
vol 13 PT 1




Status Plates



Nagumo Hajime (?????) Strength 10950 > 12150

17 yo M Vitality 13190 > 14250

Transmuter (???) Resist 10670 > 11870

Lv ??? > ??? Agility 13450 > 14550

ch 25 > 122 Magic 14780 > 15980

Adventurer Rank: Gold Magic Resist 14780 > 15980


Hero of the series. Originally a gentle, quiet otaku boy, but

was labelled incompetant -> bullied -> fell into the abyss ->

left arm was eaten -> became OP -> mindset changed: now talks

with guns-first. Harem happened (though he treats Yue alone as

special). Seeks to conquer the Great Dungeons so he can return

home to Japan. (Author Note: stats are temporary, don't worry

too much about it)


?? Transmutation

[+?????] + Mineral Appraisal

[+????] + Precision Transmutation

[+?????] + Mineral Enquiry

[+????] + Mineral Separation

[+????] + Mineral Fusion

[+????] + Replication Transmutation

[+????] + Compression Transmutation

[+????] + High-speed Transmutation

[+????] + Automatic Transmutation

[+?????????] + Image Reinforcement Power Increase

[+??????] + Magic Consumption Reduction

[+????] + Mineral Decomposition

???? Magic Manipulation

[+????] + Magic Emission

[+????] + Magic Compression

[+????] + Remote Control

???? Stomach Acid Strengthening (Iron Stomach)

?? Lightning Armor (Lightning Clad)

[+???] + Lightning Resistance

[+????] + Output Increase

?? Sky Walk (Divine Step)

[+??] + Void Grip (Air Walk/Aerodynamic)

[+??] + Shukuchi (Instant Movement/Flicker/Ground Shrink)

[+??] + Grand Legs

[+??] + Lightspeed

?? Wind Claw (Air Claw)

[+??] + Triple Claws

[+??] + Flying Claws

?? Night Vision

?? Far Vision

???? Perception

[+????] + Specific Perception

???? Magic Perception

[+????] + Specific Perception

???? Heat Perception

[+????] + Specific Perception

???? Hide Presence (Sign Interception)

[+??] + Phantom Dance (Phantom Step)

??? Poison Resistance

???? Paralysis Resistance

???? Petrification Resistance

???? Panic Resistance

????? All Elements Resistance

?? Foresight

?? Vajra (Indestructible)

[+????] + Specific Reinforcement

[+????] + Concentrated Reinforcement

[+????] + Grant Reinforcement

?? Grand Arm

?? Coercion (Pressure/Intimidation)

?? Telepathy

?? Tracking

?????? High-speed Magic Recovery

[+????] + Mana Focusing

???? Magic Conversion

[+????] + Vitality Conversion

[+?????] + Healing Conversion

[+????] + Impact Conversion

???? Limit Break (x3 all stats buff)

???? Creation Magic

???? Gravity Magic

???? Space Magic

???? Regeneration Magic

???? Spirit Magic

???? Language Comprehension


* Weapon names (German/German pronounciation):

????·????? Donner & Schlag ("Thunder & Shock"), (rail)revolvers

?????? Schlagen ("Knockout"), anti-materiel (rail)rifle

????? Metzelei ("Slaughter"), gatling (rail)gun

???? Orkan ("Hurricane"), rocket & missile launcher

?????? Hyperion ("Sun God"), laser satellite

????? Ferner ("Further"), airship

* Automatic Transmutation:

Automatically transmutes materials in a magic formation until

the magic in the formation is exhausted.

* Mineral Decomposition:

By carefully permeating magic, mineral bonds can be unbound.

It's possible to decompose up to the smallest unit, but is

time consuming. Unusable in combat. Skill used to process

sand-like minerals.

* Triple Claws:

Whereas the old bear claw would fire one, this fires three

identical wind blades.

* Flying Claws:

Wind blades now fly.



Yue Strength 120 > 220

323 yo F Vitality 300 > 450

Sorceress (??) Resist 60 > 100

Lv 75 > 82 Agility 120 > 220

ch 67 > 122 Magic 6980 > 9180

Adventurer Rank: Gold Magic Resist 7120 > 9320


Main heroine of the series. Imprisoned in the abyss, was saved

by Hajime. Most skilled magic user in this world. Also Hajime's

most skilled ero-opponent. For the time being, classed as a

Kuudere. Kuudere + bewitching + vampire princess + loli



???? Auto Regeneration

[+????] + Pain Control

[+????] + Regeneration Control

????? All Elements Aptitude

???? Compound Magic

???? Magic Manipulation

[+????] + Magic Emission

[+????] + Magic Compression

[+????] + Remote Control

[+????] + Increased Efficiency

[+????] + Mana Absorption

[+????] + Body Strengthening

???? Imagination Composition

[+?????????] + Image Reinforcement Power Up

[+??????] + Multiple Simultaneous Composition

[+????] + Delayed Invocation

???? Blood Conversion

[+????] + Body Strengthening

[+????] + Magic Conversion

[+????] + Vitality Conversion

[+??? ?] + Blood Oath Contract

?????? High-speed Magic Recovery

???? Creation Magic

???? Gravity Magic

???? Space Magic

???? Regeneration Magic

???? Spirit Magic


* Blood Oath Contract: (ch.67)

Drastic efficiency increase when blood is drained from a

contracted person (ie: Hajime).

* Imagination Composition: (ch.67)

Magic formations can be completed with only a mental image

(ie: chantless/formationless magic).

* Regeneration Control:

Can freely control regeneration ability.



Shia Houria Strength 60 > 100

16 yo F Vitality 80 > 120

Diviner (???) Resist 60 > 100

Lv 40 > 48 Agility 85 > 130

ch 67 > 122 Magic 3020 > 3800

Adventurer Rank: Gold Magic Resist 3180 > 4000


Heroine. Bunny Girl. Perky, energetic, frivolous. But has

recently turned into a splendid person. Demi-humans are unable

to use magic, but Shia is able to directly manipulate magic

despite that. Has no magical aptitude, but can use body

strengthening to a degree that makes her a bugged character.

Disappointing beauty + rabbit + desu + naive attributes.


??? Future Sight

[+????] + Automatic Invocation

[+????] + Future Prediction

[+???] + Divine Revelation Sight

???? Magic Manipulation

[+????] + Body Strengthening

[+????] + Specific Strengthening

[+???????] + Conversion Efficiency Up III

[+????] + Concentration Strengthening

???? Gravity Magic

???? Space Magic

???? Regeneration Magic

???? Spirit Magic


* Weapon names (German/German pronounciation):

?????? Drücken ("Press"), sledgehammer + shotgun

* Divine Revelation Sight:

Can glimpse a few seconds ahead into the future. Unlike

Future Prediction it doesn't consume magic so it can be

continuously active.

* Conversion Efficiency Up III:

Converts magic to physical stats (Str/Vit/Res/Agi) at a

1:3 ratio (ie: 3800 = +11400).



Tio Kurarusu Strength 770 > 880 [+Dragon Form 4620 > 8800]

563 yo F Vitality 1100 > 1250 [+Dragon Form 6600 > 12500]

Guardian (???) Resist 1100 > 1250 [+Dragon Form 6600 > 12500]

Lv 89 > 93 Agility 580 > 700 [+Dragon Form 3480 > 7000]

ch 67 > 122 Magic 4590 > 4990

Adventurer Rank: Gold Magic Resist 4220 > 4620


Pervert. Hajime opened a new door for her when he used his

Pile Bunker on her weak spot. A prudent, intellectual, mature

spirit… or should have been. Heroine. no ja + kimono +

watermelons + shapeshifter attributes.


?? Dragon Form

[+????] + Dragonscale Hardening

[+??????] + Magic Efficiency Up

[+???????] + Body Ability Up II

[+??] + Roar

[+??] + Wind Armor (Wind Clad)

[+?????] + Pain Control II

???? Magic Manipulation

[+????] + Magic Emission

[+????] + Magic Compression

[+????] + Remote Control

????? Fire Element Aptitude

[+??????] + Mana Consumption Reduction

[+????] + Effect Up

[+??????] + Duration Up

????? Wind Element Aptitude

[+??????] + Mana Consumption Reduction

[+????] + Effect Up

[+??????] + Duration Up

[+???] + Lightning Element

???? Compound Magic

???? Regeneration Magic

???? Spirit Magic


* Dragonscale Hardening: (ch.67)

Hardness can be increased by expending magic. Can also increase

Dragon Form's base stats and resistances.

* Pain Control II:

High level ability to freely convert pain into energy,

increasing all stats. In addition it is possible to store the

converted energy. However the energy can only be stored when

still feeling lingering pain.

* Lightning Element:

Lightning magic is classified as higher ranked wind magic, this

allows lightning magic to be used at the same level as wind




Shirasaki Kaori (????) Strength 280 > 1200

17 yo F Vitality 460 > 1200

Healer (???) Resist 360 > 1200

Lv 72 > 10 Agility 380 > 1200

ch 71 > 122 Magic 1380 > 1200

Magic Resist 1380 > 1200


Heroine. An unfortunate, regular schoolgirl that had her love

interest, Hajime, stolen from her… or so it seems. Feelings

of love for Hajime sprouted during her second year of middle

school. Became consciously aware of her feelings after Hajime

fell into the abyss. When they reunited, forcibly joined the

party when she became aware of Yue stealing Hajime away.

