's say it wasn't pretty.

Their teacher was a legend, a man who had fought in many wars and was renowned in these parts but, one day. He just decided to quit. He didn't want to live that life anymore. He was tired of killing, but he still had his pride and wouldn't be stepped on. Hence, he was so brutal on the soldiers he fought some months ago.

"We are leaving today, Master," Gons said while bowing, "Thank you for everything you have done for us."

"I am going to miss you guys," Mo said with his face turned, not wanting his students to notice his tears.

Korra and Gon started to leave. As they were about to go on their boat, fifty White lotus members attacked them.

Gon and Korra looked at each other with smiles on each of their faces. They had been training for this moment ever since they lost the against the White lotus and got captured.

Gon and Korra went into their fighting stances. The White lotus members attempted to bend a large amount of water but got stopped by Korra and Gon's combined efforts. Korra quickly dispersed the water while Gon starts shooting arrows of fire at many the White lotus members.

Many of the White lotus members could not block because they concentrated on the body of water that they had attempted to make, causing them to be injured, leaving ten or so left.

The ten that were left started to bombard Gon and Korra with a load of water bending attacks.

Gon knew that Korra that it was time for him to finally show his dual bending to the world or at least the White lotus. As the water was about to hit him, he redirected it disabling three of the other men and then bent fire at the remaining knocking them out.

"Let's go," Gon said while grabbing Korra's hands.

"Stop right there!!!" A man from behind the White lotus members shouted, "My grandaunt Katara sent me to get you, so let's finish this quick. I will also get the boy with the dual bending. He is special,"

"Shit," Korra said with worried eyes.

"Why are you saying shit, Korra?" Gon asked.

"He is general Iroh, Zuko's grandson, and a master in the arts of fire," Korra said, "He is more experienced than us."

"Well, shit!!!" Gon shouted, "Guess we just have to fight and hope for the best."

Gon quickly blasted fire at Iroh, but he dodged and ran up to Gon punching him in the face and then kicking a blast of fire at his face. Gon seeing that a line of fire was about to hit him, he quickly dodged and blasted a large amount of water pushing back Iroh.

Korra seeing this went into avatar mode and hit Iroh with a wave of water. Iroh got hit and got disabled for a few seconds but quickly forced himself with a groan and then attacked her by shooting lightning, shocking her out of the avatar state and causing her to faint.

Iroh quickly attempted to do the same trick to Gon but was stopped by Gon immediately blocking the chi to his right arm and then right hooking him to the face.

Iroh stood up pissed at what happened to him and then made a fire vortex burning everything in the area, including Gon and later, kicking Gon to the ground.

"You have lost," Iroh laughed as he picked up Gon and Korra.

A random woman watching this scene ran towards Mo's place quickly.

"Your students are in trouble," She shouted.

"Where are they?" Mo asked, with his eyes abruptly changing from calm to cold.

Sorry for not posting for a week. I'll post another chapter tomorrow and hopefully the day after.

Powerstone if u like. Hope you liked my new chapter.

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