
Chapter 117: The Mother Tree (Part 3)

It took them less than a minute to arrive at the top of the western hill. Alexander didn't put any wards around the hill as it was a sure way of attracting unwanted attention. He and Carter simply sat down on the snow covered ground and waited for the treasure hunter to arrive.

After a few minutes of silence, Alexander spoke up, " I can't think of a way to reward you. You are a Peak Tenth-Order HeavenlyGod Realm Cultivator and a Rank 98 Magus. In a few years, you will ascend to godhood. You have a small family and are quite happy and content with your current situation. You don't want anything right now so how should I reward you?"

Carter smiled and said, " Your Highness, there is no need to reward me. I don't want anything."

Alexander shook his head and said, " I think that you should be rewarded, regardless of your personal thoughts on this matter. Maybe I should give you a few thousand galaxies to rule or should I give you some peerless treasure from the cultivation world.No....Treasures are not appropriate in the end, they could be taken away or become useless in certain conditions....I have decided on what to give you. Are you not curious on what have I decided to give you?"

Carter made a helpless face and sighed, " Your Majesty, please, don't give me something extremely precious. I am happy with what I have."

Alexander laughed and said, " I am not going to give you anything precious but I am still going to give you something. I am going to give you a chance. A chance to bind with the chaos stone of one of the 32 chaosverses of the Desolate Era world. At first, I was going to combine all the choasstones with the pillar of civilization but now, I have decided to form a group of people, dedicated to the defense of the kingdom at all time and at all costs. They will be 32 in number corresponding to the 32 chaosverses of the Desolate Era World.....I have not decided the name of the group yet but you will have a guaranteed spot on the group if you reach the required cultivation realm. I plan to combine all the 45 universes of the both cultivation worlds to form a single universe and then, advance the kingdom. So, what's your thoughts about this?"

Carter sighed and said, " In my opinion, you should bind with all the chaos stones, Your Highness. As for this opportunity, I am not sure if I am capable of achieving this or not."

Alexander smiled and said, " Your loyalty is endearing but this is not a one-man show. Every subject should have the power to protect themselves and the kingdom. These 32 people will guard the kingdom. The chaos stones are like giant batteries. They appear to have infinite energy but that is not true. It will take countless years to drain the chaos stone but it can be done. But this is not the time for this, our target has arrived.

The elves have contacted me just now. As expected, an unknown man has apparated on the southern edge of Hogsmeade. The elves of our kingdom are tens of times more powerful than the ancient elves. They have already confirmed that the man is carrying our desired item but they cannot take it away, infact they cannot present within 5 metres of the item. The protections are especially against elves, the fact that the treasure hunter is carrying it, proves that at least the protections are not against humans but we cannot be sure. I have relayed his location and current appearance to the recruits, they are converging towards him fast.

According to my estimates, he will be surrounded before The Three Broomsticks, that place brings back memories. The death eater raid is going to start soon. As soon as they appear, I want you to lay down the wards, nobody will leave till we have the item. The elves have already surrounded the man and put up a mobile ward around him, he will not be able to escape. Oh!!!! He has good instincts, he has at least sensed that some people are keeping watch on him. He is moving quite swiftly towards Hogwarts but he won't be able to reach there. Our recruits will intercept him on the way. He just tried to apparate but the wards have stopped him without harming him. Shit!!! From where these students have come from? Things can go south anytime, we should be on alert but for now, let's watch the proceedings from here."


A short man with black hairs wearing a brown wizarding robe, was expertly dodging the Hogwarts students and making his way towards the general direction of Hogwarts. He looked in extreme hurry and had slight sweat on his face. He looked panicked and looked around quite frequently. He suddenly twisted on his heels but nothing happened except tripping him. As he tried to get up, he found that a pair of hands pulled him up, the man tensed and put his hands inside his robes. Any person with sufficient training could tell that the man was ready to attack at any moment.

As the man was pulled up, he pushed the person pulling him up and started running towards Hogwarts while shouting for help on the top of his lungs. His actions attracted quite an attention and the students of Hogwarts stopped their activities and started to look towards the commotion made by the man. The man was running quite fast so he collided with an student and fell on the ground. He was suddenly yanked up and a strong grip was placed on his shoulders.

The man looked up and saw a pair of cold and emotionless dark eyes looking down on him. The man tried to step back but found that he could no move as the man struggled to break free, a loud voice attracted his attention. He turned his head sideways and saw a group of children running towards him. A tall teenager with brown eyes stepped forward and said in embarrassment, " Hey Mate!!! We are sorry for pranking you but we should be even now, you pushed Sirius quite hard. I must say that you are a very timid fellow, a light tripping scared you this much. You have attracted quite an attention."

The man looked around and saw that he was surrounded by quite a lot of students. He took a deep breadth abd shouted as loud as he could, " I AM DELIVERING A PARCEL TO HEADMASTER DUMBLEDORE BUT SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO STOP ME....THIS MAN HERE, IS ONE OF THEM. PLEASE, HELP ME..." The man could not say more as a hard slap to his neck knocked him out. The students looked and saw a tall man picking up the man and putting him on his shoulders. All the surroundings students backed away in fear. The man said nothing and tried leave but a solid wall suddenly popping in front of him, stopped his attempt of leaving. The man turned towards East and saw a middle aged woman running towards him, followed by in the distance by some more people. The man let out a sigh and spoke, " Robert!!! Take this fellow to him. I and rest will stall these people."

A man suddenly appeared next to the speaker and took the fainted man from the man speaking. He nodded and waved his hand towards the crowd of students, the students were thrown aside and a path was cleared leading towards the western edge of Hogsmeade. The man then stared to run towards the western edge but he suddenly stopped and looked towards his companion and spoke in a grave voice, " He just contacted me, this useless fellow has dropped the item in his chase or had purposely thrown it away. The elves have surrounded the person who now has it's possession and two of ours are moving to retrieve it. The item will be retrieved within a minute but the death eaters have arrived and boss, as per his instructions have put up the wards. We will have to hurry. Leave these fellows, there is no need maintain our cover now, we should return to him first."

The next action of the man astonished all those present. He suddenly floated high in the air and blasted towards the western direction. His act also prompted the other man to fly and the people watched as one more figure appeared in the sky. A student shouted, " The wizarding world has superman. That's so cool!!!! I want to fly too." The students watched as two more figures appeared in the sky and the rest of the flying people surrounded them and together moved towards the western direction.

These happenings attracted the attention of everyone present in Hogsmeade and everyone watched in surprise as the group flew above them. Suddenly, a dark red spell flew towards them but was deflected back by one of the flying people. Everyone as one looked towards the direction in which the spell was send and saw a group of people wearing dark robes ans white masks standing on the eastern edge of Hogsmeade. A panicked and fearful cry of 'Death Eaters' prompted everyone to flee for their lives but surprisingly, the Death Eaters were focussed on attacking the flying people. The fleeing people didn't pay attention to this and started to run towards Hogwarts as another alarmed cry informed them that portkeys, appariation and floos were not working. Suddenly, a massive explosion occured which made everyone stop in their track and look towards the source. What they saw made them cry out in fear.


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