Currently possessing the body of the Apostle of God, Nointo.

Classmate + airhead + Stand (JoJo reference to her Hannya mask)

+ pitiable attributes.


???? Recovery Magic

[+??????] + Effect Up

[+??????] + Recovery Speed Up

[+?????????] + Image Reinforcement Power Up

[+????] + Osmosis Penetration [?]

[+????????] + Effect Range Up

[+????????] + Remote Recovery Effect Up

[+???? ??????] + Abnormal Status Recovery Effect Up

[+??????] + Magic Consuption Down

[+??????] + Magic Efficiency Up

[+????] + Consecutive Invocation

[+??????] + Multiple Invocation

[+????] + Delayed Invocation

[+????] + Addition Invocation

????? Light Element Aptitude

[+??????] + Movement Speed Up

[+????] + Effect Up

[+??????] + Duration Up

[+????] + Consecutive Invocation

[+??????] + Multiple Invocation

[+????] + Delayed Invocation

?????? High-speed Magic Recovery

[+??] + Meditation

???? Regeneration Magic

???? Spirit Magic

???? Language Comprehension

???? Greatsword Dual-wielding Proficiency

???? Disintegration Ability (Decomposition Ability)

????? All Elements Aptitude

???? Compound Magic


* The broken greatswords and wargear were replaced by Hajime.

* Nointo's enchantment, infinite magic supply and pseudo-Limit

Break are disabled.

* Original Apostle's stats are all 12000. Kaori doesn't have

full control of the body yet.



Amanokawa Kouki * Strength 880 > 1020

17 yo M Vitality 880 > 1020

Hero (??) Resist 880 > 1020

Lv 72 > 83 Agility 880 > 1020

ch 71 > 122 Magic 880 > 1020

Magic Resist 880 > 1020


(*?????) Hero (lol). A bundle of good and justice. However

since he never thinks he's wrong, he has a bad habit of

interpreting adverse situations to his own convenience. Kaori,

Shizuku and Ryutaro are childhood friends.


????? All Elements Aptitude

[+???????] + Light Element Effect Up

[+??????] + Movement Speed Up

????? All Elements Resistance

[+???????] + Light Element Effect Up

???? Physical Resistance

[+?????] + Recovery Power Up

[+????] + Impact Allevation

???? Compound Magic

?? Sword Proficiency

[+????] + Clear Mind

?? Herculean Strength

?? Shukuchi (Instant Movement/Flicker/Ground Shrink)

[+???] + Explosive Shukuchi

?? Foresight

?????? High-speed Magic Recovery

???? Perception

???? Magic Perception

???? Limit Break (x3 all stats buff)

[+??] + Supreme Destruction (x5 all stats buff)

???? Language Comprehension



Yaegashi Shizuku * Strength 450 > 650

17 yo F Vitality 560 > 760

Swordswoman (??) Resist 320 > 520

Lv 72 > 83 Agility 1110 > 1480

ch 71 > 122 Magic 380 > 580

Magic Resist 380 > 580


(*????) I wonder if she's a heroine… Best friend of Kaori.

Kouki and Ryutaro's childhood friend. Her home is a kendo dojo.

Primary feature of this dignified girl is her ponytail. Has an

excellent grasp of human subtleties and relationships, her

innate personality won't let her ignore trouble around her

giving her a lot of hardships [?]. Recently though she's been

depending too much on someone else…


?? Sword Skill

[+??????] + Slashing Speed Up

[+??????] + Drawing Sword Velocity Up

[+???] + Mubyoushi

?? Shukuchi (Instant Movement/Flicker/Ground Shrink)

[+???] + Explosive Shukuchi

[+???] + Heavy Shukuchi [?]

[+??] + Seismic Leg

[+???] + Mubyoushi

?? Foresight

[+??] + Projection

???? Perception

?? Hidden Action

[+??] + Phantom Strike

???? Language Comprehension



Sakagami Ryuutarou * Strength 820 > 980

17 yo M Vitality 820 > 980

Brawler (??) Resist 680 > 790

Lv 72 > 83 Agility 550 > 650

ch 71 > 122 Magic 280 > 350

Magic Resist 280 > 350


(*?????) Muscle brain.


??? Martial Arts

[+????] + Body Strengthening

[+????] + Specific Strengthening

[+????] + Concentrated Strengthening

[+????] + Penetration Destruction

?? Shukuchi (Instant Movement/Flicker/Ground Shrink)

[+???] + Explosive Shukuchi

???? Physical Resistance

[+??] + Vajra (Indestructible)

????? All Elements Resistance

???? Language Comprehension



Taniguchi Suzu (???) Strength 350

17 yo F Vitality 450

Barrier Mage (???) Resist 450

Lv 83 Agility 380

ch 122 Magic 820

Magic Resist 580


Chimikko. Mood maker of the class. Unsung hero of the Hero

party. A dirty old man at heart.


????? Barrier Magic Aptitude

[+??????] + Mana Efficiency Up

[+??????] + High-speed Invocation Up

[+????] + Remote Control

[+????] + Continuous Activation

????? Light Element Aptitude

[+??????] + Barrier Aptitude Link

???? Language Comprehension



Supporting Characters


Myu 4 yo F

Little girl of the Sea-race. Was saved by Hajime from an underground Führen slave auction.

Her father died before she was born, so she comes to love the strong and kind Hajime as her

new father. She's so important to him that Hajime made a new oath. She likes ending her

sentences in "nano". With the exception of Yue, she is the only person Hajime is completely

weak against.

Remia 24 yo F

Myu's mother. A gentle beauty. An undine widow whose soothes people with her "ara ara, ufufu".

Hajime often cannot tell whether she is serious or joking. Restrains Hajime's party with her

mature woman charm.



Hatayama Aiko (????) 25 yo F, Farmer (???)

Social Studies teacher. Has a reverse harem of Temple Knights (though her head is full of

concern for her students so she doesn't notice).

Nakamura Eri (????) 17 yo F, Necromancer (????)

Betrayed her classmates to the demons. Used her original darkness magic "Soul Bind" to

manipulate countless numbers of dead puppet soldiers. Valuable Bokummusume [?].

Nagayama Jugo (???) 17 yo M, Heavy Brawler (????)

Frontline party leader. Old man face.

Nomura Kentaro (?????) 17 yo M, Earth Mage (???)

Nagayama party member. Best friends with Nagayama and Endo. Likes Ayako Tsuji.

Endo Kosuke (????) 17 yo M, Assassin (???)

Nagayama party member. Has an extremely weak presence. Isn't noticed by labyrinth monsters

or automatic doors.

Tsuji Ayako (???) 17 yo F, Healer (???)

Nagayama party member. Same class as Kaori, her healing skills are a bit more complex though.

Yoshino Mao (????) 17 yo F, Enchanter (????)

Nagayama party member. Unsung hero of the party.

Hiyama Daisuke (????) 17 yo M, Light Warrior (???)

Leader of the bullies harassing Hajime. Perpetrator who dropped him into the abyss. Blackmailed

by Eri in the beginning, but later killed many of the country's knights and soldiers of his own

volition in order to obtain Kaori. He met a gruesome end when Hajime fed him alive to some

monsters after finally going to town on him.

Nakano Shinji (????) 17 yo M, Water Mage (???)

Hiyama gang member.

Saito Yoshiki (????) 17 yo M, Wind Mage (???)

Hiyama gang member.

Kondo Reiichi (????) 17 yo M, Spear Warrior (???)

Hiyama gang member. Became prey to Eri's Soul Bind.

Aikawa Noboru (???) 17 yo M, –

Ai-chan bodyguard member.

Kawahara Akira (???) 17 yo M, –

Ai-chan bodyguard member.

Tamai Atsushi (???) 17 yo M, –

Ai-chan bodyguard member.

Sugawara Taeko (????) 17 yo F, –

Ai-chan bodyguard member.

Miyazaki Nana (????) 17 yo F, –

Ai-chan bodyguard member.

Sonobe Yuka (????) 17 yo F, –

Ai-chan bodyguard member.

Shimizu Yukitoshi (????) 17 yo M, Dark Mage (???)

Raised an army of monsters to distinguish himself in this new world. As a result he was

left on the verge of death after a demon's suprise attack, after which Hajime terminated him.


Heilig Kingdom

Elhild = S = B = Heilig

King. Killed by Eri during the Imperial City invasion.

Luluaria = S = B = Heilig

Queen. Rarely appears, but assists in the background. Has an equally weak presence like a

certain someone [?].

Randell = S = B = Heilig

Prince. 10 yo. Handsome youth with blonde hair and blue eyes. Was infatuated with Kaori, but

gave up after meeting Hajime. Currently heartbroken from losing his first love.

Liliana = S = B = Heilig

Princess. 14 yo. Talented and enormously popular within the kingdom. Has been harbouring

feelings of love ever since she was saved by Hajime, however his treatment of her hasn't

changed so recently she's a rather pitiable character.

Meld = Loggins

Knight team captain. Died by Eri's hands. Most unfortunate death.

Jose = Rancaid

Knight vice-captain of the same team. Likewise killed by Eri.

Alan = Smith

Knight background character, regularly appears [?]. Also dead.

