

Rogue The starter sneaky class

Assassin Specializes in killing single targets. They are good at infiltrating and one kill blows

Thief Specializes in stealing, lockpicking,sneaking,…

Scout Specializes in scouting. They are adept with fast movement,far vision,…

Ninja Better advancement in killing. Their skills in infiltrating and killing blows is improved, plus a weaponsmaster.

Bandit/ Pirate Better advancement in stealing. They are better in everything, but pirates also are good at seafaring and can adeptly use guns.

Shadow Better advancement in scouting. They are even faster, far sight is great and are great in infiltrating by hiding in shadows.

Archer The starter ranged weapon class

Hunter Specializes in hunting beasts and monsters. Good at tracking, sneaking, traps,…

Artificer Specializes skilled use of guns and gadgets. Good versatility depending on the situation.

Swashbuckler Specializes in close combat. They are swift and ready to jump on your ass.

Beastmaster Better advancement in hunting. Besides the usual improvement, they can tame beasts and monsters as companions.

Sniper Better advancement with guns. They have a hawk like aye and hand-to-eye coordination to shoot really accurately.

Predator Better advancement in close combat. They reletlesly chase and massacre their target once in sight.

Warrior The starter brawling class

Knight Specializes in tanking. Good at blocking and trading blows.

Berserker Specializes in up front damage. Less armor, but they do more damage in return.

Paladin Better advancement in tanking. Besides more strenght for thicker armor, they also have healing magic.

Rune knight Better advancement in tanking. A bit less tanky than paladins,more power in return. Use runes to empower their equipment.

Samurai Better advancement in up front damage. They have some defense, but more agility focused. Weapons master.

Dark knight Better advancement in up front damage. They sacrifice all defense in favor of damage. By killing they can infuse the souls into equips.

Mage The starter magical ranged class

Summoner Specializes in summoning. They summon spirits,or contracted beasts to fight for them.

Elem. Mage Specializes in using the elements. Different effects depending on the magic specialization

Warlock Better advancement in summoning. They make a contract with higher beings being patrons and are able to use some of their magic.

Druid Better advancement in summoning. They are adept in nature magic, can summon or transform into strong beasts.

Illusionist Better advancement in elementism. Uses the elements to make illusions and confuse their opponents.

Battlemage Better advancement in elementism. They wear some armor and have strong and fast casting magic.

Cleric The starter healer class

Bard Specializes in crowd control. Can use buffs, debuffs,…

Battle priest Specializes in battle. Uses healing for healing or damage. Especially effective against undead.

Witch doctor Better advancement in CC. Can use big AoE buffs, debuffs, curses,…

White mage Better advancement in CC. Besides the ususal buffs and debuffs he can use some illusions.

Justicar Better advancement in battle. They wear lighter armor than paladins, but can heal and hit better than them.

Templar Better advancement in battle. They use more of an rogue approach to do their bidding.

Doctor Specializes in ailments and healing internal injuries via operations.

Pleague doctor Better advancement in using ailments and operations.

Paladin Better advancement in tanking. Besides more strenght for thicker armor, they also have healing magic.

You can suggest advancements in the comments bellow. State the class, name of advancement and short description of it. Edit

Example: Cleric, Pleague doctor, Carries and uses ailments and is good at operations.

Mage, Illusionist, Use the elements to cause illusions and cause the opponent to be distracted,...
