
Fooling Around

"Who is it!?" asked Brigadier General Richards when he heard the phone rang.

"I dont know it looks like a landline number!" replied Jonathan

Seeing that the call was from a landline the Brigadier General signaled the technician to be ready to track the phone then told Jonathan to keep the phone on speaker mode.

Jonathan answered the phone and puts it on speaker as he says "Hello!"

"Hello dad it's me Matt!" Matt said

"Matt! It's you!" Jonatha wanted to warn his son but he knew that if he did everyone in their family would be taken into custody, personally he didn't had ay problem and he knew others won't be having one either but he couldn't do that to his grandchildrens so he just kept his mouth shut.

"Yeah, I wanted to tell you that I am not gonna buy my new phone right now so i will be calling from payphone only" Matt said

From the surprise he heard in his fathers voice he knew that military had most probably reached the hotel and were asking questions about him.

'heh.... let's play around with them for a bit' Matt thought

"Where are you Matt?" asked Jonathan

"Me? I am with a firnd of mine near Empire state building" Matt said

"Near Empire state building!?" surprise was clear in Jonathans voice as his son who had broken the agreement with the miliatry and he knows that but instead of hiding he is roaming around Empir state building.

'That kid is definetly lying! There is no way he would be around empire state building' thought Genral Brigadier Richards and turned towards his technician.

"Check from where he is calling" General Brigadier Richards whispered to the technician.

"Yes Empire State Building, it's my friends first time comming to New York, so I decided to show him around here and when I decide to go to california then he would show me around there" Matt said with a smile on his face, he knew that the military was currently trackng him but he didn't cared about it as to him with the current abilities he could easily hide from then unless and untill they decide to go all out and use helicopters to search him as well.

"Than when will you come here?" Jonathan asked as the Brigadier Geeral Richards wanted him to keep talking to Matt so that can properly track Matt, since the tecnhician only had a laptop and few more trinkets it wasn't enough to directly find matts location and it would take him at least 30 seconds to pin point the exact location of Matt.

"I don't know about that, but I will be pretty late that's I am sure of!"Matt said.

"Is that so? Than don't forget to buy a new phone and sim crad for yourself, I don't wanna pick up unknown number everytime and think if it's my son calling or somone else." Jonathan said.

"OK the moment I get the time I will buy it, bye than tell mom and the others that I will bring something for them" Matt said.

"Bye son" Jonathan said as the call was disconnected.

The moment the call was disconnected Brigadier General RIchards asked his Technician "Where was he calling from?"

"Empire State Building!" replied the technician

"What!? You are saying that he is not lying and that he is really around the Empire State Building!" asked Brigadier General Richards.

"No sir, he was calling from inside the Empire State Building" replied the technician.

Brigadier General RIchards was stumped silent he couldn't believe his ears, here he was thining of ways that he will have to try to find this Kid but here he was touring around one of the New Yorks tourist spot without even worrying about them.

"That Bastard does he looks down on the military so much" Brigadier General said as he stood up from his seat, "Two men will stay here along with the technician if that kid calls again than you will find out his exact location than tell us"


While the military was racing towards the Empire State Building, Matt was viewing the Manhatten from the 102nd floor, the observatory of the Empire State Building.

It took the military 3 minutes to reach after which they started to race inside the Empire state building and in the next two to three minutes Brigadier Genral Richards reached the Empire State building as well.

"We have to find him, two of you go towards the cctv room I want eyes on the whole buildong make sure that he doesn't escape" Brigadier General Richards said.

"Sir yes sir" the miliatry said in unison with a salute after which everyone started to work. there were at least 10 men using the stairs and 4 men using the elevators to go up while some followed behind Brigadier general Richards everyone of them was carrying a gun strapped to there thigh and some even had M4 with them.

Matt had already seen the Military vehicles coming from the observatory with his Binoculars, even though with the increase in his strength his eyes became much sharper it not enough to find a miltary vehicle at the road from the observatory as it is more than 300 meters.

Seeing that the people he was waiting for had come, Matt started to come down from the observatory with the stairs but he didn't find any military men even though he was already on the 86th floor.

"What the hell are these guys doing do they think that I won't be able to leave the place if they seal every exit?" Matt mumbled.

In the cctv room the two men had already became suspicious of Matt as he was using the stairs instead of the lift to go down.

So one of the man contatced the General to infrom him about the suspicious guy with the walky talky.

"Sir, there is a suspicious man who is using the stairs to come down from the observatory instead of taking the Elevator and has already reached 86th correction 85th floor." siad the military man.

"Hmm.... what does he look like?" asked Brigadier General RIchards.

"We don't know sir, his face is hidden under his hood" replied the Military Man.

Brigadier General became suspicious and from his walky talky he changed the channel to everyone and said "Whoever is using the elevator go to the 70th floor and use the stairs from there on, our men in the cctv room has found someone suspicious"

In the next chapter there will be a small clash between Matt and the military Street which the apocalypse will start.

shashank_bhattcreators' thoughts
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