
Occult research club

Drake was currently sitting in a room that looked like a Mansion along with Valerie and isami apart from them there were four other girls a white-haired little girl who was eating snacks a black haired girl that had an elegant aura and the famous redhead

Drake: why do I feel like I am in some kind of yuri cult *to isami*

Isami: oh the rest isn't it's only me

Drake: ahem, so why am I here again

Rias: well I wanted to invite you to join our club

Drake: and why me specifically

Rias: well that's because you caught my interest

Drake: how so

Rias: well you seem to have some kind of deadly aura around you

Drake: OK, I did not think that you people were crazy

Rias: oh you think we are joking about that aura

Drake: Nah, so what do you guys actually do

Rias: well for that I want to ask whether you believe in the supernatural

Drake: yes

Rias: oh then that makes it easy, well we are devil's

Drake: Oh is that so, then I am a god of death

Akeno: ara~ara~ we have a funny one this time

Rias: we are not joking

As she said that all the girls present in the room had bat wings sprouting out of their bodies

Drake : * to isami* am I supposed to do something now

Isami: wait how are you not surprised

Drake: well I told you guys before I know about the supernatural

Rias: well this makes it much easier for me

Drake: yeah and before you go and ask me Nah not interested

Rias: but I didn't even say anything

Drake: you were going to ask me to join your preeage right

Rias: yes

Drake: not interested

Rias: but why

Drake: it does not have anything for me

Rias: but it can make you Immortal give you fame and money

Drake: well I think you heard me wrong I don't require immortality or fame and about money I have enough to spend for at least five generations

Rias: hum, well the offer stands

Drake: OK I don't mind joining the club but I won't join your preeage because I don't want to and if I join my fiance will beat the shit out of me

Rias: you are scared of your fiance

Drake: you can be the strongest being in the world but once you get a wife, you have lost most control over your life and this comes from a man who respects women

Akeno: ara Ara such wise words

Drake: well but it's interesting how you were able to find my aura considering the fact that I stopped it

Rias: well my Bishop Valerie here can sense souls and energies related to it

Drake: Sephiroth Graal is it

Rias raises an eyebrow at him

Drake: well that's the only way of knowing that I have the connection with the dead hum and isami here seems to have the red one

A green orb appears on to isami' s right hand and a female voice said

Ddraig: oh you seem to have sensed me

Drake: I am a god of death identifying souls isn't a problem to me

Ddraig: I can't argue with that

Drake: well if that's all the I will take a leave I got a date today

Rias: I wanted to ask you seem to be close to miss Rossweisse what factions do both of you belong to

Drake: well I am independent along with my fiance and Ross other than that both of them formerly belonged to the Norse pantheon well my fiance still does

Rias: so what is your agenda

Drake: well can't I have a high school life

Rias: but aren't you a god of death and home come I have never heard of you

Drake: Well first of I only became one a few years ago but for your second question I haven't registered into any pantheon and probably never will but I will say that I won't harm anyone present here unless and until they manage to get on my nerves

Rias: well then you can leave now

Drake: oh a word of advice whatever happens in this room if something is related to me it stays in here and doesn't get out because if it does then I won't be sure of your safety

Rias: you do know who my brother is

Drake: of course I do and believe me when I say he doesn't even stand a chance against me ( removes the seal on his aura)

As soon as Drake's aura hits them all of them are pinned to the ground and Valerie becomes very scared

Drake: well I don't like violence but when the time comes no one can escape my wrath ( stops aura) and sorry if I had some bad impact on you guys * tosses a bar of chocolate at both koneko and Valerie* here eat this it will make you better, *to rias* well then I will leave now I don't want to keep them waiting any longer

( Drake leaves)

Rias: ddraig how strong is he

Ddraig: he is very strong

Rias: the same was said about riser as well and I crushed him

Ddraig: rias, riser stands nowhere near what he is capable of remember This never piss him off

Rias: but why are you saying he is so strong

Ddraig : i couldn't sense an end to his power if I have to say he definitely is more powerful then your brother and remember this I fought your brother once when I wasn't sealed

Rias : if you say so

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