
Literature And Destruction Which Follows After

Raynor was grumpily walking towards his school, it was early morning and it was Friday and the school year just started.

He has underestimated his girl's dedication towards certain responsibilities, he thought that with bringing Li Suo back to Primal Chaos she will throw herself into working to restore lost worlds.

But, instead she focused on stuff related to him, even when he expanded his sect lands by five times!

She picked up that he was avoiding something...


'Oh, well it's only one hour and a half, ninety minutes... of dry reading and listening how farmers struggled with their lives under Soviet Union control.' Once again he sighed and walked into his school.

He directly went to his locker, took off his jacket, not that he needs it or that he can be affected by temperatures.

But, after his 'breakthrough' he can actually, be as normal as normally possible if he wants to...

After putting his jacket away he went up to the first floor and crossed two corridors and arrived at English literature class.

Raynor school has three floors in total, the ground floor has the indoors basketball court and were P.E is being held in wintertime, a canteen, the management and such.

First floor has Auditorium, music classroom, and is mostly dedicated to English, chemistry, geography classes.

And the second floor is for math, history, physics, biology, computer sciences...

Uh... just remembering the computer science makes Raynor want to puke, the computers are so old they can barely run basic Java functions.

Less than a minute later he finally arrived at the class there is still some time left before it starts Raynor still has around ten minutes.

Once again everyone eyes were on him, pretty much everyone knows his 'miraculous' changes from body-wise, to having several girlfriends who don't mind sharing him.

That alone made him the centre of jealousy and some of males actual worship him.

As a Primordial, he can sense faith flowing into him...

Instead, of listening what 'normies' talk Raynor pulled out his headphones and connected to his phone.

The literature class has three rows of school tables, Raynor is sitting on the right row, second table closest to the doors, he is furthest away from teacher's table as possible as hers is table closet to the left row which is closet to the window.

That means that she won't be able to see what is in his right ear...

That was his salvation...


Five minutes later Arno finally entered into class and he got everyone's attention, because... one he was slightly taller then he was yesterday, two he was slightly more muscular, and had sharper look.

This turned some heads for their classmates but neither he or Raynor cared about what these guys think.

Their interest and his classmate interests are worlds apart, that's why Raynor and Arno barely interact with other classmates.

"So, what did your mother think about your... sudden changes?" Raynor asked him.

"What do you think?" He sarcastically asked him back.

"Did she passed out like my mom did? my mom's reaction to Yue'er was slightly tamer then reaction to supernatural." Raynor said with amused smirk.

"No, she thought that I am using steroids or something similar." The blond said that with some anger, he can't believe his mother brushed his hard work like this!

"Well, you did just out of nowhere became buffed up and stuff, my mom's reaction was similar as well, since she saw me day before and day after I was like super handsome and stuff." Raynor shrugged at him while going through his music playlist on his phone.

Not long after that the class began, well more like scheduled torture, the teacher pulled out books which were almost 20 years old to read, and Raynor just grimaced when he saw the content of the books.

He would be a happier Primordial Dragon if the teacher allowed them to read something like Hobbit or Lord Of Ring, Song of Ice and Fire, maybe even Harry Potter, well he prefers fanfics of that one.

It will be better than some classics! he knows he would never touch them in his infinite life on his own accord!

And so, we were told to read for most of the class period and then discuss it, because of his perfect recall ability Raynor remembered every word he read and can even recall word by word...

So, even when he was bored, depressed and itching to destroy something from being forced to read some garbage, he was still able to get a perfect mark from the very flabbergasted teacher.

But then, their saviour finally has arrived... the bell.

Raynor collapsed on the table and he was nearly half 'died' from just experiencing one period, there is another after this.

At least they have ten-minute break!

"Oh, man can't remember last time it was so boring to read some goddam page of some ancient book," Arno said to Raynor as he was in similar situation as the Primordial Dragon.

The blonde pulled out his phone as started web surfing while one of his hands was holding his head.

Around three minutes later he looked back at his best friend who was using his hands as a pillow.

"Hey, want to destroy some stuff?" The blond asked with smirk.

Raynor curiously lifted his head, and Arno showed his phone.

The Primordial God raised his eyebrow.

"RWBY? what that? looks like some western stuff..." He said that with some confusion.

"Yeah, it's done by Americans, and get this... this world has a bunch of soulless creatures who are putting humanity to point of close extinction, that means we can destroy them without care." The blonde words made sense to Raynor, as he is right now he just wants to blow up something.

So, he just moved his hand and touched his friends phone, where he saw a picture of four girls.

His otaku 'senses' picket one of them being his type, so maybe he goes there not just to destroy...

Well, that is just something he will pick up as he 'adventures' in this unknown world.

['RWBY' Universe detected]

[Adding gateway to Planewalker]

Raynor saw notification on his Planewalker, he then motioned for his friend to follow him outside the class.

Both of them left the class, Raynor then used illusion laws on the corridor and then grabbed his friend and activated his planewalker.

Moments later the surroundings turned grey and Raynor selected RWBY he didn't bother with age controls, instead he focused timeline.

