
Chapter 497 Amos Feather

Two souls talked about everything and nothing under the sun and this prelude stopped approximately an hour after it had started.

Although the Wizard King would have wanted to delay for as long as he could even if it would take a million years and more to do so but alas, our bored gamer could not afford for such a thing to happen.

With this open-ended scenario, he had a hunch that he would have to spend several millions of years in this realm before he could fully conquer the state that his partner clay brick wanted him to have.

A lot like what happened in the recent realm before this one.

"So what will it be? Obedience or extinction?" Clark asked towards the Wizard King after a topic of girls had run out between them.

"How sure are you that you can kill me anytime you wish, Astronian?" The Wizard King asked his own question but did it with pure curiosity alone.

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