
Come Back to Me.

Change of P.O.V: Judy:

The way back to my house was quiet, me and Sam sit in the cab and didn't say anything.

I stole glances at her a few times but I saw that she was just keeping her head lowered, she didn't say anything and just sit in silence.

Her phone did ring a few times but she ignored that too, I had no idea what was going through her mind, I knew that I was way too rush, I shouldn't have done that.

Now I was on pins and needles waiting for how she will react.

Back then, after I calmed down and the heat left me, panic kicked in.

I knew that most abuse victims wouldn't be clear about what's really happening around them... What was really happening 'to them', I was just too afraid that Sam would turn around and ask me why did I do that, why did I interfere, the last thing I wanted to go through was her getting in a fight with me just because I wanted to help, especially then, after all that time and with how far we had come.

The taxi soon stopped, I paid the driver and went inside with Sam following after me.

Opening the door, I stepped aside and let Sam enter before closing it.

Again we fell into an awkward silence.

"... Judy..." After a long while Sam finally spoke.

Hearing her voice my heart skipped a beat and I froze, I didn't know what she was going to say and I was afraid that it might be something that was going to destroy our whole friendship.

Even though I didn't answer، it seemed that Sam knew I was listening because she continued:

"... I'm... I'm sorry for making you go through that... I am, but... But you should know that Brittney isn't bad... She... She just has a short temper... That's all..."

It was as if I was stroke by lighting, my heart twisted and I almost couldn't stop my tears, I couldn't understand how the first thing she said after all of that was an apology, an apology to me, and it was in defence of Brittney.

"... She probably..." Sam was still going but I couldn't take it anymore, so I moved towards her and hugged her, stopping whatever she was going to say.

Sam's body shook when I held her, but she didn't struggle, we just stood there in silence hugging each other, a few seconds later, I felt her sob silently.

I didn't say anything just staying like that, a bit later she calmed down and I released her, I looked at her and said:

"Let's not talk about her... How are you?"

"I'm fine, just a bit down..." As she was talking, her phone rang, interrupting her.

She took it out and looked at it, even without her telling me I knew who it was, she had been calling non-stop ever since we got in the cab.

"... I'll answer it..." Saying that with a smile, Sam left my house.

I lifted my hand trying to stop her, but I couldn't, I felt that if I did I will only make the matter worst for me, so I watched her leave.


Third-person P.O.V:

"Sam, oh God, you finally answered, sob... Sob... I'm really sorry for what I did... Yo... You know how I get when I become jealous... Sob... But That's only because I love you... You under... Sniff... Understand that right...? I really love you... Please come back... Where are you?" As soon as she accepted the call the first thing Sam heard was Brittney's crying voice.

She sounded so sad and seemed as if she regretted what she did, her voice was breaking and she was crying so hard.

Sam didn't know what to say, she just stood there holding the phone and not knowing what to do.

"Sam?... You can hear me right?... Please answer me... I did make a mistake... But... But you also did... Who's that girl, she hit me... Sob... You saw that right? She hit me... Come back Sam... Don't tell me that you're staying in her house? I'm your girlfriend... Sob... You... You said you would never cheat on me or hurt me... Now, what are you doing? Come back... I need you... I LOVE YOU..."

With quivering lips Sam held the phone tightly as she answered:

"... O... Ok... I will come back..."

Hearing Brittney crying and begging she couldn't take it... Brittney loved her... That she could see... Even though she had a bad temper and she would act up from time to time... She was sure that Brittney loved her...

"Sam thanks God... Please come back to me... Sob... It won't happen again, please come... I'm sorry, really really sorry." As soon as she heard Sam's voice, Brittney started crying and apologising even more.

After a while Sam finally returned to Judy's apartment, she saw Judy standing there, in the same place she was standing in before she left, waiting for her.

"Thanks, Judy... For what you did... I... I have to go..." She said with a lowered head.

Judy clenched her hand and wanted to shout at her, telling just what was she returning for, but she knew she shouldn't, most victims of abuse wouldn't cut contact with their abuser just in one go, they would return to them sometimes after the abuser tell them that they had changed that it would never happen again, that it was just that time...

She knew it was going to be a hard thing to separate Sam from Brittney, but she wasn't going to give up, she was going to do it.

So she went to Sam, held her hands and said:

"You still have my phone number, right?"

She had given her phone number to Sam a long time ago, but Sam didn't give her hers, she just gave a bunch of random excuses and didn't give it to her, Judy felt that the real reason was that Brittney didn't like her being called so she didn't concentrate on that.

She even saw that Sam didn't save her phone number but instead memorized it.

"... Yeah... I still remember it..." Sam nodded.

"Than call me whenever you need to, I don't care if it's day or night, raining or snowing, you just have to call me whenever something's not right, alright? And give me your address, I'll be there as soon as possible... Remember, call me." She stressed the last few words.

Sam hesitated for a bit before nodding and giving her her address.

After that, she left after hugging Judy for one last time.

Seeing the small figure leaving, Judy took a deep breath before sighing...

Hey everyone, today's chapter, hope you liked it.

also for those who don't, Alex 'Sam's first shifttmate' is also a part of another girls love novel, it is 'Love Unfolding' by viLelouch, a great story, take a look at it.

she will be appearing in both novels,

any that's it for today, and see ya~~~~

Yeahitsmesowhatcreators' thoughts
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