
31: Drag Me to Hell

By the time Alya and Nino arrived at the door, their attention immediately darted at the scowling Marinette on her seat, surrounded by their noisy classmates. The bell has not rung which explains the chaotic energy simmering from inside the room.

Alya finally decides to walk to her best friend. Although she knew it was fine, she had been feeling cautious to ask what had really happened inside the utility closet. She also wanted to apologize for acting rashly just because she was getting irrititated by how distant the two has been all morning like something had happened but they don't know it had happened.

Alya had her thoughts aligned, had her apology set, and questions reserved, but the moment she reached beside Mari, her mouth opened but no words came out.

"You look constipated." Nino blurted out of nowhere.

Alya throwed him a threatening look, but the boy shrugged it off saying he was just telling the truth, which made Alya raise her hands at him in surrender.

"I shouldn't have done that." Alya muttered, leaning down to meet her eyes.

Marinette had her head rested on to her stacked arms, making her cheeks puff faced forward. She looked constipated―as Nino called it. But really? It was more of an emotional indigestion.

Mari wasn't angry at Alya. Her best friend was just trying to be thoughtful and wanted to help fix the situation. But 'fixing' as a goal, was not what the situation needed.

The moment she got trapped with Adrien in that closet, all her pent up emotions exploded like a loose canon.

She could not see where it was going. Her feelings for Adrien and Chat Noir are going haywire.

She always thought that maybe once she realized who Chat really is, they'll be closer than ever. And yet, with how things are right now, it only drifted them apart.

Marinette grunted and pulled her head inside her fortress of arms. She stomped her feet underneath the table a few times then felt it loose strength.

"It's better this way." she mumbled under her breath.

Alya gave her a worried look. She wanted to ask what that meant, but the bell rung and everybody had scattered to order.

Nino noticed that Adrien still has not come back. He glanced to Alya hoping for an answer, but all he got was the same furrowed eyebrows he was giving her.

Mari noticed the two, exchanging looks. Basing from their crunched up foreheads and navigating eyes , she realized they were trying to figure out where Adrien was. She blankly looked towards Adrien's seat imagining where he could have gone after what she did.

If she was her usual self, she would have gone out to search for Adrien. But after that incident in the closet, she doesn't even know what to do with herself anymore. Not only has she pushed Adrien away, she feels as if she has no right to be near him anymore.

Marinette carefully rose from her slump, fixing herself, but was visibly looking like a hurricane had just passed through her. She could tell just by looking at Alya's look of concern, but all that didn't seem to matter.

The class was ready for the afternoon. Tablets out and properly on their seats. But instead of seeing their usual math teacher to come in from the door, they were surprised to see a stout old man in a suit waltzing to the teacher's table with their homeroom teacher, Miss Bustiér following after. Despite the shock, they all stood up and greeted the two then scurried back to their seats in silence.

Alya couldn't take the suspense and just had to raise her hand for questioning the instant her butt touched the seat.

"Yes, Ms. Cesaire?" acknowledged the homeroom teacher.

Alya stood up from her seat, staring directly at the teacher, "Shouldn't our class be having Math by now? Is something wrong?"

"Excellent question," grinned the teacher which made Alya settle back to her seat.

Miss Bustiér stepped forward shifting a glance to everybody in class and smiled, "Today, Principal Damocles has an announcement for you all."

She gestured to the principal and courteously glided to his back. He gave her a nod in response and proceeded to the spot in front where she had stood.

"Good afternoon, children." He said brimming with delight, "I have wonderful news for you all."

"Are we getting a refrigerator inside the classroom?" yelled Kim from the back row which made his classmates burst into laughter.

The commotion then died the moment Miss Bustiér clapped loudly, glaring at Kim.

The principal took the hint and cleared his throat, "As I was saying, I have news for all, but unfortunately not about a refrigerator." he shot a glance at Kim who slowly melted down his seat.

"Maybe some of you have heard about the revival of one of Paris' traditional ball that the mayor has been organizing some time now." he said glancing at Chloe.

