
Choosing outfit for the CEO.

"Bae Y/N?..Y/N?" 

"Huh? Yeah." You hear Madam Kim calling your name.

"We have arrived. Let's go." She says as she steps out of the car.

Then, only you realize you were already in front of the designer's store.

'How can they send me away from work on my first day? I was just getting started. Maybe this is how it works for new employees.' 

You think, stepping out of the car as well.

You see there was a row of neatly outfitted personnel standing to greet Madam Kim.

"Wow, No matter how many times I see it, I still get amazed by how powerful our CEO is." You mutter, beginning to walk behind Madam Kim.


"Oh my, Look who has blessed my store by her presence. Hello, Mrs Kim. I am Mary Choi. Please take a seat." The fashion designer greets her.

Madam Kim looks at you and nods, so you sit on the couch beside her.

"Yoona has filled in all the details. You just have to sit and relax while I bring you the most magnificent and wonderful attire for your son. Please make yourself comfortable." 

Before heading to the wardrobe area, Mary pronounces.

"Mada- I mean Aunty, You wanted to say something to me earlier in the CEO's office?" You ask.

"Oh, About that..You have already heard that I am holding a ball party for my son. Umm, Y/N, Can you come to the Kim residence early today?" She inquires, raising her brows, expecting a yes from you.

"May I ask you the reason?" You were genuinely confused. 

Hearing your question, she hesitates to respond right away but eventually says "I shouldn't be asking this to my son's employee, especially since today is your first and important day, however, This mother just can't help it."

You shake your head, providing her assurance "Aunty, Ask right away. I will try my best to do it." 

Mrs Kim: "*Chuckle*Then, Let me be selfish this one time. Can you cook some dishes for him?" 

"Huh? Dishes? Not to be rude, but I am perplexed, there should be many chefs in your house. Especially when today, It's his birthday, you want him to eat something made by me?" 

'It doesn't make any sense. Am I hearing things? I mean It sounds way too absurd.' Your thoughts were in turmoil since you couldn't comprehend her words properly.

She was about to say something when:

"Sorry to keep you waiting, I brought some splendid attire especially designed just for your son. Please feel free to go through these masterpieces."

Mary returns, pushing the cloth hanger stand. 

"We will talk about it later, okay?" Madam Kim utters, standing up to see the outfit.

"How about this, Ma'am? This is one of my best collections. Just look at this colour. It's shiny and will definitely help radiate his good looks. He can wear a pair of golden shoes with black laces and boom! A masterpiece." Mary started boosting about the outfits.

Madam Kim's complexion surely didn't look good. Anyone will understand she didn't like it but was feeling awkward to say it. It was not her fault to feel that way.

Even you, who have not been interacting much with the CEO, know about his style. Flashy, golden, sparkly really wasn't his style at all. The designer wasn't getting the hint, she was showing a full polka dot one now.

You nearly laugh out seeing it. It wasn't because you don't like it, yet just imagining the cold good looking CEO of yours wearing it, standing in front of everyone with a wine in his hand, you couldn't help thinking 'Even the polka-dot will look good on him.'

Shaking your head to dismiss your never-ending running thought, you take a glance at Madam Kim, You widen your eyes. She was actually holding that suit in her hand and looking at it as though mulling whether to take it or not.

'Oh no, Is she seriously considering it? It's not my business. She can get whatever she wants for her son's birthday, her choice, her money..The CEO will ultimately agree since he won't be able to see his mom upset. Should I interfere?'

Right then, You hear her say "Y/N? What do you think of this? Shall I get this one for him to wear at the party?"

A single sweat drips from your scalp to your chin, your head was in chaos mode:

'What shall I say? Shall I say no? But It will hurt the designer's pride, she even mentioned it was one of the best collections. No, I should just stop thinking too much. Why should I care if the CEO wears flashy, sparkly or polka- haha..Ugh, I should probably just say 'Yes.' Yeah, that's it, no more overthinking.'

However, After a moment, You let out a soft gasp, as a sudden scenario plays on your head.

The Scenario:

"My Son, I brought you a great outfit to wear for the ball party. The designer said it was one of the best ones, I also kind of liked it. Hurry up and see it." Madam Kim says, passing a box.

Jin takes the box and starts opening it while speaking "Mom, I said, I didn't need one. Still..You didn't have to-"

He sees the white coloured suit with a black polka dot, golden bow tie on top. He was speechless.

"What do you say? You like it?" 

Stretching his mouth muscle, Jin forces a smile and utters "It's good, Mom. You have a great sense of style."

"Really? Actually, It was Y/N's choice. I am glad that I took her to get the outfit. I was totally unsure what to get you. She is such a life-saver."

"Bae Y/N?" Hearing that, JIn instantly shoots you a frosty, disdainful gaze, giving you chills all over the body. 

-The scene overlaps with another-

"Oh my god, What is the CEO wearing? Not gonna lie but He kind of looks like a joker."

"More like the Dalmatian dog. Even though he looks handsome, the outfit sure is funny. I wonder who suggested that he wear that."

"I heard it was someone called Bae Y/N, a new employee. She got a golden chance of choosing a dress for the ultimate CEO and this is what she does with him, I shall give her a huge applaud for her courage. Hahaha.."


"Noooo!" You scream as you get up from the couch.

Madam Kim looks at you perplexed "You didn't have to say it aloud. I heard you. *Looks at Mary* Can I see another one?"

'What's her problem?' Mary gazes at you scornfully before smiling and showing another outfit to Madam Kim.


Realizing, Your vivid imagination was all fake and you made such a loud remark in front of everyone, your face flush red in embarrassment. Heaving a long sigh, You make up your mind and start walking towards them.


"Aunty, Let me help you choose something."

"Really? That will be a great help."

You respond with a smile. 'Okay, Y/N, Let the world know how good your fashion sense is, though I never got to show through myself since I am broke. Nonetheless, This is the chance.'

*After an hour*

"Thank you for choosing us. Please visit again." 

You could hear Mary's voice from behind as you and Madam Kim exit the store.

'I depleted most of my energy in selecting the right outfit, others went to the tie, shoes, brooch, and extra accessories. Lord, I am totally worn out. How can I go back to work now? Shall I get a coffee dose?'

While you were contemplating, A black car stopped in front of you.

"Y/N, Let's have lunch together before you get back to work." Madam Kim suggests.

You shake your hands "No, I mean, I appreciate your thought but I told my friend that I will have lunch with her today. I am sorry."

"It's fine, Then, Get in. I will drop you at the company first." 

"Thank you." You both get in before the car speeds off.


-Kim Enterprises-

Stepping out of the car, Yoona, Lee Hyun and Jin were greeted by the employees passing nearby.

"Good work, Sir and Thank you again for letting me attend the meeting. I promise to work harder to achieve the best results." Yoona bows, showing appreciation.

"Umm," Jin shortly responds.

As they were about to walk inside, You also happened to do the same.

"Oh, Good afternoon, Boss." You hastily greet him.

"Umm." He slightly nods before heading inside.

"Boss." You call him out.

Jin stops but doesn't turn around.

Clenching your fist, you muster up your courage and ask "C-Can I go home early today?"

"?!" Lee Hyun.

"?" Yoona frowns.

"-_-" No reaction from Jin.

Next chapter