
Chapter 53: Shameless Saint

"Oh my"

Standing a few meters from Lambert's group was a Youkai, a fox youkai like all the others yet not. She looked like a young woman with a voluptuous figure and long blond hair, tied in a loose ponytail that hung down to her legs and ended in a spiral kept in place by a taut bandage, she had had delicate facial features adorned with beautiful golden eyes and shortcut eyebrows. Standing there in her shrine maiden attire she stared at Lambert with a curious gaze.

What immediately put her in Lambert's good books is that she didn't try to probe him or anyone in his group like Hoko or Kioshi but just stood there waiting for Lambert to speak first, her hands held together in front of her.

"Please elaborate"

Lambert asked of her. Since she was being so polite he would feel quite bad if he did not handle himself with proper decorum, he was a paladin, after all, manners are essential to exude to all except your enemies.

The youkai woman gave Lambert a bow as she greeted him.

"My name is Yasaka, I am currently the leader of the youkai in Kyoto. I do apologize for the rudeness my people have shown you as it was not our intension. I believe Kioshi-San was merely overprotective of his brethren as we have been having troubled time recently"

Lambert looked towards the youkai woman named Yasaka for some time, he could tell that she believed what she was saying as he sensed no negative energy leaving her as she spoke, the kind of negative energy released when lying was easily seen by Lambert, who was someone who could be said to be one with the light.

Seeing as there was no harm and having such a beautiful woman act so humbly and politely, Lambert chose to take a step back as to give more room for negotiation, hopefully without things getting violent this time as they tend to do when he is involved.

"Well if that's the case I am truly ashamed at my actions."

Lambert spoke, his words were such that not even Tosca could believe him, but his sincere facial expression made it hard not to.

'Carisma has leveled up (+5)' thought Lambert as he saw everybody actually believed him.

To further consolidate himself as a man that was regretting his actions, Lambert motioned towards Aura as he spoke.

"Aura, would you mind please releasing these good Yokai, gently if you would"

He said while boasting a warm grandfatherly smile, almost making Aura puke at his shamelessness. Of all the people here she knew Lambert's character, and as Alex has turned into Lambert he was effected by Lambert's character.

Lambert was an upright man, with an honorable sense of justice and a fury that would make him strike down any who did evil, consequences are damned. He was loyal to his friends and would not even hesitate, no he would not even think about it as his body would act on its own to sacrifice itself for them. His only flaws were his habit to cause mischieve sometimes and being very Very VERY shameless whenever he gets the chance to be or he's in the mood to be.

Aura nodded while mentally wondering if she might have inherited that shamelessness from him while he was raising her. Waving her eft hand the white chains slowly placed the youkai back on the ground while unraveling from there body's and eventually disappearing.

"There now that that unpleasantness is over with, let's...ahh" Lambert lightly facepalmed himself on the forehead, "... I forgot to introduce myself, what a blunder. Forgive Lady Yasaka, Allow me to do just that..." Lambert said as he gave her a gentleman bow, "I am Lambert Rubius Vladis Imperius Liberius... no, I'm just Lambert." Lambert said as he gave Yasaka a somewhat teasing smile to which she couldn't help but let out a giggle at his antics.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Lambert-San," Yasaka said smiling at the somewhat strange old man.

"Lambert-San, would you and your group find joining me for dinner" Yasaka suddenly asked as she looked at the rest of the Lambert group with a faint smile, everyone except Aura nodded back at, Aura just turned her head away ignoring Yasaka, which Yasaka didn't mind in the slightest.

"Well that would be a wonderful idea, please lead the way," Lambert said as he motioned to the rest of his group to follow. Turning he faced Tosca before crouching down and picking her up.


Tosca yelled in surprise not expecting Lambert to suddenly lift her up, she mas kept in the air for but a moment before she was firmly placed on his left shoulder and held secure by his left hand.

She was shocked at first but that quickly disappeared as she started looking around with a big smile, enjoying her new vantage point of being able to look down on everybody.

Cleria and Masaomi smiled at the sight while Aura puffed her cheeks as she stared at Tosca in jealousy. Yasaka let out another giggle as she saw the group's antics.

"please this way", Yasaka said as she slowly leads the group, leaving behind a confused Hoko and a mentally distraught Kioshi.

'That's it I'm done for, this is the end for me, I the great Kioshi shall haver my life reaped by an old man in a tuxedo, not just any old man but an insanely buff old man"

Kioshi though as none existing tears streamed down from his eyes. His only hope now is that Yasaka would truly be able to save his little life, but he didn't even think of the idea that Lambert at that very moment has long since forgotten about him, his name his face and even whatever he did to offend him, Lambert forgot it all, and it wasn't do to some miraculous spell or divine intervention, he just didn't care enough to remember, to him Kioshi was nothing more than a background character at this moment.

Yasaka leads the group for a while before stopping and casting a teleportation spell which made a magic circle appear on the ground.

"Please" She gestured to the circle while elaborating, "Its quite some ways walk, it would be much quicker teleporting."

Lambert and his group stepped into the circle and Yasaka followed them in, before they teleported she gave an order to the rest of the yokai that was staring at them like idiots.

"Please return by yourself"

With a flash of light Lambert, his group and Yasaka disappeared from everybody's vision.


Another chapter that I hope you all enjoyed.

Please comment review and fire off some power stones my way while you're at it.


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