Kuzeri = Rail

New knight team captain. A woman knight originally serving as an Imperial Guard under Liliana.

Niito = Komorudo

New knight team vice-captain. Previously the commander of the third corps.


Adventurer Guild

Ilwa = Chang

Führen branch chief. Awarded Hajime a gold rank and provides him with support. A person who

gave Hajime a lot of work (trouble).

Dot = Clowe

Ilwa's head secretary. Like Shizuku, suffers a lot of hardships.


Former head secretary of the guild master. An old lady that personifies the cruelty of time.

Loa = Bawabisu

Horuado branch chief. Tsundere.

Barusu = Raputa

Guild master. May have spells of destruction [?].


Ankaji Dukedom

Ranzi = Forward = Zengen

Ankaji dukedom's lord. Had a falling out with the church, (?????) nice middle [?].

Bizu = Forward = Zengen

Ranzi's son. Attracted to Kaori. Facial expressions at the gunshot level when stared at [?].

Airi = Forward = Zengen

Bizu's sister. At 14 yo, overcame demi-human discrimination when she encountered Myu's



Haltina Sea of Trees, Faea Belgaen

Alferick = Hypist

Faea Belgaen elder. Chief of the Forest-race (Elves). Longest lived and easiest to talk with.

Zeru of the Tiger-race, Mao of the Winged-race, Rua of the Fox-race, Guze of the Earth-race

(Dwarves), Jin of the Bear-race

Background character elders. Jin never fully recovered from the blow Hajime delivered to his


Altena = Hypist

Granddaughter of Alfrick.

Regin = Banton

Middle-aged man from the Bear-race. Once lead a raid on the Haulia to take revenge for Jin but

had the tables turned. Afterwards developed a trauma of the Haulia, pulse rate and breathing

would elevate just thinking about it.


Haulia Tribe

Cam = Haulia

Shea's father, Chief of the Haulia tribe of the Rabbit-race. Hyahhaa chief. Chuuni chief.

Currently calling himself "Shadow demon hunter of the writhing abyss, Caamubantisu Erufanraito

Rooderia Haulia."


"Barudoferudo of Certain Destruction", 11 yo. Proud of his ranged weaponry skill. Infected

with chuunibyou.


"Ranainferina the Fleeting Shadow." Probably has a job requiring speed.


"Minasuteria the Sky Splitter." Probably has an air assassination attack.


"Yaozeriasu the Phantom Warrior." Probably uses illusions to manipulate his foes.


"Yorugandaru the Creeping Death." Probably… y'know.


"Rikiddobureiku the Light Rain." Something or other.


"Iorunikusu the Lightning Blade." Something or other.


Hoelscher Empire

Gahald = D = Hoelscher


Bias = D = Hoelscher

Crown Prince. Ririana's fiance. Beheaded after he raised a ruckus.


Formerly a jailer in the imperial army. Had his nether regions crushed beyond recognition.


Imperial capital (Adventurer Guild) branch bartender. Tenpure guardian [?].



Furiido = Baguaa (Freed)

Red haired, dark skinned, slightly pointed ear male of the demon-race. Mass-produces powerful

demons, possesses space magic from the Age of Gods. His white dragon minions are particularly

powerful, they plunged Hajime into a crisis with their Aurora Breath ability during an ambush.


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The wind was roaring and howling, and the ground underneath was quickly flowing backwards.

The Demi-humans that the Empire had released were wondering whether what they're currently experience was really reality or not, to confirm it, they've pinched their cheeks many times to the point of becoming teary eyed. And, they were unsettled as if declaring, I'm not waking up from my dream~, once again, they looked at the unrealistic scene. Although it's sometimes referred as, escaping from reality.

They were currently boarded on a "basket" that Hajime had installed onto the bottom of the "Flying Airship", "Feruniru", and are currently experiencing their first time traveling by air.

Feruniru was as expected, not on the scale of being able to allow thousands of Demi-humans to board, so a large basket was quickly installed. Image-wise, it looked just like an airship gondola.

Actually, the gate hall was set up for Fair Bergen and the Hauria's hidden town, although it was possible to get to the Sea of Tree's instantly after opening a gate, they daringly chose to travel by air for the sake of setting up the stage. That way, there'll be much more impact of the Demi-human's being set free by the Empire.

As it was, there was need for someone to assure the words at the open space from last time, "Releasing the Demi-humans were God's will". The spectacle of a huge flying object turning towards the skies to return home was required to completely fool the Empire citizens.

but, as the price, Hajime who started up Feruniru was faced with a harsh burden from having so much people loaded on. While gushing out red magical power on the bench seat in the bridge, laying on his back with his legs stretched out languidly was not the embodiment of arrogance.

As expected, to pilot the ship with thousands of people boarded on, their accumulated weight which forced his magic consumption to drain out was definitely not half-assed.

However, while his magical powers were gradually drained away, with the current situation he decided to train his magical ability to efficiently operate magical power through his consciousness with much effort, however the cause of his languidity was likely not just due to the magic consumption though.

To others it would just look like someone was being lazy but, it was actually a person's effort to train whenever possible. It was really hard to tell the difference...

Yue, Shia, and Kaori were attending and beside Hajime. Though Hajime's appearance was that of a father becoming lazy while sitting on a bench as his child plays at the park on a holiday, at his right arm was Yue, on his left was Shia using it as a pillow, and Kaori who was fiddling with his hair from the back of the seat.

He was really training seriously but...there would be no rebuttals that the scene looked just like a guy with his Harem.

[Oi oi, that's quite the attitude while in front of the Emperor, eh?]

[...Nagumo-kun, although I'm only saying it…..I think you should respect yourself a bit more?]

[How enviou...I mean. Right. it's indecent]

Though he was concentrating on training to operate his magical powers efficiently, unconsciously Yue and Shia were patting his head as the voices multiplied towards Hajime.

In order to swear the oath in front of Fair Bergen's elders, Gaharudo, the Emperor of the Hoelscher Empire accompanied them, Ririana accompanied them as a member of the royal family of the same human beings to witness the oath as a princess of the Hairhi Kingdom, and the usual Shizuku. Of course, Kouki, Ryutaro, and Suzu was also there.

And another person as well, Teio who was asked by Gaharudo to show him around on the airship was also there but, when she returned and saw Yue and them, [Mistress as well~], she declared to Hajime and began carrying out the ruOndaibu *It's a reference which I can't make out, ???????????????*, sensing what was about to happen Hajime used his legs to strangle her and without a problem she dropped to the ground. Although her eye whites were showing and she was slightly convulsing, there were no problems.

[Ah~, did you finish exploring the warship?]

[Yeah, it's quite ridiculous. I have absolutely no idea how this mass of metal is able to fly. But, its extremely interesting! Oi, Hajime Nagumo. Prepare an aircraft for us. I'll pay whatever you ask for]

Gaharudo sat on the bench and faced towards him, his eyes were shining star-like in curiosity at Hajime. Shizuku and them also sat on the seats.

By the way, Shizuku and Ririana were sitting right next to hajime. Though Gaharudo was a bit unpleased, but his eyes were shining like a little boy and he didn't care much about it. He seems to have greatly liked this airship.

[I have no need for stuff like money. Give it up. This is going to be the only time you're getting on board. Do your best to enjoy the time you have right now]

[Don't say that. Na? Just one, even a small plane is fine]

[There's no merit in it for me though]

[Nugu~u, if money is no good then how about women! One of my daughters was finally becoming just the right age. Though she has quite a lot of pride, her beauty is top-tier. I'll add her into your harem so, na? It'll be nice right?]

It appears that Gaharudo thought Hajime was an unparalleled playboy. It was sad that situationally it was something that couldn't be denied.

However, it would be troublesome to suddenly be handed a woman so Hajime was about to reject while laughing but, the females reacted quicker than him.

[ [ [ [ [No(desu*Shia*)(ja*Teio*)!!] ] ] ] ]

[...And there you have it]

[Chi, you're just showing off…..n? Princess Ririana, just now, didn't you also react?]

Gaharudo sulked and clicked his tongue and turned his line of sight towards Ririana and noticed. Allured by that, the others also turn towards Ririana.

[Eh? N, no way. Are you sure you weren't mistaken?]

[...Kukuku. Come to think of it, at the party, you were having much more fun dancing with Hajime Nagumo than with Bias. Oi oi, Hajime Nagumo. Aren't you moving along too quickly? Even I'm amazed at your speed]

[*She actually repeats Nya, but english-wise it doesn't make sense like it did with Hajime's name in the chapter 120 lol*Whawhawhawhat are you talking about! Me and Nagumo-san absolutely don't have that kind of relationship! R, right? Ne? Nagumo-san!]

[Ah? Ah~, it's as impossible as the heavens overturning itself]

[...You didn't have to take it that far...]

Towards Hajime clear objection, the riled up and increasing tension that Ririana had was immediately cut down. She looked away at something sulkingly. From that attitude, Ririana understood that she had no chance...

Or rather, in her heart she was looking back towards the dance from the party. Hajime should have been thinking about it too but, to completely put down the person in question on the spot, glances of sympathy was looked at Ririana, then towards Hajime.

