
A bet

It was a huge prison.

Vayve got a clue to his MC with a prison system, but now, he himself got caught up. His eyes could barely move, thus, forcing Vayve to look at the ground.

The current status of his was very vulnerable.

His blood got sucked out! The amount was so high that Vayve could feel the effects of huge blood loss affecting his mind!

Of course, the people who caught them up aren't so nice.

Vayve knew that soon, his treatment is going to be way worse. Right now, his ears also could record a few groans. Those were from an another cage!

"Fight! Fight more, annoying brats! Hahah~~"

"Tsk, the one I put the bet on is losing... Fucking trash is going to spend more time in the mine."

"Too bad, haha!"

These people were belonging to the muscular man. Other than the fact that they are toying with a young people, Vayve also learnt that name of their 'boss'. The muscular's name was Cerze! This man was sent on a 'mission' to gather the blood of the young and promising talents.

So someone like Vayve, Yuna and Markas were very valuable for them.

The young prodigies had also their blood sucked off. This only made their battles more pitiful, but this is what the people below Cerze enjoyed the most. The boss was a masochist while his people were sadists!

Simply a hell!

This hell was quite badly made, however.

The cage bars were long and a little rusty, lodged in the ground in a way that Vayve felt like he could kick them away. It meant that his state is getting better since he could see those cage bars better.

However, it was only for his eyes.

Other than that, there was also a sight of people below Cerze whose leather clothes were black. These clothes were also quite unique as they were blatantly stitched by amateurs. The rough clothes were left behind by the already dead adventurers.

The whole place was surely full of evil and vicious practices.

"All of you have already become accustomed to our lovely pace, right?"

The sudden voice rang out.

Just like Vayve, the rest of his friends also could move their eyes a little.

It was seen by Cerze and he laughed out while speaking this sad truth. His wide body quickly became the only thing the three friends could look at as he came closer. The hand that crushed many skulls reached out for a chains.

These chains were partially red.

Thanks to these chains Cerze and his group could made a mass blood gathering which was quite scary practice. The chains were described with a letters that Vayve was aware of and when they were all full red, the blood began leaving it going to the buckets that were on the side.

"Your blood tastes the best."

The man glanced at Vayve, then turned his attention to Markas.

Vayve and Yuna both had the equipment that could be used by them. Other than a special scroll of a money system and magic poison scroll, nothing else was a treasure within Vayve's backpack. He had a lot of money though.

That money was roughly 80% in coins, so it was surely annoying too.

"Let's see whether these gloves can help your blood."

Cerze laughed while putting the gloves on small hands of Markas. This was the reason for him to become a target. The mysterious gloves of an unknown origin surely attracted a lot attention! The abilities were also unrevelaed wholy even for Markas himself.

With the gloves Markas raised his eyes, the desire clear.

He just wanted to beat this man to the death! He had killed his brother and friends... It was simply a desire that was growing deeper and deeper the more this man looked at him. But Markas was only ten year old kid, his body itself could do nothing against such wide beast.

No, in fact, it could do a one thing.

Amuse Cerze!

"Hehehe~~ I like these eyes. Keep looking at me like that and I myself might start a little bets."

"Oh, really? Boss! You should join us tomorrow then!"

"I will think about it! Go check the mine."


After the boss put these gloves by himself as they were a 'real treasure', the silence descended onto a cage with the three friends. The hours passed and one of them could finally speak.

"Sorry... Yuna..."

It was Vayve who got the strength first. His eyes could also look at the face of small lady whose expression was scared, tired and messy... The reason for Yuna to even go outside was because of his 'mission'!

Of course, it's not like Vayve forced her to go with him.

But she was his first friend whom he had spent a lot of time with. Yuna had thoroughly erased that lonely past with her meetings alone! She was also the first one to meet Vayve within an academy which warmed Vayve's heart.

"Why? It was... my desire... to go out..."

"It's all... my fault... anyway... I am the... one... who should be apologizing..."

Both voices that were always excited and loud were so quiet and exhausted that Vayve felt like crying now. The situation was so bad and now, his heart just became filled with more sorrow.

Everyone began apologizing which ended up with the three friends blaming themselves. For being weak, special and so on... Of course, it was also some kind of support to know that no one really feels 'guilty' over that incident.

Then, Cerze stepped in which also stopped the whole talks.

They barely slept, they barely felt anything.

Yet this man just popped out and spoke briefly.

"Your blood is still the same, so it's not that good treasure as I thought. Anyway, your sweet talk has aroused me a little, so you have to deal with that."

"Boss? You are..."

"Yeahhh, you all bet either on that black haired or brown one."

"""Hahah! Finally!"""
