
Chapter 153: Cass's Invitation

Holy City - Third Level.

Only nobles have the basic right to reside here, but these nobles are merely ordinary residents of this level.

The iconic buildings on the third level include:

[Between the Throne]

[Thirteen Knight Orders]

[Bell Tower]

[Church Headquarters]

[Noble Residential Area]

[Big Association Area] (headquarters of major associations such as the Writer's Association, Alchemy Association, and Steam Machinery Association, etc)

As well as, several mysterious and forbidden places.

With its wide-open spaces, sparse population, higher overall quality of residents, the third level features broad and clean streets, various steampunk-style metal parks, and sound security measures.

Apprentice knights like Han Dong are only allowed to enter the third level as a special case for the Fate Space... they are otherwise prohibited from going to the third level.

Noble Residential Area - In front of the grand mansion of the Martini Family.


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