[...Why do I have to be looked at with those kinds of eyes. In the first place, the princess is something like a married woman. Although her fiance was beheaded, that doesn't mean that her marriage with the royal family was lost. That's why, eventually she'll be paired up with another royalty right?]

[Ah~, about that…..]

On behalf of Ririana who had the expression of having chewed hundreds of bitter insects and worms, Gaharudo answered.

[Being completely honest, my clan is currently not in the position for that kind of thing. After all, we have to wear these necklaces throughout our entire lives or else we'll die, we've got to deal with the many ridiculous situations that arose]

Just like Garuda had said, a necklace with a red gem was definitely on his neck.

[From the contents of that oath, even if someone else other than the royalty disobeys the contract, the royal family will "judge accordingly by the law" to the best we can, our lives are connected now, as it is, it doesn't change the fact that the lives of the public have also been grasped. A radical reform of punishment needs to be created in order to enforce the laws, and all the other towns besides the Empire needs to know of the law as well...everyone here and there are desperate right now]

As Gaharudo leaned back deeply into the backrest of the seat, he scratched his head as if saying, [I'm lost!].

[Now that I don't know when we'll be dying, I can't afford to have the princess of another kingdom marry in, there's absolutely no other choice. moreover, we've lost manpower because of the emancipation of the Demi-humans. There's people fussing about everywhere. We also need manpower in correspondence towards suppressing the public, honestly, it's a situation where the Empire actually wants to ask (. . . . .) for the Kingdom's support instead]

[I see. In other words you're taking back the marriage proposed to the princess?]

[Ma~a, that's about it. We need to calm down the situation and confirm the safety of the royal family first, then once that happens, this time, it would be a better idea for his highness Randell...or rather Majesty now…. to marry with a princess instead]

Towards Gaharudo's explanation, everyone present gave off a, [Heh~] expression.

By the way, actually, one of the royalty screamed out, [As if there's any truth to that foolish talk! I'll be removing this necklace!], and they really removed their necklace, afterwards, they suddenly turned mad and rampaged around, and as if their threads were cut, they died on the spot, this was the reason why the royalty began to work desperately.

[Isn't that great then! Riri!]

[It really is. Freedom to love…..might actually still be impossible but, for the time being, you've gained time]

[Un un. I'm glad for you, Riri]

With Kouki first, the members glanced at Ririana with a gentle gaze. Ririana showed a bitter smile towards her friends who were glancing at her, pleased without reserve that the "marriage had been cleared up". Oddly enough, Gaharudo also showed a wry smile.

[With that, Hajime Nagumo. Right now princess Ririana is currently free*english accent*? If you want, the Empire will cooperate with you with all it's might]

[Na~!? Your Majesty! What are you saying! I, I'm not...]

Gaharudo was grinning from ear to ear as he said it. Once again Ririana was riled up.

However, Hajime was taking the contents of the talk lightly and turned an amazed expression towards Gaharudo. He had enough of Ririana's current attitude.

[Then, I'll have to give you an airship in return? No matter how you look at it there are no merits…..rather, isn't it a demerit?]

[Just what are you implying!? Nagumo-san!]

[Oi oi, she's the princess of a country? Normally, it's a place that men can't even reach]

[Wait a second, did you two hear what I just said? Are you guys listening to me!]

[Don't group me with you. I have no hobbies to collect women. Princess is only a title, rather it'll only cause troubles]

[Hai-hai-hai, you guys definitely didn't listen. No one here listened to me. …..~Gusu~...what exactly is a princess I wonder…..]

[Riri...it's alright…..U~u, you're a princess so don't worry]

[Ri, Riri! I heard you properly, so! Show some spirit!]

Ririana was completely through with Hajime and Gaharudo's discussion, Ririana finally began writing characters on her seat in a negligent manner. At the edge of her eye, something was gathering and sparkling. Then Shizuku and Kouki were desperately trying to cheer her up.

Disregarding Ririana and them, Hajime was currently groaning, [Unununu], and Gaharudo who was trying to negotiate with him let out a sigh.

[I have nothing I want right now, just give it up. Eventually, just maybe, you'll find something worth negotiating over...so just wait patiently until that time]

[Nu~uuu, you really have nothing that you want? Anything you want done? Just honestly say it out. Humans always have wants. It's always been decided that someone who says that they don't want anything are either no longer human or just scheming something behind the scenes. …..Ah~, that's right, you were a monster]

[You trying to pick a fight? ....Ma~a, I can understand what you mean. But…..]

As Hajime was saying that, he jerked and embraced both Yue and Shia.

[What I really want is already in my arms. "Having them with me at all times" is already enough to fill my entire head, I can't think of anything "more" than that. Probably for life]

That's why-, Hajime expressed that negotiations were useless. Yue was so happy she brought her body closer, Shia's eyes were opened wide to have also been forcefully held like Yue, in the next moment her Usamimi and bunny tail began wagging back and forth and she threw her arms around Hajime.

On Hajime's chest, Yue's and Shia's eyes met, both of them both laughed, [Kufufu], and smiled at one another.

[Ah~, ah~, I get it, I get it. Chi, it's way too sweet for my mouth to handle. I guess I'll go and enjoy the scenery on the deck…..]

Gaharudo got up with an annoyed look and quickly left the bridge. Hajime was smiling wryly. After seeing the face-to-face discussion, Kouki and Ryutaro didn't know what to do and let their eyes wander around. Suzu let out an odd voice, [Howa~].

And a voice came out from behind Hajime and his legs.

[Uu~, it's unfair that it's only Yue and Shia! Ne, ne~e, Hajime-kun. "In my arms" is a metaphorical expression right? It's not only limited to Yue and Shia right? Ne?]

[Ma, master. Although I got to experience your wonderful foot technique, will you not hold mistress closely either? "In my arms" would be nice...]

Kaori clung onto Hajime from behind, she was desperately trying to appeal for her existence. Teio sat up and pleaded to Hajime with her chin on his knee.

The person who reacted to the two was Yue.

While getting up a little, she glanced towards Kaori and Teio.

[...How unfortunate]

[Wha, what do you mean!?]

[Mu~u, I can't ignore that just now, Yue!]

Kaori and Teio had an atmosphere as if they were chewing onto a handkerchief while letting out [Ki~iii!], as they looked at Yue who was expressionless. Yue inclined her neck as if she was thinking about something, then she slowly pointed at herself and Shia.



Following that, she pointed at Kaori and Teio.


And as expected, it was said with her expressionless face. Then as it was she snuggled her cheek against Hajime's chest. Then at that moment, a sound of something being cut "~Buchi~" could be heard within the bridge.

[Fu, fufufu….Yue's pretty weird right? suddenly saying things that don't make sense….she's surely broken somewhere?]

[That's right. That must be true. Then mistresses must fix it]

[Speaking of fixing, there's a simple way of doing it]

[Umu umu, broken things will…..]

[ [Be fixed if hit! (No-ja!*Teio*)] ]

They suddenly both stood up and overlooked down on Yue while smiling.

Extremely tensed*Doki as in the effect doki doki*? Fighting spirit*Toki*?-like began to overflow. From that pressure, Kouki, Ryutaro, and Suzu huddled together to brace themselves. Kouki began to whisper in a mutter, [Is, is that Kaori?].

Yue who was hit by both of their pressures, once again, smiled slightly which ruined her expressionless face and looked up.

[…..Stop it. If we seriously went at it, both of you have no chances of beating me]

Are you CodiOta*Unsure about what this reference is, ????????* they wanted to tsukkomi her lines. And that was quite the intense provocation.

[ [Just what we wanted! (Ja!)] ]

Sure enough it caused Kaori and Teio to heat up even more. Yue also slowly got up.

[Wa, the three of you wait a second! To suddenly start fighting…..or rather, Nagumo-kun*lol whoops i didn't notice i had kun and san mixed up here, thanks gimme_breack and maniac88*! Stop them!]

Shizuku was sweatingly and flustered around trying to do her best to arbitrate the situation. And quickly came to the conclusion that she wouldn't be able to stop them herself! So she gave up and turned to ask for help from Hajime who was the cause of this dispute.

Hajime just casually said…..

[It's impossible. I'm sluggish…..]

His magical power was already drastically decreased and he became sluggish. He didn't seem to have any intentions of moving.

To begin with, a small quarrel was an everyday occurrence, rather it was more like a kind of communication for the girls, so Hajime didn't pay much heed to it.

[P, people like you are~]

However, Shizuku was still oblivious towards her surroundings then, a cheek began to twitch.

Then, a hanya-voice called out to Shizuku.

[Shizuku-chan! Please take that back!]

[Ar~e? Since when did I get pulled into this!?]

Quite naturally, Shizuku's participation in the war was decided.

[Sa~a, princess, let's both step up together! You're an barrier expert right? I'll leave defences to you and Suzu over there!]

[Eh? Me as well!? Why!?]

[Suzu was also casually included!?]

Teio with her draconic strength held Suzu and Ririana's necks like a kitten and dragged them. [Princess…..I'm a princess....], Ririana muttered out with empty feelings.

[...Shia, I'm entrusting you as the Vanguard]

[A, alright! I won't let anyone get near Yue-san!]

Full of spirit. It seemed that Shia served as Yue's vanguard. She got up from Hajime and started twirling her arm around.

