
30 : Tears

{ Felix's POV }

" I heard that you were looking for Chris huh? "

Someone said.

" Who are you? And yes, I am looking for him. "

I asked her.

" My name's Morin. I know where he is. "

She replied and stood up.

" Would you come with me and tell me where he is? "

I asked her.

" Of course. It's nice to meet you Felix. "

She smiled and went downstairs.

* How does she know my name? Nevermind, there's no time to think about that. *

I followed her and we saw a light coming from the side.

Then I saw a tall figure standing there.

" Chris? "

I asked the person.

" Oh- thank god you're safe! "

He said and smiled.

" Yes, but Greg's been shot. "

I replied to him.

" Greg?! Where is he? "

He asked.

" Upstairs. At the medical room. "

Morin said and Chris rushed upstairs.

We followed him too and we saw Shila standing at the door crying.

Shino went towards us.

" What's wrong? "

Chris asked him.

" Greg is.... he's- "

Shino said but he couldn't finish his sentence.

" He's...dead? "

Chris asked him.

He won't answer and Chris pushed Shila away and entered the door.

We followed him inside and saw Greg covered with blanket.

I saw Shila went away while wiping her eyes.

" I couldn't believe....that this boy died... "

Chris whispered.

" He haven't done nothing...he's just an innocent boy..."

He added.

I tapped his back.

" Don't worry, he won't experience hell anymore.. "

I said to him trying to cheer him up.

" Please leave me for a minute... "

Chris said and I went outside.

" He's gone now huh...I thought him and Joey would be a great combination. "

Shino said.

" Chris just wanted to protect that kid.. he has lost his little sister once, I know what he feels right now. "

I said to him and he sat down.

I looked for Shila at the ground floor but she's not there.

Then I saw someone sitting outside.

* That's definitely her. *

I went outside and approached her.

" I always fail...everyone.. "

She said silently.

I sat beside her and grabbed her with my shoulder.

" You did everything you can. He just didn't make it. "

I said.

" Everyone say that..but they're mad at me. "

She replied.

" No, I'm not mad at you. I'll defend you at all cost. "

I whispered.

" You'll probably regret that. "

She said.

" Why would I? When I saw you earlier, I knew that you were the one that I'd protect. "

I replied to her and she hugged me.

" Thank you so much.... I've got no clue why you're doing this to me but I really appreciate it... "

She whispered and kissed me.

Then someone shot at the door.

* Huh?! *

" Get inside! That's the White Horse! "

Shila said and both of us rushed inside and Shila called the others.

« Where's Sam?! She should be here planning on what to do! »

" Don't bother. We've got Raymond here. "

Morin said.

Then I went to call Chris in the medical room.

" Shino, where's Chris? "

I asked him.

" I- I don't know! He left the room after you went outside.. "

He answered.

* Fuck! Sam and Chris are gone...where can I find them.. *

Shino stood up.

" I'll come with you. "

He said and we both went to look for them.

" You guys in rush? Here take this. "

Tobi handed both of us a gun.

" Woah! This isn't a pistol. "

Shino said and he smiled.

" Well I hope that you can use that because we need to look for them or fight those people outside. "

I said and then Tobi looked at us.

" Fight with us. We need you guys. "

He said.

* What should I do...? Chris probably is in danger but some of these people will die if they're not too many. *

" Alright, we will help you but if Chris doesn't show up for 20 more minutes, we'll look for him. "

I said and we went outside to back the others up.

" Hm. So Raymond's not fighting them huh? "

Tobi said and we went to our place.

* That's a lot of people. We're outnumbered. *

I aimed at the people outside and starts shooting them.

" Shino! You're a sniper! Go upstairs and look for a good spot. "

I said and he left us.

" Just keep shooting them! These people aren't infinite. "

Tobi said and we kept shooting.

Someone fell at the ground with blood going everywhere.

" No! Muzan! "

Tobi shouted and he went to grab his body.

" No don't! That's suicide! "

I shouted.

Before I could reach to him, he got shot and fell at the ground.

" No! You're still breathing, I'll carry you upstairs.. "

I said to him and carried him slowly.

" Do- not... I think my time is up.. "

He whispered.

* I won't let him die on me now...just a few steps....away! *

" FELIX! "

I heard Shila's voice and looked at her.

" What- "

Before I could ask her, someone stabbed me.

« That's a vital point. You'll die! »

Then Shila kept shooting the one that attacked me.

I fell and dropped Tobi at the ground.

" No! "

Shila screamed.

" He-help...Tobi instead... "

I looked at her and smiled.

" Do not cry...I won't die yet..don't waste those tears.. "

I reached for her hand and kissed it.

" I will protect you..so I won't die yet.. "

I whispered.

Then we saw Raymond walking outside.

" What the hell are you doing? Trying to get yourself killed? "

Shila asked him.

" Shush. Just watch. "

Morin said.

" Heal Tobi... he's been shot. "

I said to her and she opened her kit.

He starts cleaning Tobi's wound and I watched Raymond and the others fight those people outside.

« Oh no! The Reaper is here! »

Someone shouted outside and they start retreating.

Then Raymond rushed towards them and keeps on stabbing them.

* He's...fucking fast and strong... *

Then he kicked someone's head and he grabbed someone by the neck and twisted it.


The other people went away and Raymond went back inside.

* Just...who the hell is this human.. *

" Felix! "

Shila called me but I couldn't see anything clearly.

* I'm sorry Shila...I couldn't protect you anymore...Chris, have I been a good partner..?

I'm sorry everyone for making you disappointed... *

Then I slowly closed my eyes.

* Thank you everyone...I experienced a better life than following The Nightmare's tasks.. *

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