The girl was already smiling as if she'd known what this announcement was about. She flicks her hair and batted her eyelashes in excitement while Sabrina giggled clapping beside her.

"The mayor and I have talked," the principal continued which made the students' perk up, "Mr. Bourgeois has informed me that the day of the planned ball happens to be the next full moon happening next month. And coincidentally it is also the school's founding day celebration."

"Whoa, really?" whispered Alya to Nino who just replied with a strong nod.

Mr. Damocles clears his throat, "Which had brought us to an agreement that this year's founding celebration will be incorporated to the Moonlight Ball."

The room roared in excitement. But before the class could continue, the principal held out his hand for attention.

"There's more." he added and waited for them to be silent.

"This ball being a celebration of art and recreation, the mayor wants selected students from Françoise Dupont to prepare a dance-play to be presented during the event."

The room was filled with gasps and squealing. Not only was the ball a simultaenous celebration of the founding day but now the whole class is supposed to come up with a dance-play that will have to entertain all the guests including the mayor.

Everbody was excited. The chance to finally showcase their talents has come and for it to be a public event is just marvelous. All was pleased of the mayor's announcement. All except, Marinette.

"But," the principal raised his hand one more time, "The cast for the dance skit will be auditioned for tomorrow."

"No need!" Chloe suddenly bolted up from her seat yelling and looking her usual confident scowl.

The whole class's eyes were now on her with some feeling nervous of what might happen next.

"Chloe," Ms. Bustiér interupts with a nervous tone, "What do you mean?"

"I have personally chosen the cast for it." she grinned mischievously which made Marinette gag at herself.

Mr. Damocles and Ms. Bustiér exchange looks as if consulting whether they let Chloe have her way.

But knowing Chloe, being the mayor's daughter, even when her plans have only been decided on the spot without her father's knowledge, this girl's words are absolute.

"Will you elaborate this Ms. Bourgeois?" the principal hesitantly said, but before he could even offer the front, Chloe has stepped out of her seat and made her way to the same spot as Mr. Damocles.

The principal took a step back.

Chloe gazed all over the room then shot them a smug face as she declared her plan.

"Listen up snots," she yelled, "This Moonlight Ball is one of our city's traditional ball. Back in the day this ball was celebrated to rejoice for the harvest, but obviously we're not celebrating thAT." she snapped the last word with a a flick of her hand like she was throwing that whole idea.

"As much as I hate the idea that my Daddy is bringing back this wholesome event as a gift to Ladybug and Chat Noir, I'll just have to suck it up."

Marinette was trying not to listen to Chloe. She wasn't over with the whole fiasco she had to deal with her transforming into the miraculous villain that instantly unveiled her friends' identities as the miraculous' users. But with those words shooting out from her mouth, her entire body felt like it just rebooted and her senses heightened to Chloe's voice.

Unconsciously, Marinette raised her hand not even waiting to be recognized.

"Wait, a ball for Ladybug and Chat Noir?"

Chloe glared at her, "Are you deaf? I won't repeat my words just for you Marinette. Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous." she rolled her eyes.

It did not faze Marinette.

"Are Ladybug and Chat Noir even coming?" she added ignoring Chloe's scowl.

Chloe wasn't pleased by the attack of questions, "I don't know, okay? And I don't care! What matters to me right now is how my mother feels about this ball." she grumbled with her usual sass then ignored Marinette.

"That being said," she squared her body away from Marinette, "All of you will be part of the dance-play that will be performed in the ball. Be honored." she said in her proud voice.

The class didn't know how to feel about it. Sabrina looked extremely delighted by the news, but even their teacher and principal felt confused.

"Now, now, no need to fuss about it." Chloe held her arms up basking in her glory, "I'm just a very generous girl that I want all of you to atleast have a feeling of being the star."

"Wow, that's a relief." mumbled Alya which gained a few giggles from the backseat.

Chloe noticed Alya's grim expression matched with the sarcastic comment.

Normally, she'd talk back and insist her dominance. But Chloe understood, that unless she acts noble and appear like she cares about her classmates, she won't be getting the manpower she'll need for her project.