[...Hajime, wait for a bit. I'm going to beat them and come back]

[O~h, do it in moderation~]

[...After we're done fighting we'll embrace again]

[Anytime is fine~]


With that, the female members (except for some) left towards the deck with the atmosphere filled with fighting spirit. Although the deck was a moderate size it couldn't be said to have actually been enough. Surely It'll likely be good battle training. It's necessary for Kaori to get used to Nointo's body so moving around is a good idea. Since there's no telling what kind of ordeals they'll be facing at the great labyrinth, [Harutsuina Sea of Trees], it's good to train even if only a bit.

However it was unknown whether Yue and them had that in mind though.

After a while, roars and explosions were beginning to be heard. Kouki and them were startled. They had anxious expressions, wondering if it was really alright to just leave them as is.

[They're having fun huh~]

However, Hajime's impression was just that.

[...Or rather what's with you, Nagumo…..]

[As expected, you're quite outrageous….]

The bridge that was only filled with men now, after looking at the bored Hajime, Kouki and Ryutaro were half amazed and half concerned. He wasn't phased at all with that riot that the women started, it seemed to have been completely natural so they were impressed as men.

After that, Yue and their fight ended after terribly scaring the Demi-humans, and finally the Sea of Trees were beginning to appear up ahead. Although it sounded as if the first to scream out was the emperor....it must have surely just been their imaginations.

While quietly worrying for the emperor's safety, they began to prepare and land at the Sea of Trees.


With the sun hiding its face, the curtain of night fell down.

The interior of the Sea of Trees was illuminated by Fair Bergen as people produced orange lights. Normally, no matter how busy they are with reconstruction, the time for pleasures of family meals and family time would be long past, and the serene silence would be flowing in the air.

However, the current Fair Bergen was as if the night and day cycle were reversed, it was wrapped up in clamor. People were busily running to the right and left. People started gathering in the village outside of Fair Bergen, it appears that people were arranging the soldiers and instructing them.

Towards that clamor, while looking out the window that was left open to let in the evening wind, one of Fair Bergen's elders, Alfrerick Hapisuto of the forest people had a slightly indescribable expression while holding a document in one hand.

In the contents, was a report about accepting in several thousands of their brethren back, it was that kind of document. The other elders were also helping out to split the work.

[Fu~u….Cam. Is our brethren truly coming back?]

[…..You're still saying that kind of thing. I'm not going to keep reassuring you every time you ask, just hurry up and finish preparing to accept them]

When Alfrerick began talking, as if the room was alive a person's presence appeared. Beside Alfrerick was the Haruia, Cam, who had concealed his presence.

Cam and the Hauria tribe came back through the gate ahead of Hajime and them to tell of the Demi-humans being liberated. And used the telepathy stones to increase efficiency of the preparations to accept in their people, that was their roles as volunteers.

[I know that. It's just that, it's still just to hard to believe. That Empire is really liberating our brethren...]

[That'll be proven in a few hours from now. Ma~a, I can understand your feelings. …..For us, if it wasn't for boss, never in our dreams did we think something of this scale could be done]

[Boss…..the qualified person—Nagumo Hajime, huh. If that story is true then, he is not just my granddaughter's but all of our brethren's savior. We'll have to think of a way to repay him…..]

[Boss probably doesn't expect any of those kinds of things. Rather than that, quickly move that hand of yours. The reports are stacking up again]

Cam who heard a report from the telepathy stone, glanced towards Alfrerick for an instant. Although something was said to Cam through the telepathy stone, he only looked out into space, his appearance had no openings at all either. On the contrary, intense drive appeared from his lack of presence.

They once had an expression of resignation towards their expectation of their clan being executed...you'd never think they were the same person. Their original gentle atmosphere was also nonexistent now, instead they had a sharpness that seemed that it would cut anyone who just touches them.

In fact, that sharpness had already been shown.

That was because as soon as Cam came to the elders and told them to prepare to accept in the slaves which will be liberated, no one, not even Alfrerick could believe his words but, on that occasion, one of the elders felt that Cam's behavior was irreverently and unpleasant, so they started throwing out words in contempt at Cam and even tried to get him to kneel down forcefully.

Even if they've avenged the Kumaninzoku before and helped out when Fair Bergen was attacked by the demons and empire, the values that the Usagininzoku were seen in where likely not able to change so quickly.

However, towards that action due to fixed values, he returned it with severe murderous intent. The moment that one of the elder's subordinates tried to touch Cam, just where were they hidden, simultaneously the Hauria tribe appeared and placed their blades on all of the elder's necks.

Naturally, the man who was about to confront cam also had a blade pointed at him, it turned into a situation where no one moved a muscle. Filled with murderous intent, if you spoke poorly, there's no doubt that they'll bear their fangs, Alfrerick was somehow able to resettle peace in that situation.

In an instant, they occupied Fair Bergen's elder meeting who carried the highest power, and, made them all breakout into cold sweat with their fierce murderous intent, for the time being they decided to trust them and see what happens. Or rather, they couldn't do anything but that. The Hauria's blades which were on the scruff of their necks were dangerous.

[Oji-sama*Grandfather*, preparation for the meals are complete. This is the quantity left after consumption]

A lovely voice just like a bell ranged out and pulled Alfrerick out of his recollection which made him break out in cold sweat.

[Mu, Arutena huh. Thanks for the hard work. But, you keep going back and forth*unsure, ????????????????*, don't stress yourself out]

[I'm just fine. My brethren are coming back, I can't just sit and do nothing]

Arutena took on a resolute attitude as Alfrerick was worrying. However, after passing on the report to Alfrerick, strangely she began to fidget restlessly. Though Alfrerick was dubious, he noticed that his granddaughter was frequently glancing towards Cam, and somehow guessed what she had in mind.

[If you're anxious about him, how about hearing about it from Cam?]

[! N, no, I wasn't particularly thinking about Nagumo-san...]

[However, I never said anything about a man did I?]

[Oji-sama! No way, please don't find faults in others words like a meanie!]

Alfrerick was visibly pleased while watching his granddaughter who was restless, he may have been serious about it?-she thought.

Due to Arutena's personality and figure, there have been many marriage proposals since her birth but, up until now she's rejected them all, the person in question wanted to follow in her grandfather's footsteps and work for the country rather than thinking about marriage. That's why he had never had this kind of discussion until now…..

From within Alfrerick, his foolishness and teasing as a grandfather started to rise up.

[Fumu, that man is definitely your benefactor but, he doesn't think of you as special? Or rather, to be specific he was helping out the Hauria tribe? Although you shouldn't think too much into it…..it'll be difficult to get him to become your partner]

[I've already said it~, it's not like that! Mou~! I heard that Nagumo-sama was bringing back our brethren, so I was only a bit interested about it. Yes, that's the only reason!]

With a puffed out face, Arutena started to leave the room and Alfrerick secretly let out a sigh.

Then, at that time, Cam who was quiet until then, unexpectedly called out to Arutena.

[Miss Arutena]

[Eh, ehtto, yes? Cam-san. What is it?]

Cam had a smile as if he was amused at something which made Arutena reply back wryly. Cam reported smiling as he saw Arutena who was cautious.

[Although it seems as if boss allows many women to serve him, the fact is, he's fairly single-minded. And, the "special" positions have already been covered, as so, it's immovable. It's possible to get closer towards those seats but, you'd likely need a substantial amount of trust for that]

[Wa, ha~a…..Ehtto]

Cam was fearlessly grinning at the puzzled Arutena.

[By the way, according to boss's actions, the closest person towards that seat is...my daughter Shia. After all, the reason why he helped us bear our fangs at the Empire was because, "For the sake of Shia's smile to not become clouded" he said]

[! Is, is that so?]

[That's right. If it was for Shia's sake, Boss would take on a country's army. Right, all for Shia's sake. Fufufu]

[ ! ]

Arutena sensitively guess that he was basically implying, [You can't win against my daughter!].

Actually, Arutena was the same age of Shia who was 16 years old. Therefore, having been compared with another girl of her age and told that she wouldn't even be a proper match... there was no helping that she was angry.

[When you say Shia-san…..you're talking about the one with the pale bluish hair right. Allow me to say that I don't think I'm inferior to her. Though there is definitely a difference in the amount of time spent together...even I would, with the same amount of time given to me...]

[*light hearted no's*Iya, iya, our Shia is an extremely special existence, as expected, miss Arutena should stop from doing such useless things for your own sake, allow me to give you some advice. If you miss the marriageable age it'll become a very bleak thing]

[That's uncalled for!]

[Ha~a. Cam, would you leave the teasing of my granddaughter at that...]

The huffing mad Arutena and the grinning Cam. Alfrerick let out a grand sigh as he looked at the two.

The reason why Cam was provoking Arutena was because he was a bit meddlesome.

Of course, he was not going against Arutena, he was going against Shia. The relationship of Shia and Hajime when they left the Sea of Trees could be said that Shia was rushing it. That is, as long as you're looking at appearances only, Cam had felt that their relationship had become quite intimate. After one push, make sure to rush straight beyond the goal!

That one push, in other words it was a detonator for Arutena to start scheming, If Shia had heard it, [That's extremely uncalled for!] she'd say in anger.

Cam chuckled to himself as he had lit up Arutena's feelings of rivalry. The appearance of a girl whos decided to love without hesitation and resort to anything was…..incredibly devilish.

