
Chapter 44: Changes

Alexander woke up and found himself in a massive room. The room was decorated with gold, gems and many extravagant items. Alexander thought, " This room is for royalty. What am I doing here? Last thing I remember was that I had fallen unconcious due to the strain..... Damn!!! I am the Royalty!!! I should maintain a diary or journal in case due to pain, I forget who the hell I am? That would be very bad for me."

Alexander then called out to Tobby. Tobby appeared and was quite relieved when he saw that Alexander was awake.

Alexander continued, " For how long was I out?"

Tobby, " For 15 days, Master!!!"

Alexander, " Has the time for duel arrived? Where it will be held?"

Tobby, " The duel will be held in one week. It will be held in the veelas colony of France."

Alexander was confused at the choice of the venue and asked, " Why there?"

Tobby, " The veelas had signed a magical contract with the ancient magi and the other magical races that they will remain neutral in all conflicts and in return they would have their own government and no one would harm them unless they attack first. We have already mapped out the whole area, Master."

Alexander nodded in appreciation and aftering receiving an update on the various matters of his kingdom, returned to the Harry Potter World. Alexander peered into the past to view the secrets of the magus realm. A magus was an evolved being of magic. The rampaging magic mutates the cells and the cells gain the ability to hold magic and also produce magic in small quantities through mitochrondria present in the cells. Now, the cell's ability to hold and produce magic is dormant so a magus has to awaken the cell and saturate it with magic to kick start the process of storing and producing the magic. The saturation has to be done quickly as the cell would destroy itself if not saturated timely. It would be good if it was a limited reaction but it causes a chain reaction and keeps on destroying nearby cells. The only way of stopping this is to separate it with your magic till it loses it's power and shuts down.

Alexander further reviewed the ancient information. One cannot just transform a single cell as the nearby cells and the body itself would see it as a foreign entity and would sought to destroy it. So, one has to protect that single cell with magic till it's accepted by the body. This problem occurs when the magus initially starts the transformation of cells but latter on the body adapts to it and doesn't seek to destroy the magic cells. The cells can hold and produce a limited amount of magic but since Alexander was a half-dragon and was also very strong physically, his cells required more magic to awaken and saturate but in exchange his cells would produce and hold more magic.

Alexander calculated that his cells required 100 MP to awaken and saturate and could hold 120 MP and produce 5 MP per hour until the cell is filled. The amount of magical power that a mugus has at his disposal is the product of maximum holding capacity of cells and the amount of magic cells present in the body of magus.

When Alexander was a magi, he had 630,000 MP, out of which, 30,000 MP was used by his body to survive the transformation and rest was used to awaken and saturate his cells. A total of 6,000 cells were converted into magic cells which were not even a drop in the ocean of cells which was his body. His dragon body was 250 metres long and 30 metres thick. Alexander could not even count the number of cells in his body. When all the cells in his body are transformed, they would condense together to form a Divine seed which would then be further condensed and refined to become a Divine spark which would later on form his divinity. Now, how the hell the Divine seed and spark has to be condensed and refined, Alexander had no idea.

Alexander peered into the past and saw that the magus who first ascended to godhood had become arrogant and promised tall tales to his contempories and left this world. After a few months, he returned injured and seething with fury. His mad ravings clued Alexander that he went out thinking that he was almighty but was forced to face the harsh realities of the multiverse by someone through a painful and humiliating lesson. His contempories mocked and made fun of him, forgetting that he was a god even if he was weakened. Alexander knew that across the multiverse countless gods have fallen at the hands of the mortals but it was only due to the arrogance of gods and the courage and unyielding spirits of the mortals but there were also really monstrous characters who despite being mortals held the powers to kill gods.

But the magus were not that powerful and paid with their lives for their mockery. The man in question was not satisfied with killing them, he went on kill every magus and magi present on this world. In his rampage, he destroyed many magical forests and animals residing in it. He also fundamentally destroyed some of the main leylines and severely damaged the others. This wide spread destruction weakened the world's laws and gave him enough leeway to scramble the world laws in order to prevent anyone from knowing the secrets of the world. The ability to see the past was rare in multiverse but they were not as powerful as Alexander's ability as his could evolve as he advances in level.

Alexander let out a sigh after viewing the past. Alexander then started thinking on how to increase his magic cells. Alexander thought, " I have to do this smartly as this world does not have enough magic to sustain my advancement. I am going to first change my blood cells. As my blood flows through my body, it will leave behind traces of magic which would slowly awaken my magic cells. But, I have thousands of litres of blood so it would take a long time to convert all this blood into magical blood. But, I have time. An unranked dragon had a lifespan of a few centuries and I have star level- 9 half-dragon, even if I do nothing, I would live for thousands of years. To live for thousands of years, the mere thought of this sends goosebumps acroos my body but this is my new reality."

Alexander inquired and came to know that the next batch of dragon's blood would be prepared in 6 months. Alexander estimated that it would take him at least 2 years to transform into a dragon. Alexander then focused on awakening his dormant blood cells. It took Alexander one week to awaken 60,000 blood cells. Alexander was so fast as after becoming a magus, his ability to absorb magic increased by many times but compared to his overall target, this pace was slower than a snail's pace. The time for duel has at last come and Alexander had a plan to conquer ICW and the various European countries in one go.


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