
Confrontation, training, and stuff.

As I sat on the bench, I heard someone getting closer. As the person was alone, I thought that it was just a patrol, but I was wrong.

" Look who we have in here! " Said young man, no, I meant Young trash.

" And what are you doing in here? " I asked, understanding that he definitely was here not for anything good.

" Don't you think you are too arrogant? Especially for a prisoner" He said, and took out his wand.

" Let me teach you how you should talk with nobles, mudblood! " He said, while waving his hand and casting ' Petrificus Totalus', the spell that should make a target stop moving.


But as It didn't work on me, I just stood up and walked to the cell's entrance, while receiving 'Immobulus', 'Impedimenta', and other spells in attempt to stop me.

Looking at his useless attempts at this, he walked a little back, so I wouldn't be able to reach him with my hands.

Getting right in front of him, the closest I could while being behind the bars, I placed my hands on the horizontal bars, leaned on them, and said:

" And what else would you like to do? Trash. You should've understood already, it is useless. "

" And you should wash your neck, while you wait for me " I said, smiling at him with my shiny teeth, that were really sharp.

I mean, I could eat bones using them. Without even feeling much resistance.

" Ha! " " Hahahaha !!" Trashy boy laughed.

" You think that you have a chance of leaving this place? " He asked, looking at me with obvious lust and ridicule.

" You think that after hurting me you would be able live freely? Ahahaha " He continued, laughing with broken laugh.

" Really. You don't understand what situation you fell in, do you ? " He finished.

" Oh, I think I understand now, But I am not sure that it is good one for you " I answered, looking at him, while hearing approaching people.

" Then you should know, that there is no way out for you... " He said, stopping in the middle of the sentence.

" Oh! I know a way for you to not get to azkaban... " He said, waiting for me to ask, but I didn't answer.

" You can sign the contract of subservience, and become my private servant for your whole life " He said, taking a contract out.

" You are joking, right? " I asked, looking at him in ridicule.

" Ahh. you really don't understand your situation. " He said, looking theatrically disappointed.

" Oh, what is that? " He asked, looking and picking up the wand that I threw away.

" wand? " He asked, placing it in his pocket.

Looking at his back, while he moved out, I saw how he talked with some guards on the way out, and gave them something.

After waiting for some time, and not hearing anyone around, I took some more Basilisk sashimi out, took some glasses, opened a bottle of Pepsi, and made a feast for myself.

The next day, in the morning, I was led to the court room.

There, I saw how it resembled old movies.

There Were five people behind the elevated table, many rows if benches, prisoner cage, and four tables for other people.

Also, instead of guards, I saw four aurors standing in the corner of the room.

I was moved to the cage, and they even trued shoving me in. Tried. They were not strong enough, so I just walked in and sat on the bench.

While I expected for them to remove chains placed on my hands and legs, they didn't do it.

Well, what could I expect from this circus.

As I expected, this situation highly resembled cliche. No one stood to protect me, as my table was empty, and everything went in too hurried fashion.

* Bam bam bam *

Sounded the judge's hammer.

" Silence in court Central judge said, silencing everyone.

" Today we came here to decide the fate of Anton Popov, Muggle Born student of Hogwarts. " Another judge said, reading from the list.

" He is accused of : Attempted murder of the noble house's next head, attempted murder of current head's wive, resistance against aurors before arrest, and on the last moment, we received knowledge that our most diligent guards confiscated illegal wand that she somehow brought to her holding cell. " He read.

" Every single accusation was confirmed by our investigation. So, it was decided that Anton Popov would be sentenced to twenty years in Azkaban " Head judge said.

" Hey, don't you think that it is enough lies for today? " I asked, standing up from the bench.

" How can a head judge as yourself be bought so easily? " I asked, looking at him, while a journalists was taking photos of guards opening the cell and trying to move me.

" Do you really think that if you say all this shit, I would just agree to it? " I said, looking at guards who tried to take me out if the cell.

" Your sentence was decided. Lead him out " Main judge said, walking out.

" Eh... I really hoped that I wouldn't have to do that " I said, making auror come closer, as guards couldn't do anything.

As I said so, I took chains on my legs, and snapped them open. Thankfully they used small chains, not the ancient heavy ones.

As I've done so, I immediately broke them on my hands, and activated psi energy in full, even connecting me to the Hive's psi network.

Flying up, I said in a heavy voice:" Do you really think that you can judge me like that? " I asked.

