
She Dodged As If She Wanted To Back Away From His Touch

"The child has always been abused by his parents, either mentally or physically. There were various cut marks found on his body. It was said that he used to cut himself once he was locked in his room whenever he was scolded by his parents."

One of the bodyguards who were tasked to guard Shouko began to report his investigation to Kyoya. The man was sitting on a bench, appeared so haggard yet the ferocity lied in his eyes made the bodyguard trembled inwardly. 

Kyoya lifted up his gaze, signaling the bodyguard to continue. The latter resumed, each of his words reverberated inside the hallway. He kept his posture straight as he reported to his superior. The unpleasant smell of disinfectant lingered around him, creeping him with a sense of dread.

"He was asked to live to his parents' high expectations. Contrary to his age, most of his time was used to adept himself to excel in academics and skills. His parents hired home tutors to attend to him after school."

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