
Payback scheme

That Saturday wasn't only a disaster for those three women, but also for Tracy and Camilla King. The three had been having a nice family breakfast in their backdoor garden when they saw the news, and Tracy swept every dish she laid her hands on off the table in anger. 


"WHAT IS THIS BULLSHIT?!" She bellowed angrily as she picked up her phone and tried to make a call, but another call was coming in. She declined the call and tried to dial a number, but another call came in. And that was how it continued. It seemed like someone was calling every second. And it wasn't just her, but Camilla's phone was also ringing incessantly, while Christian just sat there with his legs crossed as he watched the two women pulling their hair out in frustration. 


Who would have expected the Velma family to make a statement like that? 

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