
Time, decisions, and stuff.

As decision was made, almost all the daily minerals norm was spent on anchors, that were summoning protoss from another universe in groups.

Sometimes, some protoss were being summoned from the battlefield, where some of them were hurt.

As anchors captured any living protoss they could fish out, sometimes summoned protoss died while being summoned.

As with every day more and more anchors were being used, need for living space was becoming more urgent, so reconstruction of old buildings was slowed down, and construction of new ones was sped up.

Qui-gon was ordering a lot of stuff to be brought in the temple, as only he knew the necessary equipment and devices needed for new force users.

We, on the other hand placed surveillance all across the temple, and began launching missions in search of force sensitive kids.

This required testing machines for midichlorians, so we requested these to be made.

Days passed, I was enjoying my new body, reading, playing, spending time with Aden and Oden, with whom I became friends.

After a month after our arrival, Qui-gon went on the first mission in search of new force users.

With him came a lot of people who would be tough about everything that they would need to do, to find them.

After another month, Qui-gon returned with two kids that had affinity with force.

All the people who returned with Qui-gon, went to new teams and spread out. As simple people couldn't feel the force, these teams would mostly test kid's blood under the name of the Jedi temple.

One place after another. One town after another. One planet after another.

After four months after beginning of massive search, total amount of kids brought to the temple was in hundreds, and as the amount of teams was increasing, the possible new students would number in thousands soon.

This surprised everyone, as Jedi always told that it is rare to find force sensitive kids.

After discussing it, and inviting some travelling Jedi, they had no idea for a reason for such incredible numbers.

These numbers brought attention of Jedi council, so They sent their own researchers to investigate and confirm the situation.

As Qui-gon was the master of this temple, he stopped travelling and decided to stay and teach the kids.

And thus time, After around half an year after his arrival, I visited him again.

" Hi there" I said, waving my hand to him, while he waited for me at the entrance.

" Hello, Didn't see you for a month now, how are you? " He said, as we walked to his office.

" I'm okay, but how are you? you look bad. " I said, getting a little bit worried for him, as he was a good man, even though he had some strange ideals.

" Ah, I'm fine, It is just because I was busy with council and explaining about sudden increase in number of kids" He replied.

" Oh, understandable. It must be hard for you. " I said, as we arrived at elevator and waited for it.

" So, do you have any ideas about the reasons for this ammount of new promising Jedi? " I asked.

" Uh... there was no definite conclusion yet, as it is very difficult topic. " He replied.

" Could it be because no force sensitive kid wad taken from the outer rim, so the genes spread out and weren't just stopped by your dogma of no kids and such? " I asked, as their ridiculous rules were one of many topics of our talks.

" I don't think so, and calm down with your crazy ideas, please" He replied, tired of me talking about it time after time.

" But it is possible, isn't it? You, Jedi took all the kids from central area and mid rim, and didn't allow them to continue their lines, cutting down on possible new promising kids. On the other hand, on the outer rim they just grew up normally and spread their genes and now you can see the results. " I said.

" Or it could just be lack of hands on your side, or decisions of some parents not to take your tests as it would stop their line from continuing. " I continued.

" Hmm, there are reasonable things in your ideas, but they have no proof. And they wouldn't be taken in to account without research " He said, as we just arrived at his office.

" At least, suggest these ideas on your meetings. They are possible. " I said.

" I will think about it " Qui-gon replied, as he sat down on to the chair.

" So what were these urgent news that you talked about " He asked.

" Well, first of all. Don't be angry, and listen to me. " I said, an received a nod from him.

" Okay. ... First of all, do you remember the time when I had to leave A Sith on Coruscant? " I asked.

" Not much, but continue " He said.

" You see, at that time Palpatine was not yet a chancellor, and he joined in as senate representative. " I said, pausing.

" And? " He asked.

" So you remember how you felt when around invisible DTs? " I asked.

" Yes, I still can't feel them correctly enough. But feeling if emptiness is there " He replied.

