
The kid who wanted to become a pro

The medical consultation was still on going and it's already been two hour already. There is nothing much to do than to stand and look around but this was mutual for these soldiers and they're used to it. It's part of their job to patrol and venture around the area for safety purposes and one might think that it was a humdrum thing to do but it was part of their responsibility.

1. Soldiers fight only Military combatants 2. Soldiers do not harm enemies who surrender. They disarm them and turn them over to their superior. 3. Soldiers do not kill or torture any personnel in their custody. 4. Soldiers collect and care for the wounded, whether friend or foe. 5. Soldiers don not attack medical personnel, facilities, or equipment. 6. Soldier destroy no more than the mission requires. 7. Soldiers treat civilians humanely 8. Soldiers do not steal. Soldiers respect private property and possessions. 9. Soldiers should do their best to prevent violations of the law of war. 10. Soldiers report all violations of the law of war to their superior.

These are the Soldier's Law and Regulations that they must abide until the day they die or resign. The liability and the morale is that all matters to overcome the battle. Life or death, that doesn't motific because they're a soldier born to die.

And to love one's country, it is not necessary to hate others.

"There are too many mosquitos here, I'm amaze no one has suffered dengue fever here…" Caelan mumbled, luckily he is wearing his complete uniform or else who knows if he make it out alive from this pack of these blood suckers pest!

"This is a timberland so what do you expect, it's not like they can do something about it" Aka replied uninterested

"Yes I know, I'm just trying to make a conversation. My saliva would spoil if I don't open it" Caelan mumbled back

"Then go and find Ang. I'm sure you won't be bored by then" Aka answered back

"The heck I will, that guy is definitely a torture, I'm traumatized!" Caelan emphasized as he recall yesterday which is probably the worst nightmare he had.

"I'm not a good company you know" Aka said as he look at his expensive watch and saw that its three hours left before evening. The medical treatment was taking long because most of the people here had malady.

"Yeah sure I know about that but no matter what you say, I won't fall for your scheme ever again. If you're avoiding that loud mouthed man then I'm twice cautious than you!" Caelan stated. He is the only son of a prestigious family as well the successor and he is a sparkling golden prince but that barbaric ruffian just treated him like a bug! This was the first time he experience such as unfair handling! If this was in the city and not on duty, he would have used force to get rid of that mouthy dude!

"You should never underestimate the likes of him. He is a good resource of information and probably his brain works thrice better than yours. That man is oozing with experience" Aka added base on his observation. That man may talk big but Aka is sure that, that man is a terror on the battle field. His barbaric look is enough to convince Aka that this man is a formidable person, but again, his personality sucks!

"I don't know if that's an insult but I'll take it as a lesson, captain" Caelan stopped the urge to roll his eyes. If he is a woman he will be definitely labeled as a b*tch, his personality also sucks and it was because he is sassy and an insolent brat sometimes. He is a real man but his other personality doesn't get along with that. He is maybe a bravura adroit soldier but he is the type who gets on a heated argumentation about dinosaurs!

"Don't tell me that I didn't warn you" Aka reminded in a dull tone as he leave and went on the other part of the area.

There, he saw a kid with a messy hair and a baggy clothes. He was alone and was engrossed on skipping stones on the lake. The kid noticed Aka's arrival and stopped, he looked at Aka with a curious gaze but he didn't say anything.

"What's the highest number you successfully skipped?" Aka asked the moment he saw the kid's stunned expression. However, he espy that this kid was different than the rest of the civilians here. The kid has a light skin color while the rest has a tan darker countenance. His hair was also flaxen and his eyes were bluish. It's obvious that he isn't a pure blooded or not a dominant type. Aka is also unsure whether this kid will understand him since he is aware that the civilians here doesn't know how to speak other than their own dialect.

The kid was astonished for the sudden question of this unknown man with a fiery red hair. Nobody has asked him before about this weird hobby of his and everyone told him that it was just a waste of time. But in Aka's surprise, the kid seemed to understand him.

"Um…about 34…" the kid hesitantly said

"Well that's a great achievement as a kid. The world record holder managed to skip for about 88 times" Aka stated flatly

"For real? So someone is skipping stones too?" the kid gleamed in awe upon knowing a new discovery. Here he thought that this was weird and odd but someone is actually doing the same! Not to mention 88 times! That's an impossible number!

