
Chapter 8: Never Give Link Alcohol

Chapter Seven

Everyone in Fairy Tail looked over as the doors opened before cheering when they saw Link walk in, making him stop. "You're back!" Lucy said happily as she ran up to him and he gave a small grin and a nod of his head.

"What happened?" Erza asked as she walked up while dragging a tied up and gagged Natsu. Link paused as he looked at Natsu then Erza before shaking his head.

"You mean the arrest was just a formality?" Lucy asked a minute later in surprise as she, Erza, Gray, and Link sat at the bar while Natsu wriggled around on the ground, still tied up, and Link nodded his head as Mirajane put a glass of milk in front of him. "So I was worried for nothing…" Lucy said with a sigh as her head dropped to the bar and Link offered a small grin before grabbing his milk.

"I'm glad." Erza said with a small smile and Link looked at her with his grin before raising his glass slightly then drinking from it.

"But what about yours and Natsu's fight?" Gray asked and Link froze as Natsu's eyes suddenly widened before fire erupted from, freeing him from the ropes.

"THAT'S RIGHT, LINK!" Natsu roared as he stood up and Lucy looked at him in shock.

"Why didn't you just do that earlier?" Lucy asked and Natsu blinked before slamming his palm against his forehead.

"Never mind that; let's finish our fight, Link!" Natsu declared and Link glanced back at him before holding his glass that was still half-full of milk. A second later it was destroyed, making everyone's eyes go wide before Gray and Lucy scattered as Link's hand trembled slightly while Erza calmly stayed sitting to drink the rest of her milk. "Mira, can I have a beer please?" Erza asked when she was done and Mirajane nodded her head with a smile.

"HERE I COME!" Natsu roared as he charged forward at the still unmoving Link.

Link suddenly spun on the bar stool while Equipping his Silver Gauntlets to punch Natsu square in the face, sending him flying back through several tables and partially into the wall. Link blinked before looking back at Mirajane, who was already looking at him with her hands on her hips, and quickly pointed at the unconscious Natsu.

After several seconds Link was sweating nervously before Mirajane sighed then smiled brightly. "I'll have to make sure to let Natsu know he needs to pay for repairs when he wakes up." Mirajane said and Link sighed in relief then Ex-Equipped his Silver Gauntlets as another serving girl came up with another glass of milk and set it in front of him, getting a nod of appreciation from him as Lucy and Gray got back to their seats.

"What an idiot." Gray said with a smirk as Link drank his milk. "Just cause he had a good day yesterday he thinks he can go and push his luck." He said before taking a drink of his beer.

"Link-san?" Lucy asked when Link put his glass down and he wobbled slightly. "Are you okay?" She asked and Erza and Gray looked over before their eyes shot open when they saw the rosy tint to his cheeks as he swayed on his chair.

"Not good!" Gray said as he quickly moved back as Erza grabbed Link's glass. When she sniffed it her eyes went wide before turning around to everybody else. "Everyone, Link just had some alcohol!" She said and the eyes of the veterans of Fairy Tail went wide before they quickly and quietly moved away from the bar while Makarov stood up.

"Is… is that bad?" Lucy asked nervously as she moved back to join Gray, Happy hiding behind her back. "As long as we stay quiet… no." Gray whispered as Link suddenly collapsed backwards off of his stool on to the ground with a thud, and a few seconds later a loud snoring issued from him.

"But he just-""Shhhh!" Gray snapped as Erza looked over and put her finger to her lips to signal silence before carefully crouching down to grab his arm as Mirajane walked around to help. "This happened once before, and we've been careful to try and make sure it never happened again." Gray said and Lucy looked over at him as Makarov raised right hand up.

"Come on, Link!" A twelve year old Cana said as she, Link, Erza, Natsu, Happy, and Gray sat at a table with a cake on it. "You can at least have one drink on your birthday!" Cana said but Link shook his head.

"I bet I can drink more than you can!" Natsu declared but Erza shook her head.

"Link's right, we're still too young to be drinking." Erza said and Happy raised his small paw into the air. "Aye." He said in a squeaky voice and Natsu looked up at him in annoyance before looking at Erza.

"We're doing the same work as the adults; we can have one drink to celebrate Link's birthday!" Natsu said and Erza hesitated for a few seconds before sighing.

"Very well, but only for today." Erza said and Natsu cheered as Link looked at her uncertainly while Cana poured everyone, with the exception of Happy, a glass and passed them around.

"KAMPAI!" Natsu roared as he raised his glass in the air and everyone followed suit. "KAMPAI!" Everyone yelled before downing their drink.

As soon as Link put down his drink he wobbled in his stool slightly and everyone looked at him in surprise before he fell off his stool on to his back with a loud crash and started snoring.

"Link?" Erza said in surprise as Natsu and Gray started laughing before their attention was caught by another person's laughter.

Everyone looked over to see Mirajane laughing in amusement at the passed out Link and Erza's eyes narrowed slightly. "Is that all Link could handle? How pathetic!" Mirajane declared with a smirk and Link's ears twitched a couple of times.

