
Purchasing materials

Seeing his Father return to the Main Clan Hall with the other Elders, Arthur smiled for a moment before heading in the opposite direction.

In a week, he and all the other Fae Masters whom had just awoken their talents as Fae Masters would attend the lectures set by the various Elders of the Clan. Attending them was mandatory for all new Fae Masters, and would restrict Arthur's movements and growth by several folds.

For the next seven days, he would need to prepare somethings in advance, in preparation for the coming weeks.

Investing in some things now may allow him to reap greater benefits before it comes time to leave Parachenko Village.

After all, he had over a thousand years worth of memories and knowledge about the future, and Fae, why would he not use such wisdom, in order to benefit himself a little?

He smiled.

"A little? I plan on squeezing every single drop out of this tiny little Village for myself. I don't give a shit who gets in my way....".

Over the next few days would be the acclimation period in between when a person awakens their talents as a Fae Master, and when their bodies fully adapt to the sudden influx of origin essence within their bodies.

Depending on the level of talent, it would take longer the more origin essence a person has within their bodies, and less time, the lower the maximum amount of origin essence a Fae Master has in their body.

With a first-tier talent, it would take at least the full week, while for a second-tier talent, at least 5 to 6 days.

But Arthur-.

'It should be about twenty-four hours before I fully acclimate to the origin essence within my body. For the time being I better not cultivate. Instead, I might plant a few seeds here and there around the Village, see if anything sprouts while I'm busy attending the lectures.....'.

As someone who had pushed past the boundaries of mortality and become a Fae Immortal, Arthur was extremely familiar with the manipulation and control of his origin essence.

While origin essence could usually only be used in conjunction with Fae, there were certain techniques that used origin essence in a pure form.

However, the prerequisite to use these techniques would be some sort of precious material or resource that could be used to conduct origin essence.

That was why Arthur was currently heading to the main strip of Parachenko Village.

"Check out our Kovacs Clan unique origin essence drink! Can increase the regeneration of origin essence by 3%, with no drawbacks!".

"Today and today only we will be selling precious materials found and scavenged for in the Winter Rain Mountains! Rain Bark, Tree Root Essence and even a few petals from a Snow Flower!".

"Come on and come down to the Fae Market! Fae of all shapes and sizes from the tiniest Rank 1 Surging Ant Fae to the goliath sized Rank 2 Green Spider Fae!".

Shouts and screams came out from the front of these shops and vendors, trying their best to attract the attention of any and all Fae Masters that walked down this road.

Since the talent awakening ceremony had just been performed by the Clan, there was no doubt, quite a few of the new Fae Masters would be hoping to look around, and purchase anything that would catch their eye or increase their strength.

What young and immature Fae Master didn't dream of becoming a powerhouse, adored and worshiped by many?

This time of year was always focused on the new Fae Masters, however, some of the slightly older generations wouldn't stay silent during this time either.

Those older generations, the ones who awakened their talents 2 or 3 years before them, wouldn't want to see their youngers become stronger than them, so the vast majority of resources was purchased by these slightly older Fae Masters, who wanted to improve their own strength, so they wouldn't be supressed by their talented juniors.

It was a pretty simple idea, and extremely effective in Clans and Sects.

No-one would want to see their own share of the whole pie decrease as a result of a newcomer joining the table. So, even though they couldn't directly steal from their juniors, they could definitely restrict their growth by limited what they could and couldn't purchase.

Of course, someone like Arthur, with the Clan Leader behind him, wouldn't be limited by such petty means.

Unless it was one of the other Elders actively working against him, nothing would stand between him, and anything he wanted.

Smiling slightly Arthur head straight towards the shop selling Fae materials.

He only had a limited amount of wealth, however, was definitely more than the average Fae Master who had just awakened their talent.

From the fifteen years that he had been alive, his Mother and Father gave him one origin essence stone a year for his birthday, totalling fifteen origin essence stones.

Unlike those that came from normal families, this amount far exceeded anything that a normal Fae Master would give their child.

It was only because his Father was a Rank 4 Fae Master, and the Leader of the Kovacs Clan, that he could give his mortal son origin essence stones, without any sort of repercussions.

Entering the store, the shopkeeper instantly perked up the moment the door opened, causing a huge smile to mar his face.

"Good day to young Sir! How may I be off assistance for-! Oh! Young Master Arthur! What are you doing here!?".

Arthur smiled for a moment before glancing around the room.

Most of the materials here were either mortal Ranked or Rank 1 materials but for the time being, they would definitely do.

"I need a few things, mostly because I just underwent the talent awakening ceremony".

The shopkeeper nodded happily.

"I heard that you awakened a second-tier talent Young Master Arthur! As expected of the Clan Leader's son!".

Arthur waved him off, pretending to be flattered.

"Thank you for your praise, however I think it would be prudent to get back to business".

The shopkeeper nodded.

"Well then.... what can I do you for?".

The millennia old monster glanced around the room for a moment eyeing the materials on the shelves and walls silently.

Most of the materials present were common Rank 1 Wood Attributed or Water Attributed materials, often found within the Winter Rain Mountain.

Other than the hidden Fae formula hidden within the Clan's Vault, the vast majority of Fae that was used by the Kovacs Clan was Water and Wood Attributed Fae. Since that was the types that were the most commonly found in the wild, it was easier for the Clan to grow these types of Fae more than others.

It was impossible for Humans to create Fae, yet that didn't mean they could do other things instead.

"I'd like to purchase 100 grams of Leaf Spirit Essence. Two pieces of Ten Year Stony Bark. A dozen petals of the Winter Flower Fae. About 50 cm worth of Heat Vine. And last but not least.... a goat".

The shopkeeper, with his many years of experiences tallied the total amount in his mind before grabbing some of the closer materials.

"That'll be five origin essence stones for the Leaf Spirit Essence. One origin stone each for the Ten Year Stony Bark. Three origin stones for the petals of the Winter Flower Fae and a single origin stone for the Heat Vine. The goat..... I'll throw in for free!".

The value of the goat was probably about a tenth of an origin stone, so throwing it in for free was just the shopkeepers way of discounting.

And since he had already given a discount, it would be considered very rude for Arthur to ask for even a half origin essence stone off.

Arthur smiled internally.

'Cheeky old man'.

Arthur paid the amount upfront, giving the old man a smile before he left. The materials in a bag and the goat asleep over his shoulder.

It had been knocked out using a special flower, and would remain this way for at least the next few hours.

Arthur sighed for a moment, before smiling, turning his gaze towards the forests outside the Village.

He hadn't down something like this in quite a while, so his entire being was filled with a reminiscent spark.

Most Fae Masters would currently be bonding with their Fae, trying to understand it, and grow closer to it in order to fully understand its abilities.

Those descendents of Elders would already be acclimating to the sudden influx of origin essence in their bodies. Obviously done with the assistance of their Elder grandparents.

He had already told his Mother and Father that he would be home by the time the feast starts tonight. So for the next few hours....

Arthur licked his lips, the sight of the Rainy Forests outside the Village grew bigger and bigger the closer he walked towards them.

It had been a while since he tasted fresh blood.

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