Then, at that time, all of the sudden the outside became noisy. It wasn't the same noise from running around like before, it was the noisiness of tension from an unexpected situation. They even began to hear roars.

[What's going on!]

Alfrerick suddenly stood up from his seat and walked up to the window. Then he saw the cause of the commotion.


Exactly according to those words, light as strong as the sunlight during daytime was shining down onto the trees, no, the light was incomparably strong, that, rather than just the trees it lit up past them and lit up the plaza of Fair Bergen.

The situation was currently unknown, Alfrerick had his eyes wide opened and a calm voice resounded.

[Don't worry, Alfrerick. Boss has arrived]

Right, the identity of the light which illuminated Fair Bergens plaza, was the searchlight of the airship "Feruniru" which has arrived in the skies of Fair Bergen.

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In the dense fog that clung onto bodies, people's shadow could be seen moving on without hesitation.

It was Hajime and them.

With Shia in the front, Hajime and them are currently heading towards the big tree. It's the second day after they've arrived at Fair Bergen, the cycle for the path to the big tree to open has finally come.

Within that time, there were various disturbances which Hajime and them were caught up in as they stayed in Fair Bergen but, if you compare it with what usually happens, it's likely not to such a high extent that it couldn't be categorized as their daily lives.

Mainly, the thing with Kouki and the freed slaves (girls), a group of male Demi-human's were doing this and that to hajime because of the thing with Arutena, and Ryutaro was doing this and that with the Demi-humans martial arts masters...those kind of stories.

Along the way, forest demons launched a surprise attack under the fog. However, Hajime and the rest, Yue, Shia, Teio, and the Hauria didn't deal with it at all, they left everything up to Kouki and them. Since they didn't know what kind of trials the great labyrinth [Harutsuina Sea of Trees] holds, as a warm up they were told to take out the demons.

To begin with, because the Sea of Trees drives the senses of other races besides the Demi-humans mad, it was completely different than fighting against the demons at [Orcus Great Labyrinth], Kouki and them were having a pretty hard fight. They kept teasing by using hit and run tactics repeatedly and Ryutaro was plainly irritated at the demons who made full use of the dense fog.

[...There! Like this….this!]

Within there, Kaori was mixed into Kouki and them's repeated combat.

Kaori still wasn't completely in full control of Nointo's body yet so she was there voluntarily to train. It appears that, the dense fog didn't effect Nointo's body as much, it seems to be just the right adjustment for the battle experience and trace skills that Nointo had.

Even now, while fluttering her wings which shined in silver, it shot out silver feathers to repel the demons. It appears that she's gotten used to using the silver feathers, as if they were homing missiles, they launched out at the demons and instantly decomposed them to nothingness.


In addition, while giving out a shout, the approaching demons who slipped past the silver feathers were wonderfully cut into 2 by the great sword that was clad in silver light that was pulled out in an instant.

It seems that she still couldn't wield them freely like how Nointo did but, if its just one hit then she's considerably skilled. At the very least, it was at the level where she couldn't be embarrassed to call herself a "Swordsman".

[I seem to be considerably getting used to this. It's worthwhile that I get into a fight with Yue everyday] *<-This part may be wrong, it sounds different from what the machine's actually giving me, ????????????????*

[....Your spec's are abnormal. I can't afford to be careless]

Hajime let out a breath and muttered, [Fuu~], as he watched Kaori's figure.

Although she's still not on the original Nointo's level yet which was able to give the Hajime at full power a hard fight, but if you think about her growth rate, it was wonderful since it was still only around 10 days since her soul was transferred. Kaori's diligence is likely allowing her to rapidly master Nointo's fighting power.

[That's not true. I'm still not accustomed to using magic while fighting, if I don't concentrate on Decomposition it wont activate as well…..I still can't even get a hit off of Yue]

It appears that she heard the conversation between Hajime and Yue, Kaori was pouting as she moved forwards. She wants to quickly become stronger, she has the image but, she's frustrated that it doesn't go as she thought it would…..those kind of feelings are reflected on her expression.

[....Kaori. What are you saying. Your physical abilities exceeds ours, you have the brutal ability of decomposition in your silver wings, and you've got aptitude in all attributes and can use magic without having to chant and without magic formations. Your swordsmanship is also progressing limitlessly like a joke as well, due to your proficiency in recovery magic, your defenses are like a fortress, even if they successfully inflict a wound onto you, it'll heal up immediately….it's already unsuitable to call you a cheat anymore, you're more like a bugged character. Yet you're still dissatisfied?]

Shizuku pointed out her specs as if she was amazed, Kaori had felt that she definitely felt like a monster so she just let her eyes wander around.

[But, I can't defeat Yue or Shia…..if I'm a bugged character then, what are Hajime-kun and them?]

[…..Something hard to describe or something…like that…..]

Shizuku was showing a difficult expression as she thought of the best way to describe Hajime and them, it seems that nothing came to mind in the end. Kouki called out to Shizuku.

[It's fine, Shizuku. As long as we can clear the great labyrinth then even we can become as strong as Nagumo. No, if you think about Nagumo's non-fighting class, surely we'd be able to be stronger than him]

[Looks like it. I'm looking forwards to find out what kind of magic we'll obtain]

[Un, lets do our best!]

Although Hajime's strength doesn't come solely from Age of Gods magic, Kouki who was through with it was strongly clenching his fist. Ryutaro and Suzu also seemed to have been pumped up.

[Every~one, We've reached it~]

When Kouki and them were firing themselves up, Shia tells them of their arrival at the big tree as she looked back over her shoulder. When Hajime and them chased after Shia who advanced ahead and disappeared into the other side of the fog, they arrived at a space that had no fog. Towering in front was a withered huge tree just exactly like they saw before.

[This is…..the big tree…..]

[It's large…..]

[It's extremely...huge]

While looking above their heads, they weren't even able to see the top of the big tree, Kouki and them had their mouths opened absentmindedly as its width was so long it was as if they were standing in front of a wall. Surely it was the same expression anyone else would have had when seeing it for the first time, Hajime and Yue had a small smile while looking at eachother.

Hajime approached the lithograph while pulling out all the proofs that he's obtained from the other great labyrinths out of his "Treasure Warehouse". The lithograph hasn't changed since last time, crests of the 7 great labyrinths are drawn on the front and it's back was hollow in order to allow the proofs to be place in.

While crouching down, Hajime was playing with the 5 proofs in his palm, Kouki and them were finally freed from the large tree's dignified appearance and focused on Hajime. From now on it'll be a place where anything can truly happen at anytime. While bracing themselves, Hajime looked sharply at Kouki and them.

[Cam, Since we don't know what'll happen from now on, back off with the Hauria tribe]

[Roger, boss. May fortune be with you]

By Fair Bergen's negotiations, the south land with the big tree became Cam and their territory but, from Hajime's words his expression became a bit disappointed, However he still decided to salute and then everyone spread out together.

When he confirmed that, Hajime slowly placed the [Orcus Great Labyrinth] ring of proof into the hollow section of the lithograph. Once it was placed, the lithograph began to shine faintly and characters appeared.

"4 proofs"

"Power of Reproduction"

"Guidepost of weaved bonds"

"A path for a new trial shall be open for those who have everything"

[This is the same as before as well. The used proof….is anything other than [Kamiyama] fine]

Hajime went ahead and set the proofs into the lithograph that while muttering. [Raisen's Ring][Guryuen's Pendant][Merujine's Coin]...

Each time one was set into the lithograph, it's light strengthened up. And immediately after placing the final coin, the light was set free and it scattered onto the front of the big tree, this time the big tree was the one that shined brightly.

[Mu? A crest has appeared on the big tree]

[…..Next is, the power of Reproduction?]

As Teio muttered with great interest, a pattern of the 7 angel systems stood out on the trunk of the large tree. Yue walked towards the shining pattern and while quietly touching it she used Reproduction magic.

Immediately afterwards,


The big tree was wrapped up in a light uncomparable to before, a wave of light was continuously rippling towards the top from the place that Yue had touched.

The big tree that was shining brightly, gradually revived as the light spread out to every corner as if it was absorbing water from its roots.

[Ah, leaves…..]

Shia pointed at the leaves which appeared as the tree regained it's vitality with each passing moment. It was almost like looking at the birth of life, Hajime and them were staring at what was in front of their eyes with a mysterious feeling, the big tree was quickly growing and it regained its bright green looks.

As a slightly strong wind blew by, the sound of the large tree's leaves rustling around could be heard. Then, at the next moment, all of the sudden, the front of the tree trunk was split from the right and left and a cave appeared. It was a big cave which could fit several tens of people.

Hajime and them looked at each others faces and nodded to each other and stepped into the cave without hesitation.

Hajime was slightly concerned——would the other members who have not captured 4 great labyrinths actually be able to challenge the great labyrinth of the Sea of Trees, but it appears that it was pointless worries. Everyone was able to enter the cave without a problem.

It was probably like the other great labyrinths in the stance of, [If you want to enter, it's fine as long as you have what's necessary. However, your life is not guaranteed].

Hajime looked around the surroundings. But, there didn't seem to be anything particular in the cave. It was simply a huge space which extended out like a dome.

[Is it a dead-end?]

Kouki muttered out doubtfully.

