

Ellie sighed and nodded her head, "I know but now I think I could keep it you know. Maybe I could just leave the lights open when I am at work and then we could play with her together after work. It would be fun but anyway, no point thinking about it since she is already adopted. Never mind, I'll make pasta for dinner today, is that okay or do you want something else?" 

"Pasta is fine." He would eat anything that she would make for him, even a broccoli salad which he hated the most.

"Your suitcase, the one you had taken for the trip is still in my room. I washed your clothes along with mine in the morning before going to work so you can go and change if you want to," she suggested.

"Hmm, I'll go and change first," he smiled. 

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she awkwardly asked, "You are staying right?" 

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