
Hells Minions

Five powerful bunny-kin stood before me. They were all B-ranked, and they were different varieties of Mana as well. It was interesting to see them looking at me with various states of contempt, indifference, and arrogance. Each of them would most likely never break into the A rank at their age, and none of them felt like my mother before her breakthrough, but I didn't know.

What I did know was Three male Bunny-kin with Two Female Bunny-kin were standing before me, ready to make hell on earth. They would be the main drill sergeants for the boot camp I wanted to make. They would become the face of White's build-up of breaking the conscripts and volunteers for the upcoming war. They all showed no respect for me, and I wondered what would happen with White as I planned to make him their leader.

This would be this world's Controversial form, as I at least had a status to back up my leadership. White may be a Loveknot, but he was a failure with no status. I could never trust these five at first to follow my orders, and that was the issue. At least after a five-hour conversation and brainstorming session with White, I finally had him know what I wanted. It took effort and convincing, but he understood the direction that I wanted to go.

Maybe I wasn't giving them a chance, though, as I laid back in a restaurant instead of my normal office. I was taking a break from the Silvermoon tower and seeing a local restaurant with some gold in hand to see how these five would react. It was a little restaurant near the Silvermoon Tower with some waitresses and waiters who were more than happy to do 'extra' services for a bit of coin. I thought these five might want to use their services to lighten up, as each seemed to hate me.

"Well, Are you going to continue to stand?" I asked in the private room I had booked for VIPs. I pointed out the other couches, and each of them moved to sit reluctantly. I looked them over while they decided to sit around the table in the center.

The first and strongest was a Dark Purple bunny-kin with her hair and fur almost reaching black; how dark of a purple it was. It impressed me how many different colors there were of Bunny-kin and made me question the origin of our race because of it. Her muscles were like steel, it seemed, and her mana felt hard like her muscles. She was a strong Bunny-kin warrior built like steel with B-cup breasts which were probably the only fat that existed on this woman.

The next strongest in Mana was the shortest of the men standing around five foot one. He was a blue bunny-kin, almost neon blue in color, which seemed to attract my attention. His Mana was flexible, and his muscles looked more lean compared to the prior Purple woman, that was the strongest. He was attractive, though, and I was impressed with his physical shape. He would be a jaw-dropper with sharp features in my previous world.

The Third strongest was a large man with a demeanor that reminded me of Francis back in the Demon lands. His mana almost felt slippery despite his large size, and his muscles looked huge. I felt almost manipulated just looking at him. You could see the shape of his eight-pack abs under his shirt. His hair was a pale yellow that I had not seen yet among bunny kin.

The Fourth strongest was the other woman who had bright green hair and fur, and her face was extra cute. It was off-putting as her face was small and petite, and her body was the complete opposite. It was bulky and strong, with muscles almost on top of muscles. Not very attractive, in my opinion, as it was in such disharmony to my vision. Her mana was solid and felt unshakable in every part of her body. It almost felt like there wasn't a shred of compromise in her.

That brought me to the weakest member, but I was by no means weak at all. They looked at me with unveiled contempt and golden luster hair flowing down their back in waves. His sharp features would have made women swoon from looking at him, and his mana was like a whip. It was coiled at this moment, but from the feel of it, it could unravel and snap at you at any moment. It was such an interesting contrast with the others that I smiled.

"Well, I am Chelsea Loveknot," I began to introduce myself without making it seem like I cared about their lack of introduction. "I have rented this room for the day, and the services here, I hear, top-notch. Please make use of them if you wish, although I will only be ordering food and drink for myself." I said and motioned to a waiter outside the room with mana that I was sure all of them felt.

"interesting," The strongest woman said with a grin. "I am Luster Darkheart," Luster said, moving her dark purple hair behind her as she got a more comfortable position. "I hear that you will be in control of our fate in the upcoming war. Where will a famous Loveknot put such fighters as ourselves?" Her question made everyone look at me, and I felt like this was a test of some sort.

"Hmm," I made a noise to fill the silence of their stares to see each of their reactions before I answered, and I felt a frown. I could see no respect in any of their gazes, and this might not be the best group to lead what was going to become the most important position I had besides Whites. "You are going to be tortured by the masses. You will make boys and girls into fighting machines for our tribe and nation and turn them into a working force."

Confusion now showed on each of their faces instead of contempt. "What do you mean?" the fourth strongest asked in a strong, uncompromising voice. I turned to her, and I tilted my head.

"I'm sorry," I said instead of answering the question, "Introduce yourself if you are going to be asking questions." The woman blushed, and Luster snapped her fingers.

