

First and foremost, to all readers new and old, THANK YOU and we've made it! Volume 3: Myriad Monarch Astral Territory has been completed, and it was my longest volume yet by far. Over 170 chapters! It encapsulated the arrival of Wei Wuyin to the greater world and his rise to prominence within that very world. A wild ride, imho, but one I genuinely enjoyed writing from start to finish. 

But lets start with the elephant in the room. Shortly after November 2020, I had essentially vanished. I owe an explanation, to all my readers who are still here, and for those who(hopefully) will return. So, what happened?

That's a series of complex emotional developments that led to a shut down. My brain had essentially reached a crescendo, figuratively and literally, in both the creative sense and rational one. I shut myself off from everyone and every form of communication, such as discord. This didn't simply include this platform, but every platform online and real life. 

Next chapter