
Chapter 61: Tests & Glorious Sun

Nazu's POV

'Chief Torug...A strange Orc he is' I thought solemnly as I looked at the Twenty and one Wolves before me.

"Urim, Torrelsav, Nazu, Moz... come, make your choice" Torug said as he rested on the Wolf he called Alpha, clearly that creature had far more intelligence than the others. Dabok the Old oaf shifted repeatedly where he stood as he eyed Torug's twinkling gold eyes, Amusement played on his expression but my thoughts were elsewhere...

'They were very much different from the ones the Blood horn riders had, and they weren't this many. but still, this made them formidable!.' I approached the wolves like he asked, The Wolves watched us curiously as they even sniffed. Urim stroked his beard without moving from his initial spot.

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