"Uh huh, there are competitions also" Aka replied back and noticed the kid's indifferent expression. But well, for a kid who lives in an island that hasn't progressed that much yet, it's usual that he is fascinated at new things.

"Just by throwing stones? My play mates always told me that this thing is boring" the kid aforesaid. He appears to be at least 7 years old. This kid suddenly reminded him of his sister Kalila. The little girl was also fascinated and was eager to learn new things.

"Thus, I don't know why it can manage to skip at the water, it's like magic!" the kid gleamed in anticipation

"When the rock hits the water with its back it creates a wave and the stone tends to rise up over the wave that it creates, and that's what allow it to have a lift force to be back on the air again for the next impact over and over again" Aka stated in accent, he doesn't actually put some effort when he explain things but this kid is very expectant.

"Thank you about that mr. red hair! Are you a scientist?" the kid eyes suddenly sparkled

"No, I'm a soldier" Aka replied bluntly and he grab a flat stone from the ground.

Their manor is around a lake so he tried skipping stones from before out of boredom with his other siblings but he just wanted to throw every single one of them rather than the stone because when they all came together, they're noisy as hell!

There is only a few things to remember when skipping stones. The angle and how hard you throw the stone, The variety of grip, stances and the power.

Just throw hard and 'splash!'

The kid was stunned the moment he saw just how fast and how far the rock travelled but he forget to count, yet he is accurate that it exceeds his personal record!

"I forgot to count" Aka muttered as he saw that the rock sinks

"You're so good sir!" the kid exclaimed in praise. He never seen such as throw and that was his first attempt!

"Why the honorifics of all sudden? That was nothing" Aka replied, he doesn't actually acknowledge his self as good stone skipper because he wasn't fond of it. He just had a very good throwing arm that's why he is able to achieve a great feat.

"Of course I'll call you sir, you're a soldier after all and you're good at throwing rocks!" the kid said back with glee

"Forget about that, what's your name?" Aka asked, he wasn't doting with young kids but they're to be preferred to speak with rather than the grown up ones, and beside he has younger siblings and he wasn't a stranger talking with kids even though he was rarely home.

"I'm Liam" the kid answered back

"I see, aren't you cold? Why don't you go inside and aren't you sick?" Aka eyed at the kid, yet, he appeared to be fine and lively.

"I'm fine besides everyone is busy treating the sick one, I'm just gonna get on their way" Liam answered honestly as he wipe his snot.

"No you're not fine, you have a runny nose don't act brave" Aka sighed in disbelief as he grab the kid toward the medical tent. After getting some medicine and some vitamins to treat Liam's runny nose, he give it to the kid to intake, as they sit side by side in a wooden old bench.

"Why are you kind to me?" Liam suddenly asked out of no where

"That's only part of my duty" Aka replied downright

"I should be thankful that its part of your duty then" Liam said as he fix his hem.

"Why?" Aka curiously asked, for some reason this seven year old kid has the mentality of a grown up man. He knows his place and he doesn't get on the way of the adults here. Even the way he spoke is descent.

"Because ever since before, nobody has taken an interest to me, not even my biological parent that's why I ended up with my sick grandma here. My brother also left me and nobody wants to play with me because I don't have the same skin as well the same hair color as them and besides, I don't know how to speak their dialect. I'm rather weird" Liam enunciated without weary and it's like as if it's mutual to him.

"That's why I'm grateful earlier when I meet you sir, I can at least speak to you without worrying that I might mispronounce words. They always laugh at me because my accent sounds funny and I often mix some words" Liam smiled out of nowhere while looking from afar

Aka didn't say anything for the moment. It might be tough for a kid to face this world cruelness at a very young age but it's also the push over that can make someone to accept the cruel reality. By that, he would be able to grow stronger than anyone else but it's the root that can make a heart to freeze and turn into someone cold. It's the same for Aka, starting from a young age he already saw the horizon, the situation, and everything which opened his eyes to discern things and that wasn't a very competent thing because being well-informed too much can kill, being an ignorant sometimes is to be preferred.

Because nobody can go back once they started their journey and their innocence is done for

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