
Online blessing

"Nothing, I was just asking randomly. No specific reason," Noah quickly exclaimed before changing the topic. "W-We got the Felica project, that is the good news." 

"We did? That is great news," Sebastian beamed. 

"What good news?" Melissa inquired. 

Sitting beside Sebastian, Ellie smiled, "Share it with us as well." 

"Noah just told me we got the Felica project," Sebastian answered. 

"That is great news, congratulations you guys." Giving Sebastian a hug, she added, "I knew you guys would crack the deal." 

Wrapping his arms around her, he stated, "With you by my side, I can crack any deal or anything I want to. You are my lady luck." 

Knocking his forehead, Ellie chuckled, "Stop with all the sweet talking." 

"Dad and uncle Arthur always wanted to work with them but something always came up and they ended up not getting the deal. They are gonna be so happy," Noah grinned. 

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