
Last minute twists {old}

( so before you read further and decide to drop this novel here me out, I wanted to make some last-minute changes to make the story a bit interesting 🙏🙏 please forgive me)


A beautiful looking woman wearing a kimono, a man wearing a tengu armour and a man wearing a yellow suit were all standing with our mc

Susanoo: thank you for inviting me brother

Amaterasu : *blushes* hey it's not like that

Azazel: kid you serious about this

Drake: I will try not to kill him but if he gets on my nerves, you know what can happen

Drake receives a phone call

Merlin: master its ready

Drake: oh good, after I am done here I'll go check on it

Merlin: fine master *hangs up*

Asuna: I wish you, luck master,

Drake: thanks Asuna *gives her a peck*

A magic circle appears in the room and outcomes sirzechs

Sirzechs: please come and channel your energy in this magic circle and it will take you to the arena

Drake: I won't require that

Drake then uses the space stone to open a portal to the arena and leaves

Sirzechs: space manipulation

Azazel: oh the kid can use more than space manipulation

Susanoo: I can't wait to see him fight

Amaterasu: I fell bad for that Phenix kid

Drake enters the arena and sees giant chess pieces on the whole field

Grayfia then announces

Grayfia: this is a match to decide on the weeding of rias gremory

The contestants of this match are riser Phenix and Drake Akatsuki

The person is considered eliminated if he faints or gives up

Drake: I think you guys didn't hear me right when I said a deathmatch

Devil noble: such arrogance

Grayfia: Drake Sama we can't have a high-class devil killed, it will do a harm to our population

Drake: oh is that so

Multiple rifts started to appear inside the arena and the spectator seats

Sirzechs: please understand Drake Sama

Drake: you are a cheeky bastard sirzechs when I said a death match I mean a deathmatch

Sirzechs: please we will give you anything as compensation

Drake: then hand over your queen and I won't hurt this chicken


Riser is hiding in a corner with wet pants

{Back to Drake}

Devil noble: he is asking more then he is worth

Devil noble 2: why is a puny human trying to die

Sirzechs: please understand or else I will have to interfere

Drake : *starts laughing * try it

Azazel: that escalated quickly

Susanoo: if you interfere in this match then so will I

Amaterasu: calm down brother

Drake: don't worry guys I will handle him

As soon as the hear Drake say that they all became silent

Crowd: why is the Shinto faction supporting him

Random high class who has a sense of justice: well that's because he was promised it and will deserve it if sirzechs interferes in the match he has all rights to ask anything as a compensation,

All of them look at the person to see it's none other zekram beal and all of them became silent

Zekram: Drake Akatsuki was it, I hope you don't mind but I would like to ask what happened between you and riser Phenix

Drake: nothing much I am dating rias so since he is engaged to her I wanted to settle things

Zekram: so you mean you wanted to prove yourself as her perfect partner

Drake: I won't be perfect, I am dating other women but she loves me nonetheless

Zekram: then how about this why don't you fight her brother instead

Drake: and why would I do that, I think you don't know what situation you are in, firstly I've challenged riser to a death match which has been confirmed, then you people try to change the rules so I can't kill him and the coward has a chance to escape, thirdly you don't give me anything in return

Zekram beal: OK then ask what you want and fight with sirzechs in a normal rating game match, sirzechs I hope you are OK with this

Drake: you know what I don't have much time to kill so how about this I fight sirzechs and his entire Peerage and if I win I get his queen, ravel Phenix and the marriage between riser and rias is cancelled

Sirzechs: but

Drake: on then how about this you can still have her as your queen but she will prioritize my commands, same with ravel

Sirzechs looks at grayfia

Grayfia : *nods*

Sirzechs: fine then I agree to this match

Azezal: shit just got interesting

Susanoo: we are in for a show today

Amaterasu: I did not think that it will go this way


Rias: did he just challenge oni-Sama I need to stop this

??? : wait rias

A lady with brown hair called out to her

Venelana: don't stop him rias

Rias: but why mother

Venelana: your brother must fight him if he wants to prove himself

Rias: but Drake will get injured

Venelana: didn't you see zeches's face he was sweating something is going on

Rias: what do you mean

Sara: he is trying to test sirzechs, he wants to see what limits he will go to, to ensure his sister's safety

Rias: Sara-née san

Sara: as much as I don't want my husband to suffer I don't want him to have any regrets

{meanwhile} ( again)

??? He thinks too highly of himself

Sona: no mother,

Lady sitri: what do you mean sona

Sona: you remember I talked to you about someone that beat me and is a suitable candidate

Lady sitri: don't tell me it's him

Sona: it is, but that's not all, you saw his maid right she is the current red dragon emperor and he also has the dragon, King Tiamat, as his fimilar

??? : so that's why Tiamat disappeared

A man with green hair and a woman wearing a magical girl costume appeared

Serafall: wait who is that person

Ajuka: he is the kid that sirzechs was talking about

Sona:née Sama what are you doing here

Ajuka: as soon as we heard that sirzechs was going to fight with his entire Peerage I needed to check what's happening

Serafall: if he can defeat sirzechs then I will marry him

Lady sitri: I can't believe that both my daughters are trying to marry him

Serafall: what?

(cliff hanger no Jitsu)


So yeah the chapter was a bit rushed because I had some ideas and wanted to implement them in the next chapter so please don't hate me for not killing riser I will let that idiot go since he gets killed in most of the fanfics instead I want him to fight sirzechs cuz that would be much better

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