
Alkabran Mission Ending - Chapter 142

"New Mission – Mission 2"

 "Explore The Dimension"

 "Dimension Adress – A2023452848037503-38639-49176-7254"


 "There is something wrong within this dimension it is classified as Anomaly, find the anomalies and weird things report it to system"

Mission Completed


 "3 AB Points + 10 AB Points +" = 13 Points

"10 AT Points

For New, Mission Please go to "Dimension – AFT435TWC525-Ic-532-53326-7343-534


Brion finally took a deep breath and smiled, his mission on the "Alkabran" was finally finished it may look that he did spend any time on the Alkabran but it was not like that, he spends about more than 2 to 3 years in this dimension.