" You see, at that time Yoda and Windu both looked at them in invisibility from time to time. " I continued.

" So? " He asked, interrupting me.

" Palpatine looked at them too. At that time. " I said, looking at his eyes.

" Impossible, it must be a mistake! He is not a Jedi!" Qui-gon replied surprised.

" Yes, he isn't. But he might be Force sensitive, or worse. " I said.

" What worse?" He asked, feeling like he knew the answer.

" Or he might be a Sith " I said.

" It is impossible. We would be able to feel it." He replied.

" And he is such a hood man, he can't be a Sith.

" He must be missed or late blooming force sensitive." Qui-gon tried to answer.

" well, that is not all." I said.

" What is it. Speak already, don't walk around too much" He said, disturbed by my visit.

" Well, if I would've just said it without explaining, you wouldn't even think about it. So, I will go in roundabout ways and explain in details. " I said.

" ... Fine. go on... " He said, getting himself a glass of water.

" After situation on the ship, I was suspicious and sent people to monitor and research him. " I said.

" What? you spied on him? " He asked, surprised.

" No, I just was feeling that he is strange. " I continued, stopping him from interrupting me again.

" After couple of weeks, our DTs understood that he is not as simply as he looks from first glance. He could feel them from pretty far, further then trained jedi. He felt their existence up to fifty meters, compared to ten of a simple Jedi. " I continued, making Qui-gon shut up and become more serious.

" And no untrained force user could've done the same. Even Anakin, who was extremely talented. " I continued.

" After confirming that he is hiding his powers, we began looking in to everything he was doing. Bribes, influencing other senators, and much much more. " I continued.

" We couldn't confirm if he is Sith or Jedi, or anyone else, but we know for sure that he is strong force user and have fast growing control over senate. " I said, placing my head on to the hand, to look casual.

" We should report it. Do you have any evidence? " He asked.

" Not yet, but soon we will try to get them " I replied.

" Ugh, then you better find them, or I will not believe you. Especially against the chancellor." He said, now angrier then before.

" I just wanted to warn you. Fine, I will bring you proof at some point " I replied.

After this, we talked about other stuff, about how tired Qui-gon is, about a visit from main temple and much more.

As I went away, I decided that I should hurry up with looking into Palpatine's business.

Especially after today. After I finally connected the dots. Palpatine is future emperor. And I now know why I thought that I heard his name before.

Fuck. I better get back into the world and stop relaxing. I might've brought troubles to us by capturing Maul and other Siths.

The good thing, was that they were placed onto the planet that is far away from any other advanced planet.

And as they were in stasis most of the time, They couldn't escape.

As it was morning, and there were a lot of time until council will begin their weekly meeting, I decided to visit Smith's as they were responsible for anchors and they should know about increase in numbers of new citizens.

When I came into the Rakata's warp gate, I warped back on earth and decided to visit Main Forge, where Karax was working with others on some new things, that might make collecting new jedi easier.

" Welcome, An Ton, what brings you here? " Receptionist asked me.

" I came to meet the Karax and other Smiths." I said.

Receptionist connected to Smiths and said to wait at the meeting room, as they would arrive soon, after finishing something. It would take around ten minutes.

As I was not in a hurry, I decided to read newspaper that was shown on the screen placed all across the walls.

From this newspaper, I found out that new town was made on to the opposite side of the Earth.

Also, it seems that Protoss began copying global newspaper and tried making some news about celebrities.

It was awkward. But well, who knows what will happen in the future.

As I read it, Smiths arrived.

" Hi. " I said to Karax, who entered first.

" Hello, so what brings you here Executor? Did something happen? " He asked, worrying too much about me coming in.

" Nothing really, I wanted to know what was happening in the last few months, especially considering repopulation and amassing spaceships. " I said, sitting down on to the couch.

" Oh, it is easy. As we increased the quantity of anchors produced by using some nexus parts and some of our own, in last few months around sixty million new protoss came in. " He replied, washing his hands using cloth, as he was taken right out of project.