At that moment, aurors began spamming disabling jinxes at me, but nothing worked out for them.

" Ha! " I breathed out, pushing everyone and everything off of me, freeing some space.

I didn't retaliate, I just flew out through the entrance, while I was being attacked from all sides.

Why I didn't retaliate?

Well, I realized that my body was almost immune to magic.

Previously, before I was caught and found myself in a vault, I could be affected by bombarda maxima, but in the summer, while I tested my resistance with my house elves, I noticed that no external magic they could use affected me.

Yes, spells either bounced off, or just were ineffective.

Especially, while I was covered by psi energy.

In this way, I wad even more protected.

I had no real reason to kill, I was not done bloodthirsty killer, but the family that tried to put me in azkaban, would pay the price.

Sadly, they were not in the court room, so I will need to find them.

Leaving the building through the entrance, I decided to do the only thing that came to my mind.

The thing that would force them to stop following me.

I began searching for wards that were hiding ministry building from muggles.

Such a big building required a lot of wards, especially in a heavily populated city.

So, to break the wards, I would need to break only one or two parts out of tens, if not hundreds.

I didn't really know how they placed wards, but using psi energy, and it's reaction to magic, I found two ward stones.

All this time, I was attacked by aurors. But they couldn't do anything.

Getting close to one ward stone, I placed my hand on it, and began using psi storm on it.

Basically spreading and intensifying psi energy concentration inside, while agitating it and leading to absolute destruction if anything in the zone.

The stone began to melt after a minute, taking down all the wards placed on it.

After that, I flew couple of floors up, and proceeded to do the same with another one.

As I finished, I used invisibility on myself, to stop from being attacked.

Aftef that, as ministry building suddenly appeared in London, ministry workers became busy as never before.

Obliviation teams, wards specialists, aurors. Everyone was sent to fix the mess. While I, walking out of the building, just went to the storage building, took my backpack out, and checked it's content.

Seeing everything being there, I thanked myself for buying the best thing shop had, with all kinds of protection placed on my backpack.

Walking out of still hidden storage building, and not taking anything else from there, I proceeded to walk back to my house.

Calling my house elves, I apparated there fast.

As I arrived, I expected aurors being there, but it seems that all the protection bought and installed by goblins works well.

Walking to my room, I began thinking of going back to Hogwarts, just to get inside Room of Requirements.

I remembered about it, as I was eating inside the cell.

Maybe I could find some interesting stuff in there? Or maybe more books to copy?

I might've read a lot in the last few months, but there are so much more that I can understand about magic.

Magic, unlike my previous thoughts, was structured. It had it's own laws, but they were absolutely different from anything I ever knew.

Marvelous thing about magic, is that there are a lot of possibilities. I could change things in absolutely different, invade minds of living beings, create, destroy, hide, reveal, heal, curse, and so much more.

It's like different science with different laws.

The only strange thing, is that laws are not fully known, especially their limits.

For example. Transfiguration is possible. But what are the limits on time for it to reverse.

What about permanent transfiguration?

Why is it said that killing breaks the soul? Why is soul so fragile to magic?

I even began suspecting that a lot of knowledge is fragmented or lost. Especially after looking at magic concerning souls.

Well, it doesn't matter for now, I know too little about it. Maybe in the future I would try to understand these things.

Taking my wand out, and placing it inside my storage, I went to the Diagon alley, to buy another bag to store my snaky snack.

After that I went back to my home, checked on food storage that was gradually being filled and converted to creep. There is a long way to go, but house elves work really fast. Especially after Making them eat more.

They were passively malnourished, so giving them enough food made a difference.

After that, I ordered house elf do get me close to Hogwarts, and went there on foot.

After arriving close to it, I used invisibility and following my memories found a knight teaching trolls to dance.

Disabling invisibility, I walked by it while thinking about books, and door appeared. Entering it and finding tens of shelves filled with books, i rook scanner out, and activated it.

Walking to the back of the room, I took tablet out and found a receipt about creating an explosive. After finding ingredients inside my backpack, I began creating my first explosive device.

It was not really hard, as I collected shit ton of stuff. I might've been too invested in collecting items to store, but it paid off.

All the chemicals were available, so I just created couple of small explosives. After spending a couple hours on that, I slept.

after waking up and seeing scanner done, as it didn't have to be used discreetly like in the library, I downloaded it's new data to the computer, and went out of the room.

Leaving the room, I looked at the time and found out that it was almost time for breakfast.

