
Did She Ever Have The Chance?

SP and NP.

Two initials were what welcomed him upon seeing the two tombs at the top of the hill.

Laying quietly atop were two tombstones, the surrounding was peaceful. Despite it being night time, the place was not creepy at all.

Instead it felt so peaceful, too peaceful that his heart started hurting, hurting for the two people lying underneath the ground.

"The place wasn't as peaceful as this when they were buried here. It was a normal natural hill, with weeds and bushes. Their daughter dragged their bodies up here and did her best to bury them."

"It was a stormy night and her body just came from an accident that no other could have been able to do it. But she did and she did it splendidly."

Alissa started speaking as Timothy stared at the tombs.

He slowly looked at her, "Please tell me that what I am thinking is not true. Tell me that whatever it is that I have just realized is not true."

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