
Chapter 7.0 - The Book of Piety

There is a fine line to walk between allowing the plated races of Terra to have agency, and to ensure they don't implode. Between free will and the guiding hand of the divines. Many felt their presence, for both good and evil, in most of the actions of the world. And sometimes things acted outside the will of those who lived on the continent of Terra. Serin assumed that these rules are how Jericho was able to come across a banned copy of the Book of Foundation, which allowed a nation to be developed.

At least, that was the only explanation Serin could come up with. It had been over a year since his agent in Ston, a Northern Kingdom City at the time, had found and procured the Book of Piety. The agent had also procured a fairly special skill rune called 'Harvest', which allowed for the user to learn Enchantments by pulling them from an object. It destroyed the object, but it was worth it to have such a power, as it greatly increased Serin's power to create unique objects within the world, and quickly increased his power to Enchant.

The skill rune was able to be transferred via a transfer chest, so Serin had long ago received it, but upon inspection, the book was unable to transfer through the chest. It was as if it treated the transfer chest no different than a bookshelf or normal box.

So Serin had it transferred by hand. His assets in Ston could not do the transfer, as Dana had them working fulltime to ensure that Ston would find its way from under the Grand General's control.

So the book was entrusted to a merchant, who was given strict instructions to hand carry the book, stored in a lockbox so deviously designed, that anyone attempting to open it without a key would perish. Even if the lockbox was opened with the correct key, it would still let out a noxious gas that was strong enough to kill anyone with an Endurance less than 100.

So when the box arrived, and Serin opened it within the safety of the Training Dungeon, he was both surprised and upset to find the box empty. He at first thought to punish the merchant for theft, but Serin saw as the gas canisters still fired, which meant the book had not been stolen. Or if it had, it had been done so by a thief that was powerful enough to do so without alerting the merchant who had carried it, and skilled enough to get through the triple failsafe lockbox.

So Serin let the book escape from his memory. He would be too busy to try to hunt down a book that was unlikely to be found. And his nation had serious problems to handle. So he let it be forgotten for a time.

But now, over a year later, it seemed it was about time for the Book of Piety to be found.

So on a rare empty day when Serin had nothing planned, and there were no outstanding issues fighting for his attention, The book appeared. Specifically it was set in his stack of documents to review for that week's council meeting.

His previously empty and relatively quiet afternoon was now booked, as Serin took the book and read it.

What he found inside the Book of Piety was both awe inspiring and terrifying.

It allowed for a nation to multiply the power of its core values, choosing what would allow the divines to add power through word and action. Whatever beliefs the nation's religion was founded to follow, if its worshippers acted within those beliefs, their actions would be empowered by the strength of their convictions.

Besides the overarching explanations, the book was filled with how 'piety' was layered into the existing system that was within the world. It also showed the creation of a new class, 'Cleric' whose class specific skills were drawn from the classes that most aligned with the beliefs that were selected from the list. So if Serin's nation founded a religion that followed the sanctity of life, its Clerics would be highly specialized in both giving life and rebuking the undead. Conversely, if the belief that Haven founded was based on the purity of War, their clerics would be more akin to the magical tanking class 'Paladin' or the high damage 'Mage Knight'. Serin read the examples and realized that based on the beliefs chosen by their people, they would be given a divine aspect to act as the focus of that belief. Although every divine that Serin had met so far had been relatively neutral in their attitude, Serin read that the divine they summoned would show their true beliefs, turning into their true selves for the sake of their believers, whom they regarded as children.

Strangely as Serin read, there were certain sections that had no words written within. There were sections for 'Holy War' and 'Heresy' which had no information populated, except the line [More than one religion needs to exist for this chapter to be populated]

Serin knew it would be a topic of conversation among the representatives, and he was unsure how it would be received. To be honest, the concept of his nation gaining a patron among the divines both frightened and excited Serin. But his intuition told him that if he neglected to seize this power now, it would be costly for his people later. For now, Serin sent out a notice to have a full emergency council meeting in three days time. These were rare as it meant that day everyone's life was on hold, and all those who were outside the city would need to make their way back. Serin believed in ensuring autonomy for his people, so he did call these meetings lightly.