Going to the hall, I waited.

Waited for trash to come.

And I didn't wait for nothing.

Sulking, this trash, whose name doesn't matter, sat to eat. Walking behind him, I took my small bomb out, and placed it inside his pocket. He didn't notice.

After that, I left the hall and turned the invisibility off. As people were coming to eat, I just went with them. Like nothing happened.

As if... The moment I entered the hall, Dumbledore noticed me, just like one random friend of trash boy.

" What are you doing in here? " Shouted the boy that saw me in the cell the other day.

" Oh? What? Why shouldn't I be in here? " I asked, thinking about how to make it look even funnier. I had no real reason to do this, but I wanted to make him angry.

" You. You. You should be in Azkaban!!! " He shouted, as everyone went silent after seeing me.

" Why do you think I would go there? Are you crazy? " I said, thinking about next steps that he would make. I really felt myself invincible after the holidays.

" Ahh. You mean, you believe that I should be punished because you rap*d some girl? Shouldn't you be the one in there? " I asked, as I looked at Dumbledore.

" Silence! " Dumbledore said, looking at us.

" Anton, come with me to my office. " He said, being followed by McGonagall and Snape, who went with us for some reason.

Not seeing problem with it, I followed behind. Not forgetting to activate psi energy.

Thankfully I managed to control the outer representation of it's use.

All thanks to my summer training.

Getting inside the room, I looked at the headmaster. I really was disappointed that he didn't save me.

But why should he even try?

I might've thought too much about him being good.

" So, why did you call me in here? " I asked, before anyone said a word.

" Anton... Why did you return? Don't you know that ministry ordered a hunt for you? Especially after things you've done in the ministry. " Dumbledore said, looking tired.

" What? You thought that I would just agree to their sentence? Did you know that they wanted to place me in Azkaban for twenty years? " I asked, as McGonagall looked surprised at me.

" What? I didn't know. To my knowledge, you escaped from prison cell and endangered magical society by destroying ministry's wards " He said.

" Hah. And you believed them? You've become old. You don't even see a problem when it's right in front of you. " I replied, being interrupted by McGonagall.

" Young lady! Don't you dare to talk like that! "

" Oh, just shut up, old lady! You know nothing, and shouldn't butt in " I replied, being annoyed at her.

At that moment, I saw aurors appearing from the Headmaster's floo, being followed by Fudge.

" Dumbledore! Where is she? Hand her over!!! " Fudge shouted, not looking around, while aurors took their wands out and pointed at me.

" Oh? And what do you think you can do against me? Tickle me? " I asked, looking at Aurors.

" Don't you remember? None of you could do anything to me even in the ministry! " I said, as Fudge shouted at me.

" Insolence! Give up! You have nowhere to run this time! "

" ... Really? " I asked, looking around.

" You really think that you can order me? Aurors, do you want to continue what we began the other day? " I asked, looking at head Auror.

It took time for Aurors to calm minister down.

Minister only calmed down after I swatted away the spell he sent at me.

Under the guidance of Dumbledore, we came to agreement that we should calm down and talk.

And talk we did.

But not in here.

We went to the ministry, and Dumbledore called Wizengamot's members to arrive.

Many members were really annoyed at thus sudden call, but after looking at Dumbledore and me, they calmed down.

" Why were we called in here ? " Asked one of the arrived members.

" You were called to discuss the peace agreement between ministry and Anton " Dumbledore said.

" Why would you call us just because of one girl? " Another asked.

" Oh? you don't know about me? I'm surprised. " I said, looking at him.

" What... " He tried to say, but was interrupted by Dumbledore.

" Anton is the one who flew around the ministry, the one who no one could stop, and the one who was falsely accused by ministry's judges. I think you heard about these things? " Dumbledore asked, after he looked in to my situation, while Wizengamot's members were coming.

" What? We should just kill her" Shouted one of them.

" Are you an idiot? " I asked.

" None of you could do anything to me. And I didn't even retaliate against any of your aurors. " I said, looking at the one who shouted.

After that, meeting began.

I didn't really want the war to happen, but some of the members were adamant at hunting me down for endangering wizard community. In tge result, they tried to force Dumbledore to kill me.

Yes, they decided to not listen to reason. They were sure that they could kill me if they tried.

Also, it seems the major role fir this choice was that they wouldn't bow down to the muggle born.

Yep. Noble and blah blah blah.

