
Chapter 16

Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries / The Originals, or any of the characters, plot-lines, dialogues from the shows or books

However, I do own Catherine Matthews/ my very own Katherine Peirce, her backstory, the storyline, and any additional characters that do not belong to The Vampire Diaries or The Originals. Characters in this story may not have the same opinion as you. These characters are all fictional.

I once read somewhere that, 'When something goes wrong in your life, just shout 'plot twist' and move on.' And let me tell you it's a sheer bull. It really didn't work when I tried it with Klaus.

Let me tell you how it all started...

"Listen, Caroline, sometimes it doesn't work out with someone because they're a piece of shit who deserves a piece of shit, and you, Caroline, are not a piece of shit," I said into the phone as I dragged my cabin bag to the immigration area, ignoring the weird looks I was getting.

"But Matt's not a piece of shit," Caroline said, confused.

"Oh, my God! I am saying it to make you feel better, you idiot," I said frustrated.

"Oh! Thanks," she said with a pause and continued, "At what time will you be here?"

"Two more hours, give or take," I said.

"Fine. I will see you then," the blondie said.

"Wait... Don't tell anyone about it yet. I am really not in a mood for long lectures after a 12-hour flight," I added as an afterthought, standing in the immigration line.

"Fine. Fine," the teenager muttered, carelessly.

"Really, Caroline. Don't. Come in the morning or tomorrow after school," I said in a severe tone.

"Okay," she said in the same tone and muttered a "Tough crowd."

"Whatever. I will start in 10 minutes. I don't think any cabbie wants to take me from Richmond to mystic falls. I should probably compel some poor soul," I muttered.

"Don't kill anyone?" she said and cut the call.

I put my phone in the pocket and saw that I am the next in the queue.

"Passport and boarding pass, please," The lady at the immigration desk asked.

"Name?" She asked me, eyeing me curiously once I handed her my passport.

"Katy Perry," I said with a straight face.

She gave me a once over and said, "Welcome back Miss Perry," stamping the ink impression on my passport

"Thanks," I said, taking my passport and dragged my luggage out.

I still can't believe I took that stupid passport out of all the other fake IDs in Katherine's stack. Remember the trips I took to New York after Mason left, that's what I was researching about. I browsed through Katherine's iPhone and saw the places she visited in her google maps. I then retraced those steps, which led me to the Bank of America. I wasn't really sure if Katherine had an account there, but I decided to throw an arrow in the dark, and it was a bull's eye, with the help of a little compulsion.

With the help of the little black book in the locker, I got to know about the details of her assets all over the world, along with that I attained access to her fake IDs, credit and debit cards, and passwords for other safes in Swiss and some other banks.

Did you know she has a private Island in the Bahamas?

And a 100 acres Manor in the countryside of England?

A lot of shares in renowned companies?

Guess, I should've expected it as she lived for 5 lifetimes now.

"And here I thought that vampires can't claim health insurance or life insurance."

"How far along are you?" I asked into the phone, not bothering with any pleasantries.

"I don't think I can become pregnant at this age, even if I tried, Matthews," a sassy voice answered using my original name.

"I am referring to the book, Melantha," I said with a snort. "You know, the book I stole from the library and gave it to you to translate it after learning Greek from you."

"Hey! You just gave it to me yesterday," she said. "Why are you so worried about it? It's not like you are dying anytime now."

"Who knows maybe you will die because of your old age," I said, looking out of the car window.

"I am not leaving this world anytime soon. So, don't worry," the Greek witch said in her Greek accent.

"Whatever. The next few days are going to be dangerous for me. I will probably call you after the full moon," I said and muttered slowly to myself, "If I am still alive."

"Alright. I will hear from you next week then," the old hag said, probably calculating when the next full moon is. I cut off the call when I saw the 'Welcome to Mystic Falls' sign bracing myself for what will happen in the coming week.

As soon as I entered Mrs. Flowers's home, I heard two strong heartbeats as usual.

"Mrs. Flowers, you are still home?" I asked, confused as I threw my handbag on the couch. Usually, that oldie is a hard-working woman. She doesn't come home until late, and it's barely dark outside.

I heard no response, however.

"Don't tell me you brought another human pet, Isobel?" I said, sounding mad, "This is not some hostel for strays."

I stopped in my tracks when I smelt something odd. It felt like death. I made my way to the kitchen to see Mrs. Flowers and Isobel's blood bag James lying on the floor looking quite dead. Actually, they are gone. Their heads were snapped.

"Isobel," I asked, turning around only to come face to face with John Gilbert and some other guy who looked familiar like I have seen that character somewhere.

"John?" I asked, confused.

"Zdravei, Katerina!" He said with a creepy smile. "I have missed you."

"Plot twist," I shouted in his face and got knocked out by some witchy juju.

Ah! So the other guy was Maddox.

I woke up to some voices in an uncomfortable position. I was sitting in a chair, tied up with vervain ropes. It was stinging like a bitch. I know it was a waste of time to run, knowing Klaus; he locked me here without any way to escape.

"Shh," I grimaced, trying to adjust my limbs.

"Look, who is awake," a cheerful voice said, making me cringe.

"I really hate that voice," I said automatically.

"I know. John was very frightened after you attacked him for daggering Elijah," John said in a light British accent, "That's why I thought to take the matter into my own hands. He wasn't of much use compelled."

"Good for you. But everyone hates the guy's guts here. He is not much use possessed either," I said, looking at Klaus in John's body.

"Mmhm," he hummed and questioned, "Do you think it was rather tedious?"

"To me, yes," I said "But knowing you, I think not. You must've done it for a reason."

He chuckled at my reply, "Knowing me?" He said, amused, "Tell me, what do you know about me?"

I know he was taking his time. Probably waiting for vervain to leave my system and then start questioning me.