" As for spaceships, Xarax takes care of it, and from what i know our army began using some kind of new material, as it was much more common, and could be mixed into pretty good alloys. " Karax said, providing time for Xarax to continue.

" Yes, we began trading with other planets, mostly for different materials. Although we now have knowledge of most of them, from collecting information, but by testing some of them with our technology, we found many new uses even for the cheapest of materials. " Xarax said.

" This universe lack the knowledge of refining, combining and modifying material, so we found that many of their materials, under our refining, becomes much better. So we are using materials that are cheap and very good for space travel. " He finished.

" I see. any problems with anything? " I asked, Hoping to not hear anything and finish our conversation, as I didn't want to distract them too much.

"Well, with every new anchor, all less and less protoss are being warped. We suspect that in around two or three years, all the available protoss would be anchored, and our numbers wouldn't be very big. " He said.

" I see, so we should think about increasing numbers in a natural way? " I asked.

" Seems so, but many protoss might not like it, as we are not known for being very good at increasing our numbers, and giving birth just to increase numbers, might create some problems " He said, massaging his face.

" I see, so, in three years growth of population would stop huh. I see, I hope it will work out. " I replied.

" Yes, me too. Also, it seems that some people who we trade with, began being interested in our technology, and tried to bribe our people. " He said.

" Well, it was expected. Anything else? " I asked.

" Yes, there is one more thing. We had a couple of reports saying that someone tried to look for Siths, and we will need to increase protection of the research center. As our ship were attacked too, for the same reason. " He said.

" And how do you know that ships were attacked for these reasons? " I asked.

" Well, while patrolling or searching for new Force sensitive kids, our ships met pretty big group of ships that captured them, but didn't know about Khala, or ability to warp before death." He said.

" I see, that is concerning. " I said.

" Yes, that is all that comes to my mind. " Karax said.

" Thank you, I now have a lot to think about " I said, and left the forge.

I think that I should abuse information about the Palpatine.

Should I talk to him? I don't see any reason of becoming his enemy.

And getting such a influential person as a friend looks pretty good.

I don't think that he would decline a friendship with us

But I should be careful, I don't really know if it is good idea, but I should not remove such a possibility.

Well, for now I better get more information from Fenix an Council. It was time for their meeting, hmm.

Let's warp in the room, Don't really want to walk, and on Earth, covered in to energy field, I can warp from anywhere easily.

* Whooshnn*

Well. I'm there and now everyone is looking at me surprised at my arrival.

" Well, hello. haha. I decided to visit this time" I said awkwardly, as I was rarely involved in their work, especially as I was not really good at it.

" You are always welcome, here sit " Fenix said, pointing at the empty chair.

" Thank you. " I replied, and sat down.

" So, what brings you here today? Did you need anything? " Rohana, appointed as Government advisor, asked me.

" Well, I just wanted to know what is new, and I was worried about Palpatine, as it seems that my travel brought troubles to us." I replied.

" Oh, and I wanted to know the progress of research of Sith, and Jedi's blood. Anything useful? " I finished.

" First of all, we already established full control over space around Rakata, making it impossible for even small ships to fly unnoticed. " One person from council began answering.

" Also, we resumed producing spaceships as now we have more hands and new resources. Currently we have around a thousand classic Carriers, filled with hundred semi-AI controlled interceptors each, hundred medium sized carriers, filled with five hundred interceptors each, tens of thousands of light ships including scouts, phoenixes, and many others." He said, continuing describing the whole army. It is big. really big.

I think so.

" In the last few months, we started five new main trading routes, mainly buying materials and selling food, protection services, and some low quality refined materials, that are much worse then ours, but better then almost anything they have. To our knowledge. " Said another man.

" Development of Rakata is going well, we built many buildings and now there are almost no old broken buildings out there. New protoss helped in many things especially coordinating probes in their job. New probe factories helped a lot, even though protoss were still needed in making orders, plans, schematics, and many more " Another one said.

