
To Sneak out or Not

"Just be careful, Jie'er, and don't anything stupid." Han Feng said, resigned. There really was nothing he could do when Han Jie was like this. 

"Aren't I always?" Han Jie asked with a confident smile on her face. She was still certain about her survival skills. If they caught her doing something naughty, they wouldn't be able to torture her to admit it! 

When she said that, Han Jun's snort was louder at this time as if saying, 'You are not dependable at all.' 

Bai Min rolled his eyes at her, while Jonah, on the other hand, coughed awkwardly to hide his snicker. 

Seeing them like this, Han Jie pretended to look hurt before bursting into laughter. She then skipped out of the dining room. 

Han Feng sighed. He really didn't want to see her in jail. It was good to be young and experience new things, but being too adventurous was just giving old people a headache. 

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