"This could really go either way, but I believe that it could be used in our favor. Right now there is a tide of building xenophobia. Most of the people who cannot see beyond their own influence only understand that what is 'good for me and my kind' may not be best for the whole. And if everyone had that sentiment, Haven would cease to be."

Serin understood the words of Master Cellic, the Dhamphir representative.

Next to comment was Isil Grier of the forest elves. "It could be used to foster the universal positive values of our peoples. We representatives constantly preach that 'Diversity gives us strength'. Making that a tenant of our newly founded religion would definitely shift things in our favor."

Next was Bilol of the Changelings, "And to ensure that it doesn't become 'preferred minorities only', I believe the second tenant will be 'All Plated are Created Equal', which falls right into our laws."

Serin smiled, it was so far going over well. After explaining how this addition to their nation worked, the more calculating of the representatives started to figure it out. The representatives pondered over what to make the third trait. Then one of them spoke. It was Hamil, the representatives of the Parasites.

Besides being in the body of a young human shopkeeper, who Serin learned was named Naught, when Hamil was the 'driver' of his host, he excelled at diplomacy and conflict resolution, and within a few months of being elected as a representative had been instrumental at resolving several issues among quarreling townsfolk. Hamil seemed to yet again have an answer.

"The third tenant should coincide with our first law, but 'Everyone is rewarded the bounty of their merit'. This can be two fold, as it ensures that not only do people feel inspired to work for what they gain, for those who seek bounty without merit, such as enslavement or thievery, would not be able to with divine assistance."

Serin liked this thought. "So it is settled. Our State-sponsored religion will be in effect at dawn tomorrow. The tenants are written, and I have chosen to allocate several unused buildings throughout the three regions as spaces of worship, however personal shrines, idols, and symbols of worship I leave up to the citizens to discover and use. Elder Merrin, I classify religious services under your office of Holidays and Leisure. Please take some time to determine a time for gathering, form of worship, and such"

With the matter settled, Haven's state religion was founded. Upon the agreement, and Serin filling out the information on his kingdom management page and the adoption by the representatives present, Serin was pulled into a meeting with the Divines.


"It's been a while Lord Serin of Haven. Thank you for dropping off my message to the Attendant. It is truly appreciated."

Serin sat in a different looking room but in front of him was Guide, the divine Serin had met on several occasions. First when he was plated, then when he founded Haven, and again when it became a city state.

Guide smiled, "I find it truly serendipitous that we should meet today. Meeting with the divines to meet your patron is a monumentous occasion for your race. Quite a few of us were afraid that your race would not find the unity needed for the book, but you have sidestepped that rule with having so many people under your banner. Truly astounding."

Serin smiled, "You were the one to tell us to look for the book, so why are you surprised to meet us? We followed your advice so this should be the natural conclusion."

Guide smiled, "This is true. I am not glad for the fact that you are meeting with the divines, but for the fact that you are meeting me specifically."

With that Guide's appearance began to change. The shimple white pants and tunic changed to a robe of swirling stars and colors. In his hand he carried a staff with a set of interconnecting rings at the top. Upon his face he wore a mask that morphed in color and shape as Serin stared at it.

"Behold! By your belief you have called to me and I have answered my children. My name is Gideon, the GateKeeper. And you my children are henceforth the Keepers of the Gates."

Serin watched as a blank leather bound book was summoned floating in front of him. He watched as golden writing burned into the cover.

[Keepers of the Gates]

Serin then watched as a short forward was written in on the first page as well as the founding members of their Belief.

