
The Return Of A Legend

There was an endless black space in front of him, filled with complete darkness and nothing else. It felt like one was asleep yet, at the same time, not. There were no dreams, no sounds, no noises, nothing. And, all they could see was an endless black space.

Since no thoughts could transpire, one couldn't even feel the passage of time. Meaning even the person themselves had no clue what had happened or what their body was currently doing. This was the current feeling or non-existent feeling they were going through. For how long had it been like this, there was no sense at all. And after an unknown amount of time, they finally heard a voice.


He heard it, but whose voice was it? At the moment, he couldn't even access his own memories in his current state.

'You..you need to…'

'Yeah...I need to do what? Make breakfast? Get ready for school? Do homework? What are you trying to tell me?'

'You need to wake up!' The voice yelled, resounding in his head.

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