
Chapter 1184: To the Last Floor

Silveria was too busy and didn't notice Alex's comment. She continued thinking about the matter at hand.

"What does this say?"

"It means you've still got more to learn in the department of memorization."

Alex teased her.

"Look closer, you see it? The walls are moving and that moved the doors. Ignoring the horizontal alignments, focusing on the vertical alignments will reveal a disorderly pattern in every door…"

"Except this row!"

He pointed in a certain direction.

"This column of doors is very neat, it's like they never shifted positions."

Upon seeing this Silveria's eyes lit up too. 

"You're saying."

"Yes, I am saying-"

Alex beamed at her while staring at the set of doors neatly stacked there.

"The correct door is over there."

Instantly all sounds died down and Alex's words echoed in this wide cave.
