
Accident was planned by the Aizawas!!

"Hmm… Good, serve some to Aryan too. I have imported them from his favorite planet's company."

"Yes master," said Takeru and served another glass to Aryan.

He received the glass, emptied it down in one go, and asked for the seconds. Takeru served him another glass of juice, but before he blinked an eye, it was finished. 

Takeru was dumbfounded by Aryan's behavior and gave him another serving, but this time in a beer mug. He was having the idea that lil master Aryan would be satisfied after a big serving, but his hope was completely shattered when Aryan emptied it down again and asked for the next.

Seeing the lil boy's never-ending thirst he wanted to bang his head on the floor and he would have done so if Granny Kotori hadn't intervened in time.

"Ara ara lil boy, still in a daze?!"

Listening to 'the ara ara~~' of his granny Aryan came out of his contemplation and turned around towards Takeru.

Next chapter