
Ch 361: The second battle for Italica.

Authors note.

So, I'm almost done with my first draft of my original novel. It's posted on Webnovel if you all wanna go and check it out. I'm probably gonna rewrite the entire thing and make it more like an actual novel rather than a quick story take less short cuts with writing and stuff. However I don't exactly know what I'm gonna do with its rewrite since I don't exactly like some of the terms and conditions in Webnovels contract. So i might be publishing it else where. Please do go and join my discord for updates on it. I mean I only have like 3 people that I consistently talk with on my discord so you might get to talk with me.

I hope everyone has a great day.


"Why did I let you talk me into this again?" Luna says

"I didn't though you willingly agreed to let our troops do this." Harriet says as they sit inside a Virtabird.

"We should be coming up on them in 5 minutes." Caramel says checking her watch.

"The Corsair's spotted them ahead?" Luna asks

"Yep." Caramel replies.

"How far behind us are the Japanese forces?" Harriet asks

"10 mins. While the Americans already have armored forces in the forests. Some of their squadron Commanders are battle hardened veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. So they are rather experienced. Not that we don't have experienced men either." Caramel says

"So, what song are we playing?" Luna asks

"Well obviously it's gonna rain men sooo… ya know?" Caramel says

The swarm of 25 vertibirds all fly in formation the sun rising behind them.

The made cackling of Harriet can be heard by those in her craft.

"She's becoming too much like her aunt Sandstorm…" Luna says

"It's fine its fine, I'm not going down that road. It's just you know. People that have a bunch of power are never normal." Harriet says

"Ah, like the times your mother acts like a tsundere." Luna says with a nod.

"I'm sorry wait what?" Harriet says baffled

"Ah, right wasn't supposed to mention that." Luna says

"We are getting over target." Caramel says

"Start the music!" Harriet shouts.

(It's Raining Men!)

All the power armor start to jump out of the Virtabirds.

"Hallelujah, it's raining men." Luna says inbetween giggles.

The power armor division lands in front of the marching army.

Their M-14s equipped with bayonets.

"Form ranks and charge!" A man with light blue power armor shouts.

"Remember if any of you die! Lady Kyra shall bring you back only to kill you again!" Another man shouts

"She wouldn't do that! Our angel would pray for none of us to die!"

"For our Angel!" All the soldiers shout as they rush forward into the petrified soldiers of the Empire.

I mean what else would you do if giant metal men were to fall from the sky before charging you.

Meanwhile above in a virtabirds the three girls are over looking the soldiers on the ground.

Listening into the communications channel.




"Please tell me one of you recorded that, I would have black mail material for momma Kyra." Harriet says

"Well, I mean are they wrong?" Caramel asks

"Technically no." Luna says with a nod.

Harriet motions with her hand.

The virtabirds encircle the 20,000 large army.

"The front line has collapsed already." Caramel says

"Open fire!" Harriet says over the come as the the Virtabirds fly over head letting lose their cannons filling the air with lead.

As the army breaks ranks and retreat high explosive shells are being shot from the trees in the forest.

To say the army was slaughtered would be an understatement.

As the retreating mob runs over the hill they arrive in front of the JDSF.

In total 18,000 captured and 1500 dead. 500 missing.

Next chapter