
Chapter 526 A Dance of Shadows

No more concerted attacks came at this time. Groans of pain and the cries of many were the only thing that proved to be consistent in the air.

The uninjured ones were of course mute and uncaring of the plight of others. They considered their health first and foremost before even giving a slight care to those around them.

It did not need telling that the members of the Invincibles remained frozen after all that they had seen so far.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

"Help me kill him or else he's gonna kill us all!" The blonde leader roared at his men. Alas, he only got silent mocking in return.

Finley raged inside and promised that he would punish every single one of these cowards once this problem before him got solved.

He did not even question how our bored gamer got his name since Finley Price was quite a notorious character already in this 1 month campaign.