" Soo..Mr Dumbledore. You tried. Sadly, they are too dumb" I said.

" If you would've just not called them stupid or dumb all the time, I could've pulled it through. " He said, sounding tired.

" Maybe, but it was their fault. And it is their mistake. You saw reports from aurors, didn't you? " I asked, looking at him.

" Yes. I knew you are strong, but I didn't expect for you to be This strong " He replied, fixing his glasses and looking at Wizengamot's members leaving the place, and aurors pouring in.

" Don't worry. They wouldn't hurt me easily. " I said, as he looked at aurors.

After that, as Dumbledore left my side, they attacked. This time, I retaliated. I was not merciful enough, to let them do it after they saw my powers.

So, after two minutes, I left the room, while in the room Dumbledore could see unconscious aurors.

" Don't worry. They are alive. But shouldn't you try to kill me? " I asked, looking at him.

" You are my student, I won't attack you. Especially as you are not in the wrong. " He replied, as we went different be ways.

I decided to go home. I didn't need to be in Hogwarts anymore. Yes, Hogwarts was filled with magic, but it doesn't really matter. I had no reason to stay in there.

Especially now.

After remembering about Hogwarts, I remembered the bomb that I placed in trash's robe, so I made a detour to Hogwarts. Entering it, I arrived just in time before he left the hall.

As he was leaving through the door, I saw that no one was too close to him, so I used psi energy and ignited the bomb.


* Crash *

* Aaaaaaaah *

Came the sound of the explosion that destroyed half of his body.

Leaving him to suffer, I went home.

You might ask. That's it? You would just let them do this?

Yes. I am not going to kill them all just to kill.

Do you remember the information about soul cracking when you kill? Well... It happened with me.

How? Well... do you remember the moment where I was flying through the ministry? At some point, I was annoyed and decided to shoot some spells at aurors, with intention to kill.

I know that they are hight trained, but in a chaos that was happening at that time, I killed someone or something, because they had some hounds too. Something cracked inside my magic when I killed.

So, as now I returned home, I began trying to understand what exactly cracked inside me.

Scanning myself with psi energy, I began looking through my body, but found nothing.

And as I didn't find anything, I decided not to kill using magic, until I find what cracked, and if I can evade it.

So, no killing with magic.

Not a big issue, to be honest.

So, the next few months I mostly learned magic, trained in force and psi powers, learned new scientific stuff, and searched for so called ' cracked soul '.

Also, surprisingly, Dumbledore wrote me couple of times, and it seems he tried to calm down the Wizarding community, who were told that I am evil and such.

Like, Rita. Wtf.

Also, it seems that Harry didn't believe in this shit, and just wrote to me sometimes. And it seems Dumbledore suggested it.

Yep, he tried to befriend him to me. What is he planning? I don't understand.

I know about so-called prophecy, and I feel sorry for harry, but...

Wait. Fuck! I wanted to fucking destroy his uncle and aunt.

I better do it now.

So, right before Christmas, I went to their home, for a 'Friendly' visit.

Just a simple friendly visit. Definitely friendly.

You don't think that grabbing someone by the neck is friendly? Oh. it is friendly, knowing how trashy they are.

After grabbing these two awful adults by the necks, I waited until they are almost out, before releasing them.

" Hello trashbags " I said, as they were coughing heavily after I let them breathe.

" Wh. cough. cough. cough. Who are you? What do you want? " Harry's 'uncle' asked, as he suffered heavily from being choked.

" Me? I am just a concerned Wizard that found out that you are abusing wizard's small hero in this house. Imagine my surprise when I found out, that everyone's hero is being abused. " I answered, lifting them up with psi energy, as I didn't want to alarm aurors by using magic here.

" W-w-what are you talking about? What hero? " Petunia asked.

" Oh? You don't know? I mean. Harry Potter. " I replied, making petunia paler.

" He is no hero! " Shouted a young piggy from the back.

" Oh, he is. To the wizards. And you should be thankful, that I am the one who found out about out, and not someone who would've just killed you all for such a thing " I said, using psi powers to light the table on fire and destroy it in a second. The table that was right in front of this shitty couple.

" I won't kill you if you begin to properly provide for him, but if you don't!" I made my voice louder, and broke Vernon's hand, to make him remember.

" as for you, You should remember. Harry is bot to be abused. Understood? " I said, breaking Petunia's hand too.

Equality is first right? Hah!

I hope they understood. As for the Kid, I just broke his hand too. On my way out.

