
7 years old and First mission

Now I am 7 years old, in these year I have trained my body to fullest, I have also acquired some skill due to these excercises and my training like [Hand to hand combat], [sword user], [martial artist], [Meditation], [Qi circulation].When I started the body cultivation technique, it helped me increase my body stats and now I can circulate qi in my body making it strong. I can fight mid-high class devil on par with my katana.

In these days My and Irina relationship has gotten a better. On my 6th birthday when we were in my room she gave me a kiss on lips which was a bit clumsy but for me it was something that indicated our love. Rose has also started Kissing me on her own now. My parents has admitted me and Rose in primary school with Irina. There we are always with each other.

My stats has also increased which are

[ NAME - Issei Hyoudou/Shen

AGE - 7 Years

LEVEL - 10

Body cultivation stage - Second stage

Qi cultivation stage - None

HP - 20,000/20,000

MP - 15890/15890

STR - 3587

DEF - 4000

AGIL - 4357

DEX - 3740


sharingan (3 Tomoe)


Boosted gear( sealed)

AFFINITIES - Space(highest) Lv0/10, Time(highest) Lv0/10

WEAPONS - katana(unique)

ITEMS - 10X Healing pills, 10X Bloodline pills


SP - 0 ]

Today when I have woke up I got a quest suddenly

[Quest triggered : Save Masaomi and Cleria

Masaomi and Cleria love each other even after knowing that they are different from each other. This type of love should not die.

Time limit : 24 hours

Reward : 1,000,000SP, 1 affinity randomly from low grade, 1XLottery ticket, 2X senzu beans, Masaomi and Cleria friendship,

Failure : Masaomi and Cleria die SP will not be rewarded in next quest ]

I knew that this is going to happen but I didn't expected my first quest to save them when Rose woke up, she also said

Rose : "so are you going to save them"

Issei : " yes, I am. From what I know they were good in nature"

Rose : "But wouldn't that change what you know about future"

Issei : "No, I have plan for that"

Upon seeing I stress free we stood up from bed and Then go to bathroom. There we washed each other she is still not use to being naked with me that's why she is really embarrassed everytime we are in bathroom.

After that we mom called us for breakfast

Then we spent our day as usual. After saying goodnight to our parents, we went to our rooms when I detected that they were asleep, l open the window our our room through which we got out of our house, Rose also wanted to see what I am gonna do so she is with me, When we reach our destination according to the system we saw a man and a woman fighting against some other people one of which was Touji, Irina's father.

Third person PoV//-

Touji : "Masaomi, why do you love a devil, you know we are from church we cannot do this"

Masaomi : " I know but what is wrong with our love we both love each other, but why you all want to kill us. "

Cleria : " why don't you leave us alone we will not do anything to you, we just want to be with each other"

To which Touji didn't repkied, but they started attacking them fiericly, then Touji used his weapon

which has holy element in it on Cleria, which wounded her seriously,.

Masaomi : " Cleriaaaa"

And when he wasn't paying attention one other person from group attacked him in his back causing him to be seriously wounded. And when They were going to finish Then They saw a boy and a girl walking towards them, which was issei and Rose.

Issei's PoV//-

When I saw that they were going to kill them, I used my genjutsu on them

Issei : "Now you will feel like you have killed them and will go back to your paces and forget about me and Rose"

When I said that they just went to their way while having sad faces that they have to kill their own friend. when they were not there, I turned towards Masaomi and Ceria who were just unconscious due to their wounds and lack of blood then I heard notification

[ Congratulations Issei on completing your first Quest.

Reward : 1,000,000SP, fire affinity (low), 1X lottey ticket, 2X senzu beans, Masaomi and Cleria friendship. ]

when I heard this I just took out senzu beans and gave them 1 each. after sometime they woke up and when they saw that they were alive and fully healed they were shocked and when they see me they said

Masaomi/Cleria : "Thank you for saving us and healing us "

Issei : "it's no problem but are you both ok now"

Masaomi : "yes we are ok but we should not stay here for long otherwise they will find us"

Issei : "No need, I had made them believe that you both are dead by putting them under illusion"I said while waving my hand.

Cleria : "Thank you so much for doing this favour to us" she said while bowing and little.

Issei : "No need for that but now where will you both go"

Cleria : " hhmm... we will manage somehow"

Issei : " If you both don't mind you can live in my personal space "while saying this I brought them to my personal space seeing where they were, they got a bit shocked. Then they checked surrounding seeing greenish land trees on side wide lake and a big tree in middle theywere in good mood as if but then

Masaomi : " Thank you for your hospitality we are happy to live here"

Issei : "Ok you can brought you daily necessity in here and you can live here. If you want to call for me you can just say my name and I will come. "

after this I brought them back to real world. They went to collect whatever they will need to live and I gave them access to my space so that lf they are in danger they can just go back to my space.

Then after sometime Me and Rose went to our house seeing it's morning time and our mother can call us anytime also masaomi and cleria went to my personal space with things they collected to live there.
