
EPISODE 25: Rising Champ!*

Eterna City, an old city that shows fading and almost-forgotten vestiges of ancient history.

A Gym is indispensable in any town that has many people coming and going. This city is no exception. The Cycle Shop is located here. There is also a big building with a slightly sinister atmosphere. No one has been here, no one has dared to interrupt the silence in this sinister building. A statue of an ancient Pokémon is also said to be prominently and reverently displayed on the eastern side.

The city is hidden with mountains and one particular forest, the largest amongst all in Sinnoh, Eterna Forest. It said, a strange mansion or chateau in other terms lurks within this forest. No one has seen it nor do anyone tried to even search for it. As the saying goes, those who search for the chateau never managed to return.

Back to the city. The sun has just awakened from its long slumber. It was also at this moment when the people greeted the new day, and one of these people is no other than Dawn. Her previous contest was not much of a success as she made it to the final round only, never getting the chance to be crowned as winner yet.

Her self-esteem is lowered by a dozen after experiencing a losing streak. She took a break in Eterna City only to train harder with her Prinplup and other Pokemon. Her next contest is surprisingly in the next town and she only has five days to prepare. Determined, confident but worried. Dawn is experiencing a mixture of emotions.

While grooming her hair, her phone rang. She received a notification from Lucas who was also in the city with Logan. Dawn was immediately excited, adrenaline rushed back, pushing away her mixed emotions. She hastened up the pace and left the hotel as soon as possible. She went to the nearby cafe in which Logan and Lucas was waiting for her.

In the cafe, Dawn waved at them as they waved back. It was a "long time no see" moment for three trainers who are aspiring to achieve their dream. Lucas is on the verge of earning his second badge, Logan has three, and Dawn? She's left behind without a single ribbon obtained from her previous challenges.

"So Dawn, how many ribbons do you have?" Lucas surveyed as the three of them ate breakfast together in the cafe.

"Well, I got none so far," Dawn replied with an embarrassed expression, constantly keeping minimal eye contact while scratching her hair.

"Oh, you're behind like me. I got one badge, Logan has three. He has the upper advantage." Lucas also got embarrassed before Logan who was just smirking.

"Come on, I'll be cheering you on during your rematch against Gardenia." Logan patted the shoulders of the poor Lucas. Meanwhile, Dawn was put to a giggle.

"You lost? How many times?" Dawn inquired.

"Four times. His Chimchar keeps on getting defeated." responded, Logan.

"Oh for Pete's sake, you haven't won any contest yet Dawn! At least I won a badge." Lucas pouted.

"A badge? Well, an aspiring champion." someone interrupted from afar. Dawn was getting pumped up after hearing the voice, meanwhile, Lucas and Logan were already excited. They look to their left and saw Cynthia, smiling at all three of them. Their hearts were beating faster, as their smiles broadened widely.

"It's the champion!" Dawn beamed.

"Well, Dawn, you never introduced me to your friends." Cynthia chuckled slowly and shook the hands of Dawn.

"Wait, you met her already?"

"Why yes. Jealous?" Dawn uttered back to Logan's question.

"This one is Lucas, and the other is Logan. Logan is a strong trainer from Hoenn. He was a runner-up!" Dawn introduced the two of them to the strongest champion.

"Is that so? Well, champ to be, mind if we have a battle?"

"M-me?" shocked, Logan's voice stuttered.

"Yes, you. Who else am I talking to? You know, I love battling aspiring champions, seeing how close they've grown with their Pokemon. Frightened? Don't be. Sooner or later you'll battle me, that's if you win the Pokemon League. So might it be best to challenge me now?"

Logan choked his saliva in response.

"I want to see some Hoenn spirit, it's been a long time since I've met with Steven. I promise to go easy on you."

"Come on Logan, this is a great opportunity to prove how strong you are!" Lucas encouraged.

"Well, if it is a battle you want, then I agree! Alright, Champion Cynthia, I'm glad to accept your challenge."

"Splendid. Follow me." Cynthia winked.

The three of them went at the backyard of the cafe, a place where a battlefield can be found. Not that small, not that large, the battlefield here is a great way for trainers to train their Pokemon for the battle against the grass time gym leader, gym leader Gardenia.

Saddled on their respective seats, both Dawn and Lucas cheered for Logan who tried to stand with confidence amidst the glaring eyes of the champion. Deep inside, his heart kept on throbbing. He couldn't remind calm for his mindset was on impressing the champion.

"Logan, you have the first move, I and Garchomp will wait." Cynthia offered.

"As you wish, Gallade, let's show them what we've learned so far, use Close Combat!"

Garchomp received the attack. It barely caused any scratches.

"We're going to have a tougher time than expected." he sighed with fear.

"Garchomp, Slash!"

"Gallade, counter with Psycho Cut!"

<Gar! Gar! Gar!> <Gall! Gall! Gall!> It was as if there was an ongoing sword fight amongst the two of them. Each tried to look for an opening but it ended up with Gallade receiving the damage.

"Lift Gallade and toss it to the sky!"

<Garchomp!> Garchomp lifted Gallade through his hinds and tossed him up. He then crashed back to the ground painfully.

"Go with Extrasensory!"

<Gall! Gall!>Gallade caused Garchomp to glitch. After the attack, Garchomp was seen sweating and breathing heavily. The larger the mass, the easier for it to get exhausted and perspire. This applies to basic logic and physics.

"Gallade dealt damage, that was great." Dawn complimented while watching Logan. Her eyes were glimmering while looking at how Logan fought. She felt inspired. Lucas on the other hand was a bit jealous that he did not have the chance to battle the champion.

"Garchomp, Dragon Rush!"

Gallade flinched after seeing Garchomp flash like a lightning bolt, heading straight with a dragon silhouette shrouding its body.

"Proceed with Draco Meteor!" commanded, Cynthia even if the attack has not settled yet.

Dust filled the atmosphere. It was a sight worth waiting to know who won the battle which was obviously the champion. Gallade fainted after two strong dragon attacks went straight for him.

"Well, what can I expect? I was battling the strongest champion anyway. Gallade, return to your Pokeball." Logan uttered with a smile despite his loss. He showed sportsmanship and shook hands with Cynthia who defeated him as if he was a wimp.

"Not bad for a Hoenn trainer. Extrasensory was able to make my Garchomp tired and I believe that is something to be proud of." Cynthia complimented.

"Thanks, Cynthia," Logan replied, his cheeks were blushing. Soon, the other two trainers arrived in the scene.

"You know, perhaps it wouldn't be too bad to assign each of you with a Pokemon egg."

"A Pokemon Egg?!" the exuberance of the three rose beyond a hundred. Cynthia chuckled and took out three eggs placed inside an incubator each.

"One for each!" Cynthia uttered. The three were given a chance to choose their own egg. Dawn, being a woman, chose first. She chose the egg painted with different colors, red, orange, and yellow. Lucas chose the egg painted in red and Logan chose the blue one. They all thanked the champion for her wonderful and unexpected surprise.

"Now, I want the three of you to take care of those eggs. Make sure you raise them properly once they hatch-"

Someone watching from the distance suddenly caught Cynthia's attention. She was hiding behind a post light. Never did she knew the woman was watching and observing all this time, since the battle between her and Logan began. She gave the young woman a smirk, asking her to go closer. Who could this woman be for I too am curious.

-Old Chateau



They will not appear for now in this volume. I plan to introduce them in a later volume.

This includes:

Manaphy and Phione.

NotUsecreators' thoughts
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