Immediately afterwards, the entrance to the cave began to shut as if it had been reverse-reproductioned.

The light from the outside gradually thinned out. Hajime scolded Kouki who instinctively panicked. When the entrance was completely shut, the inside of the cave was wrapped in darkness, immediately Yue secured a light source and held it up in her hand. However there was no need for it.

That's because a huge magic formation appeared underneath their legs and it emitted strong light.

[Uwa, what's this!]

[What's up! What is this!]

[Quit making so much noise! Its a transfer magic formation! Don't be careless when you're transferred!]

After Hajime warned the shaken Ryutaro and Suzu, their view blacked out.


[~....This is...]

What reflected in Hajime and their view when the light returned was a lush forest. A sea of trees inside of a tree…..created an indescribably odd situation.

[Is everyone alright?]

Kouki lightly shook his head and confirmed his surroundings for the safety of his comrades. There Shizuku and them, [We're fine], replied. Yue, Shia, Teio, and Kaori didn't seem to have any particular problems either, they watched their surroundings with caution.

[Nagumo, this is really the great labyrinth right? ...Which way should we progress in?]

The place where Hajime and them were transferred to was, a vacant circled lot where they were completely surrounded by trees in 360 degrees, there wasn't a guidepost indicating which way they should go either.

Since it's covered in a dense fog, it doesn't seem like flying overhead to look for a path would be useful. That's why Kouki asked Hajime who had lots of experience with great labyrinths.

[...For the time being, we've got no choice but to look around]

Hajime muttered out with a slightly displeased expression, he placed his hand onto the trunk of a tree and activated "Tracing". A magic mark was created, a bright red arrow was placed onto the tree and pointing in the direction where they were going.

When Kouki and them saw that they nodded. It seems they understood that they had no choice but to search while placing signs. And they took the lead since they heard that even if you cleared the labyrinth, if they weren't recognized by the great labyrinth then they wouldn't be able to obtain Age of Gods magic.

The other members followed behind successively. However, only Hajime didn't move from his place as his eyes retained coldness within it. As they began to walk, Shia noticed and a "?" appeared over her head as she turned back towards Hajime.

[...Hajime-san? Whats wro—-]

Shia called out to Hajime...in that moment,


When they heard that wind-like noise ring out, in a instant Yue and Teio, as well as Ryutaro were coiled by a wire, with both spheres on both ends fixed into the air they were restrained. Hajime had taken out the bola from his "Treasure Warehouse" and quickly thrown them to bind them.

Yue, Teio, and Ryutaro wiggled around as they struggled. When Kouki and them saw that they were dumbfounded. However, once they regained their sanity and as if it was able to produce a ~Ki~ sound they immediately glared strongly at Hajime.

[Nagumo! What exactly are you doing!]

Kouki instinctively raised his voice angrily. Shizuku and them had tensed expressions as their eyes conveyed that they wanted an explanation from Hajime.

[...Be quiet for a bit]

However, Hajime only said that and didn't answer Kouki and their doubts and silently looked towards Yue, he briskly walked up towards her who was expressionless.

And, as Yue looked up at Hajime perplexedly, Hajime pressed Donner against her forehead. His eyes had a coldness of absolute zero within them, it was obvious that Hajime was completely furious in anger.

[Hajime….What i-]

Yue had a, I can't believe it, expression as Hajime pointed his muzzle at her. And when she tried to voice out her doubt as she called Hajime's name.

However, immediately after that,


Hajime pulled Donner's trigger without hesitation. A dry explosive noise echoed throughout the sea of trees. For now, although the muzzle was removed from Yue's forehead and pointed towards her shoulder, even still it didn't change the fact that Hajime had shot his beloved lover.

Towards that fact, it was obvious that Kouki and them as well as Shia and them were intensely shaken. And they looked at Hajime with eyes that doubted his sanity.

[Wha, what are you doing! Nagumo-kun!]

[Hajime-kun! Stop!]

Shizuku and Kaori raised their voices to attempt to stop Hajime who was filled with rage but, Shia finally noticed the sense of incongruity and held onto Kaori and them by the hand instead.

Although there was an air like Kouki would spring at any moment to try and restrain Hajime but, that disappeared after Hajime's next words.

[Don't speak without permission, Imitations. You're only an imitation and you dare imitate Yue's voice. If you dare to call my name with that voice again. I'll scrape off your hands and feet]

The moment Hajime uttered his voice, as if the ground was arctic cold, the air was filled with coldness. However the temperature hasn't actually fallen. Murderous intent was overflowing from his body and in turn dropped the heat that life was giving out. Somehow, even the surroundings became dark. Towards the dense murderous intent, Kouki and them naturally became shallow breathed and cold sweat ran down like a waterfall.

[What are you? Where is the real Yue?]


Yue's appearance was as if stating, "What is it", with her expression and was silently unmoved in her stance *<-I improvised and have a feeling the ending here is incorrect by a lot, ???????"??"?????????????????????????????*. Rather than "Who are you" it was "What are you", this was because blood was not flowing from where she was shot in the shoulder. It was obvious that it wasn't a "person".


This time Hajime shot through the opposite shoulder. However the fake Yue still didn't change her expression. It appears that they didn't have a sense of pain. Just like Nointo, they carried an image as if they were puppets, or they may not actually have any will of their own.

[Are you not going to answer. ...No, do you not have a function to answer. Then its fine already. Die]


This time Hajime pointed Donner's muzzle onto Yue's forehead and used a rail gun to blast her head off. Behind Yue (Fake), something was splattering and scattering.

Although Shizuku and them instinctively turned away from it, if you took the time to look at it, it wasn't a brain but a rust colored slime that had scattered. Yue's (Fake) body which lost it's head was beginning to melt after one beat, it similarly turned into a rust colored slime and stained into the ground.

Hajime continued to shoot through Teio and Ryutaro's heads consecutively while they were still restrained by the bola. As the two people splattered Kouki and them instinctively had goosebumps but, as expected they turned into a rust colored slime and were inhaled into the ground just like the Yue (Fake) slime.

[Chi. As expected of a great labyrinth. Starting right off the bat….]

Hajime cursed out as he holstered Donner.

[Hajime-san…..Yue-san and Teio-san are…..]

[They must have been transferred to a different location from earlier. There was a slight sense of the feeling when our memories were being searched by Age of Gods magic. The rust colored slimes who obtained the memories used their mimic abilities to disguise themselves, it felt like they had openings from behind?] *<-Unsure about this part, ?????????????????*

Hajime's expression distorts into a bad mood as his lover turned into soup. Shizuku and Suzu nodded as if they felt admiration as they heard Hajime's guess.

[I see. …..Even still you've done good to notice]

[Un un, Suzu wasn't able to tell the difference at all. How did you notice?]

Suzu asked for Hajime's identification tips as it would be troubling if they couldn't distinct their own comrades apart. Kouki looked at Hajime with interest as well while worrying about the safety of his best friend.

Hajime's answer towards that question was….

[Even if you asked me. …..I can only say that the instant I saw them, I noticed. What was before my eyes was "Not my Yue"]

[ [ [ [ [.....] ] ] ] ]

In a sense, all members lost their strength when the answer was him speaking fondly of his sweetheart.

[Then, how about Ryutaro-kun and Teio-san?]

[Once you know that there are imposters then, with the "Magic Eye Stone" if you look carefully you can see a sense of incongruity. That's why you don't have to worry as long as you're with me from now on]

Is that so~, Kouki and them looked at Hajime amazedly. Within that, as if Shia thought of something she went, ~ha~, while fidgeting she asked Hajime while expecting something.

[Ano, Hajime-san…..if it was me, would you also notice it in an instant?]

[ ! ]

Kaori who was next to Shia reacted, in her glance she asked, [How about me?]. Somehow or another eyes were attracted to Hajime. Inside of the delicate bittersweet atmosphere, Hajime answered plainly without much vigor.

[Sa~a? Isn't it impossible for just a moments glance?]

[ [.....] ]

Usually while one was reading the air, [Of course, Isn't it obvious that I'd realize it?], and answer like that but, this was part of Hajime's quality. While thinking that he mercilessly answered.

Unintentionally Shia and Kaori continued to stare at him but, Hajime continued to advance into the depths of the sea of trees while being indifferent about the two people's glances.

[It's questionable how he can have such strong nerves….]

[Au, Kaolin, Shiashia, cheer up!]

[Kaori is really, what about that guy is…..]

While following after Hajime, Shizuku and them glanced at Shia and Kaori who puffed their cheeks in a bad mood from their appeal. While having various problems at the the start of the line, they stepped into the sea of trees.

By the way, in his mind, [If it was Shia I'd know], is what Hajime had thought but…..he had just decided to take on an honest attitude but he carelessly said that bluntly so he may very well be a tsundere.



Exactly like an electric fan moving at maximum speeds, that kind of sound was echoing in the sea of trees. It wasn't one or two either. It was the buzzing of countless numbers. Translucent wings that were flapping at super-high speeds were already like a kind of attack as the noise reverates.

[Uu~, gross~, "Beyond Heaven-ugh"!]

[Don't whine! Suzu, it went that way!]

[Ku, it's quick! "Heavenly Flying Sword"!] *<-What I'm calling it, ???*

Suzu looking like she wanted to cry as she was holding in the physiological disgust she felt from looking at the demon.

