

"More than escaping, I prefer to call it a sacrifice made by my brother and sister in law" Brina said, directly looking at Remund and Remus. 

These idiots who are supposed to be there with them, bailed on them at the last minute. 

As they promised to come with their men, Brina didn't bring many of her people that day. She deployed them to another important mission. 

But who would have thought that enemies would march into the lab and suffocate everyone to death. 

If these brother's wouldn't have bailed on the last second and if they would have done their work properly, this disaster wouldn't have happened. 

And, for this, she could never forgive them.

If they would have told her that they couldn't come over, she would have brought her own people. However, Remus and Remund wanted to tag along, so she deployed her people somewhere else. So, when the attack happened she and her family were outnumbered. 

It's their mistake!! 

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