"How have you been completing those jobs when he can't even handle one drink?" She asked as she locked eyes with Erza and Erza slowly stood up.

"Shaddup, damnit." Link suddenly said and everyone froze in surprise before looking down to see Link blinking his eyes slowly. "Can't a *hic* guy get some sleep around here?" He demanded in a drunken slur before trying to on to his side, the Hylian Shield preventing him.

Mirajane burst into laughter at his attempts to get up, making him wince slightly before he was able to roll on to his side as Erza knelt beside him. "Are you okay?" Erza asked as Link slowly got up to his feet but he ignored her as he started stumbling towards Mirajane.

"I said shaddup; what ye *hic* deaf or somefing?" He asked and everyone looked at each uncertainly as Mirajane's eyes slowly narrowed as she looked at Link before smirking as she put one hand on her hip. "Is this really Link?" One of the members asked in confusion.

"What are you going to do if I don't?" She asked as Link swayed on his feet.

"Ima *hic* Ima *hic* Ima gonna put thish foot." Link said as he pointed at his right boot. "Into thou mouth to shut ye up." He said and Mirajane started laughing before she was sent flying as Link jumped up and kicked her square in the mouth, sending her slamming into a wall.

"L… Link!" Erza said in wide-eyed surprise as everyone else's draw dropped before a loud crashing sound was heard as a table came flying at Link.

Link blinked before a blue crystal formed around him and the table shattered against it as Mirajane came flying in at him in Demon Form. Link's eyes widened slightly as he rolled to the side before readying his shield and Kokiri Sword as Nayru's Love disappeared.

"So, ye were a Li *hic* a Liz *hic* a Lizalfo in disguise were ye?" Link asked as Mirajane turned around with a snarl on her face and he blinked before he scratched his head curiously as he swayed. "Ye be different from other ones though." He said before avoiding another pass from Mirajane.

"Mira-nee, stop this!" Lisanna said in alarm as Link's eyes narrowed and he twirled his sword.

"Must *hic* be a egg-layer… well ye will *hic* meet the same fate as thou kin!" Link declared before launching forward at Mirajane.

"TAKE –OOF!" Mirajane started to scream before Erza tackled her right before Link was about to slash down. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" Mirajane demanded and Erza glared at before looking over as Link stumbled slightly when he landed.

"Link was about to kill you." Erza said and everyone looked at her in shock.

"H-hold on there Erza…" Natsu said as he put one hand up while Link turned around to look back in drunken surprise. "Link wouldn't kill someone from-""I know that!" Erza snapped as she and Mirajane stood up.

"So ye *hic* come in pairs too, eh?" Link asked as he brought his shield up defensively. "Too bad for ye that I'm already used *hic* to this tactic." Link said and everyone looked at each other in confusion.

"He must be hallucinating, so whatever he called us he actually thinks we are." Erza said before she drew her short saber. "And whatever a Lizalfo is, they've apparently tried to kill him multiple times." Erza said as Link began walking slowly up to them.

"Well what the hell is a Lizalfo?" Mirajane demanded but Erza shook her head.

"I don't know, but we'll have to knock him out and hopefully he'll sleep this off." Erza said and Mirajane looked at her in shock. "Me, work with you?" She demanded as Natsu jumped from his chair and charged Link with a feral smile.

"I'LL KNOCK HIM OUT IN ONE –GURK!" Natsu started to roar before Link spun to slam his shield into Natsu's face before spinning around again to bring his sword to bear.

"NATSU!" Lisanna screamed in alarm as Gray slammed his fist against his open palm. "Ice Make: Lance!" Gray yelled and two ice lances shot out from his hand at Link, making him jump back to avoid them.

"More and *hic* more enemies… well that's not new to me!" Link roared as he charged at Gray before stopping and putting his shield and sword up, his shield blocking a downward tail swipe from Mirajane while his sword blocked Erza's saber.

"*hic*" Was all that came from Link's mouth as a blue aura surrounded his sword while Mirajane looked at him in surprise for holding off both of their attacks.

"Mira, get back!" Erza yelled even as she jumped back and Mirajane flapped her wings to get into the air.

"HYAAA!" Link roared as he spun, sending out a circular wave of destruction that tore the wooden floor around and sent a couple tables flying.

"How the hell did he hold the two us off?" Mirajane demanded as she spun in the air to right herself. "It's the bracelet!" Erza responded before parrying a slash from Link. "You mean it's not just jewelry?" Mirajane asked as Link hesitated in confusion when he saw Erza.

"Ye look familiar…" Link said as he narrowed his eyes in concentration before they widened again as Erza smiled slightly. "No! Just another illu *hic*!" Link yelled before kicking her in the stomach to send her skidding back, making her wince slightly even through her armor.

"No, it's a magical bracelet that actually doubles his normal strength." Erza said before parrying a stab from Link right as Mirajane came flying in at him high speeds. Link quickly jumped into air and spun, wobbling slightly in the air, before Elfman jumped into the air behind him.