That may be something that can't be helped. After all, the reason for the buzzing was a toddler sized "Bee". If you compared it in form then it would be a hornet. The super-huge bee-typed demon were attacking in swarms with their tough jaws and lethal stingers.

With a malicious yellow and black hue, their jaws creaked as it opened and closed, their stingers had green liquid dripping from it, their feet that waved around eerily, and their dark red compound eyes...it certainly was a creature that you'd want to avoid.

Moreover, this bee-typed demon were hard to deal with because they were quick and they cooperated in groups. Furthermore, they could continuously shoot out their needles since a new one would immediately grow in its place, from mid-range it was exactly like a machine-gun so there was the threat of being swept by a rain of stingers.

Somehow Suzu's barriers were keeping out the stingers, as opposed to Kouki's method of hammering them with a single blow, Shizuku was breaking apart their cooperation and speed, however the swarm of bee's were not decreasing in numbers at all.

[Damn, these guys, they're exactly like the Majinzoku's demons!]

[No, it's reversed isn't it? They're monsters are similar to the great labyrinth's monsters]

Kouki wielded his sacred sword with a desperate look, he remembered the scene of bloodshed that they experienced previously and unintentionally cursed out. They had absolutely no space to relax because the great labyrinth's monsters were so strong.

At the moment a mantis-shaped demon that was around 2 meters in length was about to do a surprise attack on Kouki from behind but, Hajime killed it in an instant and tsukkomied at the same time.

A slight distance away from Hajime, Shia was killing 3 meter ant-typed demons in a single hit with Doryukken and blasting through the ground building a mountain of corpses. Kaori wasn't losing either, she continuously shot out silver feathers and close to 30 bee's were already shot down and decomposed.

When Kouki saw the spectacle that came into view, he grit his teeth as he feels the difference between Hajime and their powers once again.

["Beyond Heaven-ugh" "Beyond Heaven-ugh"! It's useless. We'll be overwhelmed!]

Suzu who was close to tears, created several shining shields, she kept repeatedly building new ones as soon as the previous ones were destroyed, Suzu's magical power was mercilessly shaved down.

"Beyond Heaven" is not that strong but its strength is that it can be produced in great numbers, Suzu was a "Barrier Master" so her barriers also carried enough strength to take on several attacks from normal demons before they were destroyed.

However, in front of the bee-typed demon's stingers that they shot out, those barriers were instantly broken as if they were paper waste, currently Suzu was being forced to deploy barriers at unprecedented speeds.

Little by little, little by little, the deployment of barriers were being delayed and the scene of flying stingers gradually fills the distance, it was as if she was being strangled by a line of silk and it damaged Suzu's mind.

[Run rampant, "Thunder Flower"! mince them, "Flash Claw"!]*<-What I'm calling it, ??*

Along with Shizuku's chants, a sinister flower of thunder bloomed in the sky, and a claw of wind minced through. She demonstrated her black katana's abilities on the approaching bee-typed demons.

With her sharp swordsmanship, she was certainly feeling the feedback of the demons being torn apart. With Shizuku being a Speed Fighter, being paired up against the bees was a good match. While disturbing their cooperation with her free movement skill "No Rhythm", one by one she was sure to slaughter them.

However, the bee-typed demon's strength was their numbers. Even if she could defeat them, Shizuku was lacking in overwhelming annihilation powers. Hence, the war situation was that they were gradually being pushed, Shizuku who noticed that had a bitter expression.

[Will of the blade, harboring light which will tear apart the enemy! "Light Blade"!]

Thanks to Shizuku, Kouki was able to chant as he liked and his sacred sword was coated by a sword of light.

The light blade extended his sacred sword by about another 2 meters in length. Kouki swung the huge blade of light while rotating his body in one motion which cut through all gathered surrounding bee-typed demons.

However because the motion of the attack held too many openings, the demons charged in towards him. In response his body was hurled backwards.

[Ku, why you!]


The bee-typed demon was about to thrust its stinger into him but, fortunately, Kouki's sacred armor prevented the stinger from coming near, Kouki somehow managed to use that chance to get up and cut off it's head.

He had no room to answer Shizuku's worried voice. In the next moment, he was attacked by huge quantities of demons so Kouki needed to finish recovering his balance.


Although Kouki waved his sacred sword while shouting, the demons in the great labyrinth weren't sweet enough to spare you any time when you've exposed a chance. At last, a bee-typed demon managed to slip past the sacred sword and get behind him, it then clung onto him from behind like spikes on shoes, it was trying to use its jaws to tear through Kouki's neck.


Kouki raised a voiceless scream.

in that juncture,


A gunshot.

The moment when the bee's jaws were about to pierce through Kouki's neck, a flash of light surged out from the side as it cut through the sky and easily blew off the bee-typed demon's head off.

Kouki who was unsteady due to the aftereffect, ignored the heat that he felt on his neck and separated himself from the remains of the bee-typed demon that was clinging onto him. Although it was a narrow escape from death, Kouki's cheeks cramped as more demons swarmed him.

——I'll be overwhelmed!

He was convinced. A voice that had no sense of panic was heard in Kouki's ears.

[Don't move, Amanogawa]

Immediately afterwards, countless meteors fell down upon the bee-typed demons and mercilessly trampled them.

Doo~opan! Doo~opan! Doo~opan! Doo~opan! Doo~opan!

You could only hear one gunshot but, the truth was that there were 6 flashes produced. *<- lol wut? the author only had 5 Doo~opan's*

The shining red spear of light pierced through all demons in the line of fire and killed them instantly. In addition, the bullets were shot out with well-thought out trajectories, they went through the air and collided with the other bullets and with that slight change in angle they efficiently pierced through more Demons.

According to their viewpoint, it almost seemed as if the enemies voluntarily jumped into the bullets. Such special technique could be called an admirable performance, the demons which were giving Kouki a hard time were overwhelmed by Hajime, the bullets were continuously spinning and reloading one another, in addition Donner and Schlag shot out when they fell into confusion.

...It didn't even take 1 minute before everything was taken care of. It was instant killings.

Hajime who annihilated the bee-typed demons in no time at all holstered Donner and Schlag as if nothing happened, he approached the defeated monsters as Kouki and them were stunned.

[Chi, it doesn't seem like there's any meaning even if I ate them…..]

[E, eat? Eh, Nagumo-kun, you intended to eat this? Seriously?]

Instinctively, Shizuku asked after being influenced by the previous act of devastation.

[Did I not say it before? …..If I eat a demon which is equal or higher than me, I can take in the opponents inherent magic for myself. In the abyss, the only thing there was to eat were demons. Ahh, you guys shouldn't copy me. Without a doubt you'd die]

[Even if you didn't say it, we wouldn't. Hearing it once again is truly sublime…..]

Shizuku was looking at Hajime with a complex expression. He's really reliable since he's helped them countless times by now but, she was reminded once again of where that power came from was through a sublime experience, she was lost on whether she should honestly feel admiration or not.

[Bu, but, why aren't you eating this thing then? No, as for Suzu, suzu doesn't want to see such a predation scene so you don't have to eat it but...]

[I just said it just now? There's no meaning unless they're equal or higher than me. The guys around here are all small frys]

[...I See~. For Nagumo-kun, this monster is a small fry~. I see~, ahaha]

[Suzu, I understand your feelings so don't break. Please come back]

Suzu who was giving a dry laugh as if slightly broken and Shizuku was sighingly asking her to regain her sanity.


Within that, only Kouki was staring at the remains of the demons that Hajime had created while tightly grasping the sword in his grip. For himself, the enemy was powerful to the extent where he had almost lost his life, but Hajime evaluated them as if they were just stones on the side of the road without any value, he felt unpleasant from their difference in ability. Although he was trying to pretend to not notice, dark emotions were beginning to swell up again within his heart.

Hajime glanced over at Kouki who was standing still silently.


[~. Wh, what is it?]

[For now just think about finding your childhood friend. Being worried about this and that, it'll be fine as long as you do what you have to do]

[Ah, ahh. You're right, we have to quickly find Ryutaro and them….]

Although he stuttered somewhat, Kouki nodded firmly towards Hajime's words. He braced himself again to search for his missing childhood friend.

After Hajime was glancing at Kouki like that, he seemed to have lost interest and averted his glance.

As a matter of fact, Hajime had clearly understood what Kouki was feeling. Inferiority complex and frustration, jealousy of strength.....they were emotions which Hajime had felt once before.

He never thought that Kouki who had everything would be feeling that way towards himself, it was a rather ironic subject. As Hajime was thinking about such things, because he had no feelings to consider for Kouki, he was simply through with it. The words from awhile ago that Hajime said out was already a big treat.

[Hajime-san, the other side was cleaned up~]

[Fu~u, this side is done too]

In the meantime, Kaori and Shia who finished dealing with the demons came back.

[Alright. Well then, shall we depart. I think that if its Yue and Teio then it's alright but, we should still regroup with them as quickly as possible. Sakagami is...ma~a, whatever happens, happens]

[Wha-, aren't you treating Ryutaro too crudely? Say, I know that your lover is important and all but….]

From what Hajime said, Shizuku had a troubled expression as she tsukkomied. The party advanced through the interior of the sea of trees to look for their companions who were separated from them.

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