"Of course, Cesaire." she said gritting her teeth, "That being said, I expect all of you to be prepared for rehearsals starting next week. The dance-play will be short but the story is fantastic."

"What's the play going to be about?" Rose yelled from her seat.

Chloe smiles, then claps her hand calling for Sabrina. The girl in glasses rushed to her side carrying an opened laptop then showing the class what was on the screen.

It was an image of a half face mask that was contoured for the nose bridge area spreading to the eye sockets. It had a pink and blue ombré color scheme and a fabulous cat eye peak.

"The Masquerade. Written by no other than, moi!" squealed Chloe in delight.

Marinette and Alya exchanged worried glances knowing where all of this is going.

"Allow me to elaborate!" Sabrina peeked from behind the screen.

"It's a story about a princess who has never tried socializing. On the night of her sixteenth birthday, her kingdom arranged a ball in which she is required to participate in. There she danced all night and met the prince of her life."

"I see," Alya huffed loudly, "And we understand that you are that princess?"

"Very good, Cesaire!" pointed Chloe which made Alya slump back to her seat.

"And of course, the Prince will be played by Adrien!" cheered Sabrina, but her smile died when she couldn't find Adrien anywhere in the room.

"Anyway!" Chloe interrupted, "That being said, I expect all of you to do your best. Sabrina will be handing out the parts and the sequences for the dance. An instructor will come next Monday."

She then turned around to principal Damocles, "We're going to get free periods for practices, okay?" she grinned confidently which made the principal nervously laugh and went along with her demands.

Marinette felt her stomach twisting. Not only was this a Chloe Bourgeois show, but it was her trying to make a move on Adrien. Mari almost forgot that despite Adrien having a girlfriend, Chloe would still find a way to snake her way into Adrien's lovelife. This was to be expected of Chloe knowing how she must have been really hurt from her perspective of betrayals recently. And yet there she was, wasting her chance with the boy she likes and her alter-ego best friend.

And to think she'll have to be part of Chloe's dance-play that is obviously all about her. Thinking about that all at once made Mari feel depressed.

"Girl, you don't look so good." Alya said patting her on the shoulder.

"You think?" Mari rested her cheek on to the back of her hand, "This is all going in shambles. I can't even dance."

Just when Mari thought Alya was the one she was talking to, Chloe suddenly shows up beside her looking villanous as ever.

"Did you just say you can't dance?" said Chloe with her hip popping to the side.

"What do you want Chloe?" Mari replied sounding exhausted.

"Well you see, I forgot to tell you something." she grinned, leaning over, "You're not dancing."

Mari's eyes widened, "What?"

Chloe stood back up and scoffed, "As per request of my mother, you're supposed to be in charge in designing the main character's costumes. But why stop there?"

Mari suddenly felt a shudder of fear inside her as if she's about to be swallowed by a huge wave. Her eyes followed Chloe, fearing what was about to begin.

"Listen up everybody!" yelled Chloe.

The whole class turned to her who was standing, hovering over Marinette.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng will be in charge in designing and making our costumes."

"What?" Mari muttered under her breath.

Alya stood up about to tackle Chloe, "Chloe Bourgeios! Are you insane?" she protested, but that just made Chloe feel even more powerful.

As soon as Chloe saw that it had dawned on Marinette, she gladly laughed her way back to her seat.

The whole class stared at Mari. No one cheered nor said a word. She was in hot seat. They all had a pity look on their faces feeling sorry for what Bourgeois had just flat out dropped on her.

Chloe may have spared her from the humiliation of dancing, but it had a heavy price of cruelty in exchange.

Marinette was already at the brim of her responsibilities as Ladybug, but now she is about to burn herself out with everything going on with her personal life.

All that Mari could think was,

"Just drag me to hell."

「Dance-plays」 are plays that compose of a bunch of dance numbers to portray the story. Instead of having a lot of dialogues, the exchange of steppings and gestures make way for the movement of the story. It's like an interpretative dance number but with short meaningful dialogues tha are easier to memorize.

Well, that is it. I hope you liked it and see you on the next one!

Mai_Lunacreators' thoughts