[The Keepers of the Gates believe in the equality of race and the diversity it brings, extolling the virtues of merit alone to determine worth. This religion, founded on the Terra Continent within the nation of Haven believes it is their duty to protect those who come to our world as refugees, as well as protecting those who hold its values dear. Conversely, to those who attempt to invade or conquer through force, the Keepers will fight to the death, whether it is to fight invading nations, marauding barbarians, unchecked wilds, or terrors from beyond.

The Keepers of the Gates protect the Gate of Entry, which is a unique phenomenon found within the nation of Haven in the center of its Capital Region, and is considered a holy site by their faith.]

Serin then watched as page after page of writings appeared describing the beginnings of Haven, with certain text being added in gold lettering. Serin realized that the golden text was what was considered the guiding hand of their Patron, Gideon.

Serin continued to read as words filled the pages.

[Tenants of the Keepers of the Gates are as follows

Strength Through Diversity

All Plated are equal under the eyes of the divine

Reward those with the bounty of their actions

Their strong faith in the chaos of life as well as the protection of it has called forth from the divines, Gideon, the Gatekeeper. Gideon believes in the right for all creatures to live, and believes in the establishment of Diverse groups. Gideon praises those who let in migrants and refugees, especially those who may be of a different racial background. Gideon however holds no mercy towards those who believe in racial purity, and is therefore diametrically opposed by [REDACTED] and their followers.

Gideon's followers can receive his blessing when extolling the virtues he holds most dear, whether that is helping those who follow his teaching, or purging those who are deemed of broken conscience.]

Serin wondered about the name of the redacted Divine Patron.

Gideon, sensing Serin's confusion, answered "My name and my virtues have been called to be by your people Serin. The name of my wayward sibling is redacted because none on this continent have called them."

Serin nodded, and as the pages began to write Serin kept reading.

[The Keepers of the Gates strong form of community has led the a normalized form of gathering weekly for citizens of all races. Services provided during these meetings, led by a Cleric, Community Leader, or Representative, include:

reading from the fables, histories, and adventures of those belonging to the races of Haven

Sharing of hardships witnessed by others and collection of donation

Sharing of the virtues witnessed by others for recognition by the group

Setup for weekly volunteering and community outreach

Additional worship includes:

Public vilification for acts of cruelty towards others based on race

Marriage services

Funeral Services

The most important form of service for the Keepers of the Gates however, is the opening of the Gate of Entry.]

Serin looked at Gideon, who smiles, "Yes you have been performing a religious ceremony of mine each time you admitted a new people. Its why I am glad you selected me as your Patron, albeit unknowingly. Now the last bit of information revealed will be that which makes my believers the strongest, that which makes my clerics mighty."

Serin watched as the words began to write again. This time all of the words were in golden text.

[In times of peace, Clerics of the Keepers of the Gates are charged with the performance of its religious services, establishing communion with the divine, and acting as peacekeepers and intermediaries for its followers. In times of War, these Clerics do not relegate themselves to the role of support, but instead act as Vanguards as they have relinquished most of its class specific spells for an increase in the ability to Defend and Attack with a focus on Melee weapons and Heavy Armor. They are not completely without spells, as Clerics of the Keepers of the Gates are eventually bestowed with special versions of [Gate], and its counterpart [Banish], and all Clerics upon plating are immediately bestowed with the a unique spell called [Positional Switch] which as the name implies switches the position of the caster with any ally within line of sight of the Cleric. This Spell will eventually gain enough power to switch the positions of any two targets.]

Serin finished reading. "It feels like there are parts missing". Gideon nodded, his mask showing a clever smile before morphing again. "That is because, exalted child, they have yet to be written. Go forth and do great things. The book will fill itself."

And with that Serin reappeared in front of the councilmembers, holding the first holy text of The Keepers of the Gates.


Good Morning Readers!

Starting today we are supposed to be a weekly featured!

It hasn't populated on my page yet, but that might just be because I am in Florida.

If the Weekly feature led you to my book, when you get to this comment, let me know!

And as always, Stay Boundless Friends.

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