" Native citizens of Rakata were moved into. new buildings and even homeless were provided with homes, and some opportunities for work. Surprisingly, a lot of people began working outside the cities and helped in construction of new food producing facilities, at least tried to. Probes were better at it, so they were given a job of selling food, or distributing to the ones who have no money." He continued.

" As we never really cared about food or money before, we left this business mainly under natives, obviously under strict supervision." He finished, as other one continued.

" Cities that were rebuilt, were replanned leaving historical places in their places. Almost all the places that were providing illegal things or services were removed, or legalized by making them follow strict rules and placed under constant supervision."

" Heavy addictive things were forbidden or highly regulated. Any criminal was placed into stasis until their fate was decided " He finished.

"As for Siths, they were placed on three different masses of land. One facility is on the planet, under the surface, without direct access to it. Only accessible by using warp." Fenix said.

" Another facility is placed on one of the moons, obviously under the surface and anything that could be seen is hidden by invisibility. Third facility is on one of the biggest Asteroids in one of the asteroid Fields, hidden completely by invisibility and protected by multiple stations around it, placed on other asteroids. " Fenix continued.

" Do you need their coordinates? " He asked.

" Not really, but I would prefer of you send their coordinates to me using system, so it would not be accessible by my mistake in any way." I replied.

" Understood, will send you after this meeting. " Fenix finished.

" And about Palpatine, we sent a lot of forces to investigate everything about him, but it is extremely hard, as it's like he can feel any of our tries and makes it hard for us to get needed information with proofs, as we found out that any try to record Siths is felt by them. They somehow can feel it, and it makes it harder. " Fenix said.

" I see, so it is still hard to get any proof? No way to record using observers? " I asked.

" No, he never does anything shady outside. And If he ever moves outside, while using Sith identity, His face and body are always hidden." He finished.

" I see, any big troubles so far? concerning anything? " I asked last question.

" Not really, at least nothing major yet" Rohana said.

As I found out everything that I wanted, I just listened a little bit to their talk, and left when it got to the point where they talked about remaking sewers.

While everything looks alright, for now, I couldn't guarantee that it would be like that for long, especially knowing that at some point, protoss would attract too much attention to themselves.

I had nothing to worry about myself, my Probe's body can't be damaged by light sabers, by extremely powerful guns, and even could not be deconstructed.

The worst thing that's could happen, is being captured and locked in a way where I wouldn't be able to use manipulators to set myself free.

And it is hardly possible. The only materials that could do it, used in Me, Nexus, or were used by mandalorians in their fights against Jedi.

Also, It might be hard to get out if they use magnets to keep everything out of my manipulator's range and keep me incased inside the shield, or I would just fly out...

And it is hardly possible, as they wouldn't know about it, and I still would be able to get out, at some point.

As i walked back home, I was not in a mood to play or read, so I just sat down on to the bed, and began thinking about my future actions.

First of all, I need to reinforce my exoskeleton, and install artificial muscles, that would resemble muscle's structure, but would be made out of very strong materials.

From tests, I found out that My current exoskeleton have some problems, one of them being too clean movements, always the same.

And smoothness of movement is lacking, making me move too suddenly.

As for durability, current bones were made out of shield sticks, and couldn't be penetrated by light saber, but 'muscles' and skin would be cut through like a butter.

So, I decided to change my muscles to better and more realistic, and change skin to much more durable, so it would be able to hold light saber for some time.

As creating it will take time, with my current lowered income, as I spent all my collected minerals on increasing my capabilities. On muscles, and obviously on my inner structure, that was needed to create normal digestive system and for the future feeling of taste.

For now, I would collect resources and wait for the future. ( And play games xD )


WELCOME my first very important supporter!

[Grey Knight]!! THANK YOU!!


``` Author's note ```

`` 55 +- words ``

` 3416+- words in chapter `

Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

I didn't want to release until Grey Knight became my first supporter, so I decided to release it.

I am grateful, but I am in a bad mood, so something might be wrong with chapter ;)

pa treon.com/Muraveyy

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