
Dream World and Waking World

By then, the sun had set, and night was coming. Gu Jun turned to the final entry on the watcher's diary. Beyond that were 150 blank pages.

"According to Mr. Chandler, beyond the threshold there is another world. Normally, when a person goes to sleep every night, their mind will wander between that world and the waking world. They might occasionally glance through the gap, but they will soon forget all about it after they wake up. As they grow older, as the weight of the waking world presses down on them, their ability to see through the gap will gradually disappear. This means that it is easiest for children to enter that world, and in fact, they can accidentally wander into it. This is because children still have the simplest and clearest mental state.

"Perhaps you have heard from someone or another that they entered a mirrored world or a crooked world when they were young. That was the world of truth speaking to them.