"All of you be polite," Luster said, gathering the respect of the others, and they nodded.

"I am Tyra Greenblood," Tyra, the fourth strongest with green hair and fur, said. "Sorry for my rudeness."

"I am Darren Bluemaine; I come from a family of warriors outside the city," Darren said with much more politeness than the rest. He was the second strongest and the most flexible, or at least it felt like it, because of his mana.

"I am Kevin; I was recently given the last name Yellowsands. It is an honor to go by that name," Kevin smiled with great pride at that name, and I realized that this was still a world where last names were worn with pride.

"Although I am the weakest among the five of us, at least I am not the weakest in this room, and I am Trevor of the Golden Family," Trevor said with even more pride than Kevin and I looked him over. He was from a family with wealth, and I could tell that he was here under family orders. I could also tell he wasn't happy about it.

"Then, to answer your original question, Tyra," I said, not acknowledging them with a slight snub, "You are going to be in charge of Yelling, Kicking, Punching, and training fighters and future warriors of our tribe in a new form of warfare that emphasizes the group and following orders over individual ability. We will need to turn soft wizards, and weak warriors into soldiers that have a collective identity instead of a group of barbarians like our tribes are currently set up as." I told them.

Sneers of contempt showed on Kevin and Trevor's faces as I said that, and the other three looked thoughtful. "Barbarians?" Trevor snapped. "Are you calling me a barbarian?" He asked.

Surprised, I looked at him and chuckled, "If the label fits, then yes, I am." I said with humor in my voice, and he stood only to hit an air wall I sent mana out to do in a split second.

Surprised, he slapped himself into it as he stood and fell back on his ass with blushing cheeks, and I put up a hand as I felt his mana unraveling. "Not here or now," I snapped in a half shout.

A second later, three female waitresses showed up in our room and opened the door, and I took down the sound barrier so no one could eavesdrop. "Mistress Loveknot," The women bowed, "The food and beverages you asked for are here," A Black haired bunny-kin woman said to the three bunny-kin servers. Two men showed up behind the other three servers bringing in the food and drinks. All the women were attractive with large breasts, and they served the men while the male waiters served the women setting down more food and showing well-toned muscles that were superficial in this world and nice tight asses in the women's faces.

To my order, they did not bother trying to seduce me; Instead, they only tried on the people I was recruiting as my minions for hell and me. They set themselves to work, and their timing couldn't have been better as the atmosphere in the room changed from Trevor's outburst. I saw Tyra touching one of the Waiter's asses while giving him an appreciative look that the waiter reciprocated, it seemed.

A couple of minutes later, they stepped out of the booth, and my mana flowed, covering the room in soundproofing. With a smile, I picked at a plate of food and said, "Now, Eat while we talk, and playtime will be covered by me." I said, "I do not mean to insult any of you or our ancestors," I told them slowly, "But I made some promises with the Succubi, and I intend to keep them, and one of them is this training camp."

The men looked serious as I said that, and I couldn't help the small smile on my face as I saw them get more serious. "Maybe while training, we could?" Trevor asked, his voice trailing off as he said it, and I turned to him.

"Trevor," I said slowly, "I will allow anything consensual with the Succubi, anything that isn't, though," I made my expression turn dark, "I will be the least of your worries," I finished. I could see Trevor understanding that the women were protected.

"So you want us to create a new way of training our warriors?" Luster said, "Why would we do that when the current way works?"

Her question was the one that brought everything to the point that they all essentially wanted to ask, and I looked at her with a smile. "Honestly, Luster," I said with a soft smile, "That is the best question you could have asked, and it puts new hope in me, unlike Trevor there, which I will have to keep a close eye on," I said making Trevor angry, but he held himself back.

"That isn't an easy question to answer either, as technically, there is nothing wrong with our warfighting capabilities now. Is that what you are thinking?" I asked Luster.

"Essentially, yes," Luster said, and I smiled.

"Then why are we going to war with the Empire?" I asked, my words plain.

"Because they keep invading our lands and robbing our tribes and villages for slaves to sell," Luster said with pure hatred in her voice. I could tell she wanted to kill the Empire with just the tone.

"Then how can you say that our warriors are doing their job?" I asked, "Is their duty not to be protecting their people from outside threats?" I asked, "Protecting their tribes from the Empire and their families from being sold as slaves?"

Luster opened her mouth to retort, then stopped, but Trevor wasn't as smart as Luster. He decided that if Luster wasn't going to respond, he would, "Because they have whenever they meet!" He announced, "The empire's slavers have died where they meet our warriors!" Trevor announced, and I chuckled.