'Right I have no clue about this franchise, but there is this 'breach' incident, and before that there is something about Mountain Glenn.' He hummed to himself.

'Please...just pick any of it... I never again going to listen to rubbish your 'teachers' are spreading!' Hei'er inside his head complained with extreme annoyed voice.

'Darling... why did you even listened? you know you can disconnect your senses from mine.' The Primordial Dragon said that with amused smile.

'Hmph! I wanted to experience this so-called school! but it seems it's just place for brainwashing! at least Sect system in my original reality were not hiding behind some rubbish sugar-coated words!' The cute Asura Royal Spirit started to rant.

Xue Ji started to laugh when she heard the Royal spirit nearly starting swearing, while Raynor just shakes his head and selects entry point into the world of RWBY...


When Raynor and Arno crossed the world, another individual appeared next to him.

"Ah, Feixue dear you are here." The Primordial God acknowledged her entry and then looked around.

He noticed abandoned city with a lot of... activity.

What he sensed was weird, he can't sense any living beings, but he can sense movement, he could sense use of darkness energy, but no souls...

'These creatures are energy constructs... what a pathetic excuse for creation! I can even sense touch of divinity... so whatever created these... creatures for cheap labour was a being with Divinity...'

"This is... I believe Mountain Glenn." Arno said as he looked around, with a simple hand motion an azure spear appeared in his hand.

"You know how to pick the right place for entry Ray." The blonde smiled at him.

"These place is crawling with Creatures of Grimm!" Arno swirled his spear and then took javelin throw stance and threw his spear.

His azure spear broke the he speed barrier, and implanted itself into masked black creature which looked like a wolf, or more like werewolf.

Raynor just took a deep breath and released a shockwave of pure light energy incinerating any incoming creatures of Grimm in several hundred of metres.

Then with a simple hand motion his two Desert Eagles appeared in both of his hands.

"Feixue dear make sure no one interrupts our fun, if any mortals approach this place just stop them and send away." He said to her as the sky started to get cloudy and golden doors started to descend towards the ground

"Yes master, I won't disappoint you." His Icy assistant nodded and she disappeared from her position.

Moments later the golden doors touched the ground and started to open.

Black miasma started to pour from them.

"Let me show these cheap things... how dark creature looks like!" A sinister like being said from the golden gates as it rushed out with earth-shattering force towards its first unlucky target.

After this creature another one came out but she was human size one, only that she was no human at all as she had pitch-black sinister-looking energy wings.

"I am going to have fun as well master!" She happily said to Raynor who just shrugged at her.

"Do whatever you want..." Before he can finish his sentence there was a flash of red, a massive red beam erased several derelict builds from face of earth.

"Damn... was that a cero? you taught Asura spirits hollow moves?" Arno asked Ray with a small shock.

"Yep, And I am sure she already used a Bala on one of that gorilla rip-off..." Raynor said with a shrug as he started to float, Arno motioned for his spear to return to him with a hand motion.

"Right then... start to relieve some stress from such stressful class." Raynor pointed his left Desert Eagle and released a pure Yang energy beam which erased a building and a Grimm which was behind it.

~~~~~~Team RWBY~~~~~~


"Hit the ground!" The team of girls and one Professor dropped on the ground as a massive explosion happened on the other side of Mountain Glenn.

"By the twins what was that?" the green-haired professor asked no one particularly, but from sheer shock as the explosion was massive and amount of dust is needed to do such thing would be quite a lot.

"Girls..." The blonde of the group spoke with slightly wide eyes as in front of them... floating in the air... was celestial beauty dressed in pure white robes and has a crystal-like sword in her hand.

"None of you shall pass this point..." She said with icy cold emotionless tone.

Hearing that has rubbed the team of girls in a wrong way! they are here to see if there is any criminal activity! and out of nowhere this woman has showed up!

"Oh yeah!? We shall see! "The blond rushed at the floating white robes dressed beauty with her shotgun gauntlets.

"You resistance and opinion does not matter." She simply lifted her hand and froze the blond into a statue.

She was alive, but frozen in ice.

"Yang!!!" All three remaining members quickly rushed in as well.

The Gothic Lolita used her speed semblance and appeared behind the floating woman, and swung her scythe at the woman, who simply lifted her finger and stopped the scythe in its track.

The silver-eyed girl's eyes widened to a large degree when she saw her scythe stop like this.

The woman then just grabbed her weapon and send it flying far away... very casually.

"Your resistance is pointless, remove yourself from this area." She said that with monotonous and emotionless voice.

"I don't think so!" moments later several silverish-black circles appeared around her and several different types of elements assaulted her, there was a small explosion which created a small dust cloud.

"I won't going to repeat myself..." As woman dressed in white robes said that the dust cloud around her disappeared... more like froze and then disintegrated.


And just like that temperature in whole area dropped significantly...

If people are interested in this fanfiction I have a Discord for this.

Over there I have more extended list of World MC will visit and from time to time I spoil some stuff.

https://dis cord.gg/KBWJ6Hb

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