"Sorry about this Link, but no one hurts Nee-chan!" Elfman said as he flexed arm and the blue sleeve burst as his arm doubled in size and turned black. "Iron Bull!" Elfman yelled as he prepared to punch Link.

Link's eyes fixed on Elfman as he continued to spin before giving a powerful kick to Elfman's face, sending him slamming to the ground.

"ELF-NII!""ELFMAN!" Lisanna and Mirajane screamed in alarm, Mirajane more in rage than alarm, and Link's ears twitched as he landed with a small stumble even as Mirajane came flying in at him at high speeds.

Suddenly a large fist slammed down into Link, sending him to the ground, and Mirajane's eyes went wide before flaring her wings to stop her forward charge as everyone else looked at the door in surprise to see Makarov there with a serious expression on his face. "Somehow that didn't have the same feel as the usual fights you kids have." Makarov asked as he slowly raised his fist to show Link in a five foot hole, snoring contently.

"Now what's-""SHHHH!" Everyone in the Guild lobby said at the same time as Makarov began asking his question and he blinked in surprise as Mirajane slowly reverted back to normal.

"After he recovers I'm going to teach a little lesson." Mirajane whispered as she went to go check on the woozy Elfman.

Lucy was sweating nervously as Erza and Mirajane carefully stood up with Link.

"Not now…" Makarov suddenly said as his eyes drooped slightly and a few seconds later everyone collapsed. "Mystogan." Makarov said as the doors to Fairy Tail slowly opened and a figure hidden under layers of clothing, a bandanna over his head and another covering his face, slowly walked in with a staff held horizontally in his hands.

Mystogan calmly walked over to the Guild Board as Makarov sighed and lowered his hand before looking down at the unconscious Link, Mirajane, and Erza and giving an evil grin.

Several seconds later Mystogan walked over to the bar before pausing as he looked at Makarov taking two pictures of Link, lying on his back, with Mirajane and Erza still passed out on either side of him, their faces close to his. "Mystogan, leave your sleep magic active on Link when you leave." Makarov said as he put away the camera and the hooded figure nodded as he walked up and put his chosen job on the bar counter before walking out, fading into mist as soon as he walked out the doors as they slowly closed.

As soon as the doors closed everyone's eyes but Link's and Natsu's shot open. "Damnit… this feeling… did Mystogan show up!" Droy demanded as he rubbed his eyes as Erza and Mirajane both quickly sat up and moved back with blushes on their face before they both looked at Makarov.

"THAT PUNK!" Jet yelled in annoyance.

"You three fell that way." Makarov said calmly with a small twinkle before jumping down from the bar. "But we shouldn't have to worry about Link waking up now, I told Mystogan to keep his sleep magic active on him." Makarov said when they continued to glare slightly at him and Erza looked back down at Link. "Now come on, let's hurry and get him to the medical room so he can sleep this off." He said and Erza and Mirajane both nodded their heads.

"LAXUS!" Natsu suddenly roared and everyone froze to see Natsu glaring up at the second floor where a tall man with blonde hair and spiked headphones on smirked down at everyone. "FIGHT ME!" He roared and Luxus grinned around his large cigar as Link's ears twitched twice, unnoticed by everyone as they looked at Natsu in surprise.

"Natsu, you just got beaten by Li-!" A Guild member started to say before freezing, a common reaction shared by everyone as they remembered what had happened before Mystogan had shown up.

"COME ON DOWN HE-!" Natsu started to roar before a small hooked blade slammed into his side and he followed the chain attached to it back to a swaying Link; Makarov, Mirajane, and Erza looking up at him in surprise as everyone quickly moved back.

"Damnit, did Natsu's yelling get through Mystogan's Sleep Magic?" Makarov thought out loud in surprise as Natsu's eyes went wide when he saw the rosy tint to Link's cheeks and the way he was swaying.

"Annoyin *hic* bastard." Link said before the Longshot reeled the surprised Natsu in as he cocked his fist back and Equipped his Golden Gauntlets. "SHADDUP!" Link roared as he delivered a devastating uppercut to Natsu square in the chin, sending him flying off the hooked blade and through the roof of Fairy Tail.

"HAHAHAHA!" Laxus laughed in amusement as he looked at the hole in the roof. "That should teach that little punk a lesson!"

"Laxus…" Levi said and he looked down before his smile became more feral.

"Oh?" The blonde said as Link was glaring up at him drunkenly as he swayed. "You've got a problem with me talking too, Link?"

"*hic*" Was all that came from Link's mouth as he Equipped a large metal ball with a long chain attached to it and Laxus slowly stood up, his cape flowing out with the movement.

"Laxus-!""Calm down old man. After all, you guys need someone to knock him out anyways, right?" Laxus asked as cracked his neck while he kept his eyes locked with Link's. Link suddenly jumped forward and started spinning the ball and chain as if it were nothing before throwing it out at Laxus.

Kokugyuu – Iron Bull

Drunk Link vs. Laxus… I wonder, would this be considered being cruel to Link, or Laxus?

Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter.

Till next time.

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