Equality. remember?

At first I wanted to kill them, but it would be kinda harsh, and it might lead to unexpected results. I don't need this

So, after that, I went home, again.

Through the next month, I understood that the journal was stolen from Headmaster when he was out in search of Basilisk venom, to destroy it.

Also, my endeavour helped in it being stolen. After all, I expected it to happen. Why? Because it seems that every world have a way bot supposed to go, and naturally, things would try to fix themselves. Even of there are no higher being to fix everything.

After almost reading through the fifth year's course, I had three more months until year is over. Yep, speed increases when I don't have to go to the unnecessary classes, especially as they were flawed and outdated. Especially to the version I have.

As I received letter from Harry, I opened it and was happy that they found and destroyed the journal, this time - no deaths happened, only some suspicious actions of certain individuals.

After reading the letter, I went back and ate a beautiful snake sashimi, that began changing me after I ate it's innards, eyes, tongue, and even teeth. Yep, I was eating everything. Like I was told.

Currently, me body was getting more sensitive eyesight, and my tongue became longer.

Let's say, really longer. But not disgustingly long.

It didn't become thin and extra long, it just became longer.

After eating it every day, my movements became smoother, but I noticed it only after I met Dumbledore, who still tried to stop ministry from trying to kill me.

And he even made progress. Can you believe it?

Well, snake is still far from being finished, so I went to the vials with it's poison. There were hundreds of vials, but I didn't risk trying to drink any of them.

But as I still had to drink it, I searched through the books, using search function, and found the concentration at which it becomes safe to use.

And I was not happy.

One milliliter of venom, and a thousand liters of water. This was almost completely safe to drink. Almost. But to remove side effects for humans, it required to dilute it even more.

And it was just a venom, not some kind of chemical that is created to kill millions. It was naturally created thing.

So, just to be safe, I diluted it like that. And drank. Drank a lot of water in the next few months.

As the next year was starting, I was already on my second batch with increased concentration.

I didn't feel a thing with first one, but I had to drink it all, just to be sure.

Current concentration was 1 milliliter of venom to 100 liters of water.

At that concentration, that was lethal to humans, I didn't feel a thing too.


As The new year at Hogwarts started, and I passed my exams by coming to Hogwarts and doing everything I had to in one day, I was now a third year. Yep. not gonna lie, life like that was enjoyable. Sitting at home, getting better and stronger, feeling inevitable evolution...

Next few months, I continued increasing venom concentration. and only felt it when I diluted it 1 milliliter to 1 liter. And it was just a little change in taste.

Yep, taste. It tasted like a concentrated lemon drink. Not even just a lemon.

Seeing no reaction after drinking this concentration for few days, I continued increasing it.

Finally, I felt a numbing feeling when 1 milliliter was diluted in 10 milliliters. And it was only on the tongue.

So, after that, I continued slowly increasing it and checking myself all the time.

After a while, as my body got used to the 1:1 concentration, and felt only a little numbness, I just began drinking venom itself.

And let me say, it tasted just like lemon. Extremely concentrated lemon juice. Extremely.

But, after few days, as I drank last vial, I didn't feel anything except taste while I drank it.

I even had a change in my body, where poison glands appeared. Thankfully it was inside my body, and they couldn't be seen easily.

And, after two months since the start of the third year, I received a visitor.

It was Dumbledore. And he came officially this time, unlike few times before that.


Thank you [ Grey Knight ]


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``` Author's note ```

`` 225 +- words ``

` 4463 words in chapter `

Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

Well, I added 1.2k words after last announcement, because I could.

Mc is going to change a lot. He began learning stuff by himself, he began using his head, and he didn't become Xianxia protagonist who just kills families for any insult in his direction.

He might be able to kill easily, but he was not bloodthirsty enough to just go and kill people because he can. He isn't crazy enough for something like that to happen. Yet...

Also, the next world is decided. But after that? Who knows. I would need to research games and find not too complicated worlds at first, as there ate worlds where I could get lost easily. ( Wh 40k for example. I never tried to understand the lore, and never really wad a fan of it. )

I need simpler worlds at first, and not necessarily worlds where he can get stronger. In this story, setbacks are a thing. Like in reality.

Not training regularly? Here you go! Have a big fat belly.

Not practicing fighting? Here you go! Get worse at it!

Next world is not extremely soon, but pretty soon. I even have couple of ideas for him to get there. :)

Next chapter