"Yet still, those slavers continue to come in and kidnap and enslave our people. They continue to come in and kill our warriors more often than not, attacking where we are weak because the warriors are not at our nation's frontier. Instead, they are in the cities where the numbers of our tribes protect them. Meanwhile, each tribe is out there by themselves with a small number of warriors that have varying power, Trevor." I told him with contempt. I took a breath, leveled my gaze, and took a fruit before biting into it, "We have been losing more people, and tribes will continue to die if we don't band together. "Now," I said, turning to Luster and gazing into her eyes, "Is our current Warfighting style working, Luster? How many slavers have you killed in these last five years?"

My question was rhetorical, but Trevor and Tyra blushed, and I could tell neither killed a single slaver. "We are weak everywhere, and our resources are squandered on the cities. We need to change that, and I plan on you five being the trainers to train a new generation of warriors and wizards that will change how we protect our frontier. How we protect the people of our nation and our families so that slavers will never kidnap and kill our people again? Tell me, are you with me?" I asked.

"Tell me what you have planned," Luster said.

Tyra, Kevin, and Darren all nodded, jumping on board while Trevor sneered but read the room. "Chelsea Loveknot of the Loveknot family, you have my interest and my want to assist you," He barely got out, but I smiled even as it felt like I killed his family to earn that from him.

With the willingness to listen, the brainstorming session started, and later when I left, a bag of gold was left with them to enjoy the restaurant's services.

For now, I believed they would listen to White as the primary instructors. The building would have to commence soon. I sighed as I realized that my days would only get busier.


Thank you all for the support. I do read all the comments, and thanks for the chapters. I really do appreciate your support on this platform and others; if you wish to support me further, you can do so on my Patreon or on Amazon by looking up my stories posted there.

Life of a Dominant Futanari Week 1 through 4 are on Amazon, and Week 5 will be available Hopefully in July or Early August. I will put out a release date soon.

If you have Kindle Unlimited, you can read my Short Story: I Sissified My Step Bro

I also have recently completed another short story that I will release on Kindle Unlimited Next Month called: The Bullied Masochist Futanari

You can read it now on my Patreon but not next month when it will be on Kindle unlimited

I will announce when that story is available soon.

Thank you all for reading my Stories; you have no idea how much it means to me.

I would like to Sincerely dedicate this to all those who support me in my life and allow me to continue to Write. I especially appreciate those who support my works financially.

I would love to thank

AchlysApep, Fate Hydrax, Xenor, Fightnguru, Royce321, Stormrall, Soundsmad, Grangel, Smile, Nightrise, Curtis1122, Azurite Paladin, M. Kennedy, Havoc, Ritsu 229, Celeng_Liar, Arl, Julekule, Z. T. Wyen, ShadowReader, С. Закиров, BIGSHOTSWAG, Hydra587, Prodigal211, Error, Belkoth, Deviantgamer9, tiffy tang, jon dumey, Yanuut, Ez Gipten, Tnarb, A baker, Czelphaghor, Mr.Tiemos, Dannyzee123, Hugo Dehesdin, Dallas Rachal, The Theoritizer, Kaizer, EXORAVANT, Von (the closeted futa kink), Chris, Za'afiel, MaraH87, Caid, Bertako, C. Panagis, J. Thomas, David Gillotte, Unholy Valkyrie, Sam, Bearagon, Aniyah Frazier, Blueecho, DarKSoulS, Skorno, HutchTheWolf, J. J. Betts, Key, Raggedcastle, AnarchyBellic, Myr, Rodimus Scoop, GamerDude, Akashihestia, Keyku, Valkyrie, Mjkenstock, C. Spiller, CrusaderHandrail, S. Simons, C. Nielsen, J. Baker, EvilPotatoOverlord, Iron, søren Frost, Satei, Ceymour, Ferdinand Schon, Tyler, Fantasy12, Justin "Johnist" Johanson, QuantumServer, D. Ozols, ReclamerS117, Sir Hellington, K. Bengier, Prasad Hettiarachchi, Ryuse Ikejima, Plus1, Yuna, The Crimson Maid, John Doe, Srdjan, Fynir, Story Seeker, Piter Parker, The Absorber, daemon, cardrunder, David Gillotte, L. Petersen, K. Wulfe, G. Brown, Caleb McCauley, Top Bard, ketsueki grim, aaron whitmire for supporting me on Patreon. I couldn't do it without all of you!

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