
Complete Once More

A/N: I am going full AU. Fuck canon. Also; at the start of this work, I made it clear that the MC will be OP. This volume is when that will finally be shown. Not only that, but there will be a glimpse of the actual scale of the Playground + Power system.


Being back in the game after an entire day out of it feels odd. But, now that I am here, I immediately choose to check profiles to see what exactly had changed.

{Profiles – ERROR}

Well, shit. That doesn't sound good. I take this moment to see which appearance I currently have, only to realize that it's the one with flesh and blood.

'Nora, can you change me back into the skeletal form?'


Oh well, it was a nice run while it lasted. It's not like I am apprehensive about beating the 'NPCs' in Nazarick, but it might pose an issue if they were to see me in this form. Regardless of that, if it has come to this, then I will work with it.

In conclusion, it's time to bullshit my way out of imminent troubles. At least, I am alone in the throne room for the moment, so I have some time to myself to think.

Now then, what should I do from here on out? I have obtained some useful information about the kingdom this place falls in. Should I take the most direct approach of taking over the kingdom? But to do that, I would require quite a bit of manpower if I wish to manage the kingdom myself.

For that reason, I am considering doing something else. For instance, I can assume the role of a blackmailer who rules the kingdom from the background through means of manipulation performed on those in positions of power.

[This won't do.]

What the fuck!? A voice just resounded within my head. It was unlike anything I've experienced before. The best way to describe it would be a voice bursting with power. Worst part is that I can't even figure out the gender of the source of the voice.

'Who are you?' I mentally voice, hoping that they can hear me.

[I sent you my regards quite recently, didn't I?]

Recently… wait. Could it be that they are the one that tampered with the system? Well, fuck. Apparently, whoever it is that has that absurd… ability can enter the 'game' as well.

[Your passive state is displeasing. You require a push.]

'Passive? Me? Who the hell are you anyway?'

I try to sense around for any presences, only to find nothing. I try to contact Nora, but she doesn't respond. Oddly enough, despite all this, I don't have any 'gut feeling' of anything bad happening.

 [Your usage of the system is wrong. The system is a tool. Use it as one.]

'How am I supposed to do that?' Playing along with them is the best choice I have right now. For all I know, I might benefit from this in the end... hopefully.

[Here, a little help.]

With that said, the space in front of the throne distorts before a young woman appears. She has a stunning appearance to say the least. If Albedo is the most ravishing woman I have seen, then she could be considered to be the most gracefully picturesque.

She is quite tall and has long dark hair of a mellow yellow shade. Her hair contrasts the color of her eyes, which are a dark golden yellow. Atop her head is a light pink mob cap befitting the rest of her attire, which appears to be a pink and purple cultural uniform as far as my knowledge goes of the matter.

In her hands, she carries two objects. A frilly umbrella(?) of sorts in the right hand, and a fancy paper fan in the other. Both objects are of the same color palette as her clothes.

Her clothes aside, the woman herself has a beautiful oval-shaped face and a small nose. Beyond that, the has a curvaceous body with somewhat shapely breasts.

As I appreciate the sight in front of me, I feel a sudden sharp pain in my eyes before my vision shifts. The next thing I know, instead of looking at Nazarick's throne room and the woman, I am looking at a world of numbers and letters(?). This only lasts for a few seconds before my vision returns to normal.

"I see," The woman speaks, her voice bringing extreme comfort to me for some reason, "You've already awakened The Eyes."

That confirms it – She is most likely the one that tampered with the system's 'profile' module.

"Thank you?" I respond, not sure about what to exactly say.

"Save your gratitude for what comes next." She giggles gracefully. It's as if she's a noblewoman.

Anyway… What comes next?

The woman doesn't let me think of a response as she simply shuts the umbrella(?) before pointing the tip at me.

"Good luck." – Those are the last words I hear before my vision goes black.

----3rd POV----

Something is wrong – Albedo realized that as she made her way through Nazarick. She was sure of it.

[Message: Albedo-sama, there are signatures of divine energy spreading through the bottom of floors. It appears to be originating from the Throne Hall.]

At that, Albedo's movements came to a halt as she felt dread like never before. 'No… Lord Victor!'

Even though her actions would be contrasting to the order she had just received, Albedo's distress was overwhelming for her to ignore that.

She wasted no time in contacting the other Floor Guardians – telling them to be prepared for combat against potential intruders. Ones that have somehow managed to make their way to the Throne Hall.

As Albedo rushes to get there, she considers what means were available to reach the Throne Hall. Teleportation? Not only did none of the teleportation rings get one in there directly, but there were anti-teleportation wards on most of Nazarick's floors.

Not to mention the fact that several of the residents are sensitive to such spells and would immediately take action if needed.

And so, in a matter of less than half a minute, Albedo finds herself in front of the Throne Hall's giant doors. The doors are shut and there is no one nearby. What about the maid that just informed her of the divine energy – something that she was feeling right now, confirming the report to be true.

Albedo was now in a dilemma. She wasn't donned in her battle equipment. Yet, when she considered the notion of delaying her assistance in order to get equipped…

At this moment, Albedo sensed someone approaching with terrific speed – perhaps, one of the Floor Guardians? That much is what she guessed based on the aura they had. Most likely Shalltear.

Upon turning her head, she was stunned by the sight of a young girl with blond hair approaching with terrific haste.

Surprising her even further, the girl didn't stop as she directly launched some form of spell on the shut doors, opening them with a bang before she rushed inside.