I know he won't kill me until he gets his answers. He will wait until the sacrifice and then decide whether to use me at the alter or make the rest of my life miserable. And so, I decided to play along till then.

"You may be a miserable excuse for a sibling, but there is none more diabolical," I said, and he stabbed my thigh with a kitchen knife

Shit! That hurt like a bitch.

"Truth hurts, doesn't it," I said through gritted teeth.

"It does. But I agree with you," the wannabe hybrid said, "Considering I am the reason Elijah is lying with a dagger in his heart somewhere. But he was trying to kill me. So, he deserves it."

"He wouldn't have if you didn't throw his siblings at the bottom of some sea," I fired back.

"Look at that. Someone's been bonding," the devil said, sarcastically earning a snort from me. "No wonder you tried to kill John for daggering my brother. Tell me what other secrets did you share?"

"We didn't share anything. I was angry at John because he took away one thing that can help us kill you. That's it," I said, wincing as he dragged the knife across my cheek, cutting through the skin.

"You have a lot of guts to say that you are waiting for my demise when I can clearly smell your fear." He said, "Why the brave facade, Katerina? Who are you trying to fool?"

"You know, if you are trying to bleed me off Vervain, it will work better without vervain ropes cutting through my skin," I said instead.

"Anymore desires you would like me to fulfill before I rip the heart out of your chest," He asked.

"Look, it's not like I am going to leave. I am pretty sure your witch friend placed some kind of spell here, preventing me from going out," I tried to reason. My cheek and my thighs were already hurting, I really didn't want to feel the constant acid burn on my wrists and ankles.

He just stood them and stared at me, not moving an inch.

"Fine. Your wish," I grumbled under my breath, "Can you at least tell me what you did to Isobel?"

"You mean Elena's mother. I sent her to do some task for me," he said with a cynical smile checking his watch. "Ah! She should have done it by now."

I had a terrible feeling.

"Am I going to see her again?" I questioned with an unconscious gulp.

"Sure you are," he said, smiling. "In fact, I will send you to your friend as soon as I am done with you."

I liked her.

She was tolerable and put up with me.

He killed her.

And he will kill me...

Just not yet.

"What are you waiting for. Kill me," I said even though I am 99.99% sure the Original will not. I am waiting for that 0.01% to prove me wrong.

"And show you mercy? I've searched for you for over five hundred years. Your death is going to last, at least half that long." He said, sitting on the chair in front of me.

That's good, I guess.

One question is cleared. I am not dying anytime soon.

"Maybe I will be a bit lenient if you tell me about something," He said, "Your friend Isobel said you know the whereabouts of the moonstone, which might I add was stole from me."

"I didn't steal it. It was temporarily misappropriated," I said almost immediately.

"For 500 years" he all but shouted as soon as he heard the word temporary.

"Jeez! It's only fair. You were trying to kill me for God's sake," I tried to reason.

"Then it's only fair when I do this," he said, stabbing me again.


"Now tell me where the moonstone is?" He asked, and I stayed silent. "Fine hard way it is."

Before he could do anything, we heard my phone ring. He went and took it from my purse that's lying on a couch.

"Who is Caroline?" He asked.

"Elena's friend," I muttered, feeling week by the lack of blood. I really don't know what he would do if I said she was my protege. The last one I ate was a flight attendant before I boarded my flight. It's already been 30 hours. I should've taken a drink from the cabbie. I don't know if the vervain is already out of my system, considering the amount of blood loss I had.

"Hmm," he hummed. "Damon and Stefan are the vampire boyfriend's, right?"

"Yes. Now can you not go through my phone, please" I asked the were-vamp before me when I heard another buzz from my phone, but the guy paid no heed, causing me to sigh.

"You know it's only a few minutes before they come looking for me," I said, "I don't think you can fight all of them in that body."

"Yes, sadly, we've run out of time to play nice." The wannabe Original hybrid said, throwing my phone back in my bag, and rushed towards me trying to compel. "Where is the moonstone?"

Clearly, his and my definition of playing nice is different.

"I think I forgot where I kept it," I said with a pout. I know I will lose the game, but I continued playing anyway.

I am never the one to back down from a fight. I am not going to do it now.

If I were, I would've run as far away as possible from this awful town when I learned about the character I was possessing..

"Is it willful ignorance or perhaps something more pathological." He asked angrily "Let's find out shall we"

And then he snapped my neck again.

The next time I opened my eyes, I felt a little different. I couldn't move my muscles without wincing. It's like I felt human again. I then realized I was covered in my blood. It looks like he took his time.

"I knew you were an artist. I didn't expect I am the canvas," I said, my words bitter and barely whispered.

"Finally. Your lack of communication has started to infuriate me," John/Klaus said from behind me.

"Aww, honey! I didn't know you missed my voice so much," I said. I think my sarcasm works most when masking the pain.

"You know, I expected you to be frightened considering you have been running from me for 5 centuries," he mused. "Looks like I am wrong."

"Well, I know you are not going to kill me as I am the one who leads you to the moonstone and spill secrets about Mystic Falls' Scooby gang," I said.

"You are right. I am saving the best for last. But I can inflict you with an innumerable amount of pain that you will spill the secrets without any compulsion required," He said with a cruel smile

"I am very familiar with it already. You killed everyone, dear to me. My family and now, my friends. What more can you do?" I asked

"Don't worry about that, Katerina. I am as evil as it gets," he said with a sinister smile. He then looked me in the eye and said: "leave."

In a daze, I tried to do that with all my might. I broke my wrists even though I know I can't leave the house, and despite the pain, I am in, I tried to do it as Klaus chuckled at me.

" Okay, stop," he said, looking in my eyes, and I did "we are going to have so much fun," he said excitedly.

Oh! No.

Next chapter