
Luxurious Restaurant


A moment later, Lion and his entourage arrived at one of the restaurants in Gangnam.

Because the restaurant owners know Lion, they also provide super good service for Lion and his guests, by providing the most spacious and nice VVIP room, even the room offers a view of cherry blossoms and beautiful gardens that are created by the restaurant owner's work and are very suitable for Faeza.

"Your room is ready sir," said the waiter. Lion nodded and immediately brought David and Mila into the room.

"Is Nana arrived?" Asked Mila when they were sitting.

"She's almost there," Lion answered checking his cellphone.

After hearing Lion's words, Mila felt calm and soon after that she opened the ice cream that had been provided for Faeza.

Outside Khay's car restaurant parked in the restaurant's parking lot, soon after that Nana and Khay got out of the car.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Khay asked watching the restaurant.

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