Taking her sight off of the girl approaching the throne, she shifted her focus over to the throne itself. There, she saw her Lord Victor. He was standing there with a dazed look on his face. In front of him, she spotted a dangerous woman. Albedo's instincts were telling her that she was absolutely no match for her.

She hated that. Someone was attacking her master, yet she was cowering outside while watching it happen.

Not only that, but the vampire that her master had brought back with him didn't hesitate to rush in.

----1st POV----

A moment after my vision went dark, it returned much more brightly than ever before. Even my Code Effect: Divine Retribution wasn't as bright as whatever it is that's rendered me basically blind (again).

(A/N: Divine Retribution: Flash of light that 'punishes' those within a certain range based on the impurity of their souls.) (A/N 2: If you're worried about not remembering skill names and what they did: Don't be. Finish this chapter and you'll understand why).

My vision aside, I can't seem to feel the ground with my feet. So, I can only assume that I am floating based on the fact that there is no sense of falling.

"Took you long enough to get here." A voice reverberates all around me.

"Who?" I intone.

"I am you, and you are I. We are one and the same, yet completely different." I'd be damned, this 'other me' is being very mysterious and giving "I'm wisdom itself" vibes.

"You were expecting me." I state. It's not a question, but a declaration.


"But, where are 'we'?"

"Inside our Code."

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" I mean, the Arena is a thing, but this place in which I can't see anything? Just what did that woman do to me?

"All will be clear in due time. You are here for a reason. Our mission was to attain a state that was the perfect form between our Code and our Origin."

"I have no clue what you're talking about."

"Your humanity."

"Ah, that." Damn thing was listed in my status, but I never got a proper explanation for it. Not only that, but it has been fluctuating ever since I first set my eyes upon it. Last thing I recall was that my 'humanity' had risen when I 'took over' Itsuka Shido's existence. 

"So far, you have accomplished everything we set out to do. It's about time we moved on to the next phase."

"I sure hope it's not anything bad," I joke a bit nervously.

"Far from it. We are going to become one again." 'He' explains casually.

I don't know about that, chief. Doesn't sound like something that isn't "anything bad". Not like I have any choice in going through with it from what I can tell and feel.

"The very fact that you are currently not even bothering to resist is exactly why we require the second phase."

Well, I've got no response for that. Though… "What will happen to 'me' once we 'become one again'?"

"We will be one and superior."

Hm… I feel like punching 'myself' right about now.

"Now then, let's begin the awakening, shall we?" That was the last voice I heard before my vision cleared up and I spotted a black-haired version of my current self, only for my vision to black out once more.


{Proceeding with System Defragmentation. Confirm?}

{Lack of response deemed to be one of confirmation. Proceeding…}

{System Defragmented and absorbed.}

{Code Core: 3% >> 27%}

{Initiating Sub-System: Administrator.}

{Sub-System initiation complete.}

{All processes have been completed successfully.}



Seconds pass, minutes pass, hours pass… I am not sure any more. I can feel huge changes in my body, as well as hear a faint mechanical voice that most likely originates from my system.

Waves of emotions wash over me as I feel various types of energy inside my body clash together. At times, I feel great pain in one organ. At other times, I feel even greater pain in several organs.

I am reminded of the past. The very beginning where 'I' began my journey after awakening in a world that I knew nothing of. A past that I could barely remember. Those that I should've known.

Ah… I am complete. Finally. No longer is my subconscious separate. I am back to being myself. Back to being Verethragna. At the same time, I am Code: Exousia. The creator and destroyer. The hated one. My memories might still be incomplete, but my self is.

{ALERT: System has been defragmented and absorbed. Powers and sources have been merged into Code: Exousia.}

{Awakening complete succefully. Code Core: 27% >> 35%}


"Congratulations." A lovely voice greets my ears as I feel my senses return to 'normal' back near the throne.

It takes a moment for my vision to readjust, allowing me to see properly. In front of me is the woman from earlier. Now, I can see beyond just her appearance.

"Yukari Yakumo," I say as I look her deep in the eyes, "Code: Terminus."

She only smiles – one that significantly compliments her beauty. But I cast that thought aside. After all, apart from her identity, I can also sense how much of a threat she poses toward me.

"If we were to duke it out right now, I would lose," I state, "so, seeing that you haven't attacked me yet, I can only assume that you desire something from me."

To that, Yukari simply giggles before she vanishes into thin air. "That is for much later, Dear."

With that said, I no longer sense her presence nearby. Not that I am confident in being able to do so anyway…

However, now that she is gone, I can notice other presences in the place. The closest one being an unconscious Aletia right beside the throne. Down the stairs, there is Albedo and Demiurge, both unconscious. The latter is in his monstrous true form.

Looks like while I was going through my 'awakening', some interesting incident had taken place. From what I can tell, the two Floor Guardians and Aletia had deemed Yukari to be a threat and confronted her. It's fortunate that Yukari is apparently easygoing and didn't outright slaughter them.

Now then, before I wake them up… I should properly check what has changed in regards to my Code and powers.


End Notes: Surprise! System is gone... ish. Anyway, as usual, there are lots of details behind it. But I can't just reveal it all in one go, can I?

P.S:- "MC is OP, should we nerf?" "Nah, we make him more OP." (While still keeping it reasonable smh.)

We FINALLY get to this part. Just for reference, Awakened Victor can one shot Pre-Awakening Victor.

Exalted_Felixcreators' thoughts
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