
Hero Dad-Princess Daughter (2)

When Su Xiaofei returned to her mother's hospital room, she found the three of them waiting for her. Without preamble, she went to the other side of Yun Qingrong's bed, pulled a chair and took a seat.

"Feifei, now that you know who your father is, I hope that you and my husband can start anew." Liu Shulan told her.

"Aunty isn't upset that I'm Uncle's missing daughter?" Su Xiaofei couldn't help but ask Liu Shulan.

Technically, Liu Shulan was her stepmother and many stepmothers, including Wang Peilan, Xi Qian's stepmother, hated their husband's child from a previous relationship. It was only natural for Su Xiaofei to distance herself and be wary of Liu Shulan's motives. She wouldn't doubt her father's love for her, but it was a different matter when it comes to Liu Shulan.

Liu Shulan shook her head and smiled at her.

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