
How they were borns 1

In a palace on a distant island.

Little braziers surrounding each of the sixteen alabaster columns light up the entire throne hall and engulf the throne hall in a brilliant glimmer. The carved symmetric patterns on the sloped ceiling dance in the flickering light while stone effigies and statuettes look down upon the wooden floor of this lavish hall.

A ruby rug runs from the throne to the doors and is matched by smaller ones on either side of the hall, while rounded banners with ornate tassels droop from the walls. Between each banner stands a tall candle, all but a few have been lit and, in turn, illuminate the depictions of leaders and legends below them.

Grand, stained glass windows depicting ancient legends are covered by curtains colored the same ruby as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with jewels and impressive needlework.

A stately oak throne sits atop an elevated platform and is adjoined by five equally lavish seats for visiting royalty of other nations.
