

We lock eyes with each other but remain silent. His thumb continues to stroke my leg as nothing but the AC can be heard running in the empty house. When he finally does look away, he looks down at my leg and tenses. I frown at him and look down.

I don't see anything so my frown grows as I look back up to him in confusion. His eyes darken as he slowly pulls my leg open. I tense and say "Hey hey hey" But he ignores me as he leans in to look at my inner thigh.

This time I look down into my inner thighs and instantly know what he's looking at. I try to pull my leg away but he gently holds it in place as he asks "What happened?" with a low, dangerous growl. I slightly chuckle and say "Harris caught me with his face, remember?"

His amber eyes finally break away from the growing bruise as he asks "Are you and Harris a thing?" I smirk and lean back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest as I ask "If I said yes?" His eyes darken again as he suddenly moves closer saying "I'd have to try and change your mind."

He suddenly on his knees between my legs, looking up at me with burning eyes as he says "I always prided myself on being someone who respected the relationship of others but in this particular case... I would seduce you until you were mine."

My smirk grows as I ask "Is that what you're doing now? Seducing me?" He gives me a sexy dark grin that has my insides twisting as he asks "Depends... is it working?" Laughter bubbles out of me as I say "Harris is a cop that I'm working with. He's a good guy but he's not my type."

Xander moves his warm hand up my outer thigh as he asks "Oh? What's your type?" I can't keep the smirk off my face as I say "Tall... dark.. and brooding. Know anyone like that?" This time he chuckles and says "You know, I may just know a guy."

We stare at each other while both smiling like idiots but my smile instantly falls when I realize what's happening. His smile falters when he sees me pulling back but he lets me pull my leg away and stand. I clear my throat and say "Thank you for tending to me but I'm fine now."

He chuckles but it sounds a little sad as he puts the lid back on the jar. He then turns and places the jar in my hand, locking eyes with me once again. "Above everything else... I will not tell a soul who or what you are until you tell me otherwise."

"I will do everything in my power to keep you safe, even if you don't want..." He looks slightly pained for a split second before hiding it again and saying "Even if you don't want to start anything with me. I will keep your secret and I will keep you safe. No matter what."

I hear the truth in his words and feel my heart being pulled at. Even though we keep silently staring at each other, it's not awkward... it's comfortable and if anything... I feel like so much more is being said with just our eyes. Things that neither one of us can say. I can't say anything out of fear... he can't say anything because of my fear.

I can read his eyes though... 'Come to me, be mine. I will protect you, take care of you, and keep you safe in my arms.' I wonder what my eyes are saying? I quickly look away and clear my throat as I say "Thank you... I'll keep that in mind. Do you need to call someone to pick you up?"

He rolls his shoulders and says "No, I need to go for a run so I'll just shift. Can I leave my clothes here or would you like me to send someone to pick them up?" 'Send someone so I don't have to see you again' I say in my head but my mouth says "You can leave them here. You can always pick them up at a later time if you want."

He's finally smiling again as he says "Okay, that sounds good. Let me know if you need any help, I'll come running." I struggle to fight back my smile as I say "That's right, you're like my own personal stalker."

He breaks out into a heart-stopping smile as he says "Your one and only." He then turns and walks out of the door, leaving me standing in the house like a smiling idiot as the door shuts. I reach up and lightly slap my cheeks over and over as I say "Snap out of it, you idiot! What are you doing!? Are you trying to get yourself killed? Maybe you should just add a large blinking sign that says 'Half witch, half shifter'!"

I shake my head and take a deep breath. I'm fine alone, I'm used to it. Don't be stupid, Eris. Stupid gets you killed... I turn around to walk back into the kitchen but when I see the black fluffy cat right behind me, I jump and nearly scream. I pat my chest as I say "Binx! What the hell! Why did you sneak up on me like that!?"

Binx gives me a knowing look as he says "I just walked in here. You're the one acting like you got caught doing something." I awkwardly cough and say "Dinner, have you had dinner yet?" He rolls his eyes and says "What do you think?"

I sigh and start making his dinner but suddenly freeze when Binx asks "Are you that happy to be making my dinner or does it have something to do with the Alpha that left his scent all over you?" I choke on my spit and nearly die as Binx watches everything with a bored look.

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