
EPISODE 201: King Vs Queen?!

Dark and Cold, the night is. Shadows and Darkness shrouds the sky. People yearn for the sun to fly, while others praise the elegant moon. On a remote island far away from the region, lies no other than the Regime's headquarters, remaining barren and isolated from any other creatures.

Through the hall of the Fallen King awaits malicious music and despair. Grunts and Elites scour the castle for intruders and troublemakers. Every night is a sleepless night for Arville and the Regime.

Imprisoning his wife, and only queen was definitely rambunctious and absurd. Nothing could ever defeat the King's ambitious mind. A mind filled with filthy memories, ambitious yearns, and other terrific things.

"Excuse me Ms. Xeryll, here's your dinner for the night." A maid spoke pleasantly as she unlocks the doors of the queen's room. Every night and day the queen continues to sob while holding a portrait of her and her family.

The queen didn't dare to escape even if the door was wide open. The maid placed the meal on top of one circular wooden table.

"Excuse me, my queen. Is there anything else I could get for you?" The maid questioned.

"No... That will be all, I'm fine." The queen responded with a solemn and grieving voice. She continued to stay on the corner of her room, yearning for someone to bring back her husband's real self.

"Alright then, I'll be heading out right now." The maid uttered softly while she leaves the room. She made sure that the door was sealed into its perfect galore.

An idea snapped on her mind, she has to do it, even if it means ruining the king's plan. Quickly the queen rushed, the other side of the room. She grabbed her phone and turned it to the contacts app.

"Come on! Come on!" The queen raged while roaming her room for signal. Finally after minutes of walking, a single bar of hope appeared on her signal symbol.

She contacted someone she wasn't suppose to contact. Yes, the queen is revolting against her own husband. Selfish desires, and decisions has shrouded her husband, all she wanted was a typical life like other families.

"Mother?! You were able to call me? It's midnight already." Camellia accepted the call. Her voice was those of a sleepy Snorlax, and her eyes squinted due to the blinding radiation.

"Camellia, I don't have much time! Please, do not go to the mountain, not ever! You don't know what your dad is planning to do with Kalem."

"Mother? What do you mean? And... how were you able to contact me?"

"Listen Camellia, I only have one bar of signal and it seems to me it's fading away slowly. Your father is trying to get hold of Kalem's pendant. If he grabs that pendant then the end of the world shall begin. A chain of Shadow Veils shall succumb to this land." Xeryll warned with a persuading voice as the signal slowly fades.

"What mom? I can't hear you... mother?" Suddenly... the signal disappeared and the call was quickly declined.

"No! No! Camellia!" Xeryll squandered her phone with rage as tears continued to burst forth like a dam. Camellia on the other hand continued to sleep. Her drowsiness distracted her from coping up with what's happening to her mother.

"Traitor!" Little did the queen know that the king was eavesdropping her. He entered we rage and burst the doors open with his Rhyperior. Looks like I wasn't the only one who did some grinding.

"Arville... what are you doing here?" Xeryll questioned with fear and worry. Her heart pounded louder than any before as she wishes that the king wouldn't do anything to her.

"Did you just tell our daughter my schemes?! I trusted you!"

"Arville, all I wanted was things to be back the way things were before. Please, don't let your ambitious mind take over again." Xeryll knelt and begged before the king while tears oozed down with pain and suffering.

The king was extremely mad at his wife. With his sword on his hand he sliced down the wooden table. The brittle plates broke into chunks while water oozed out of the glass. No matter what, the king tried to hesitate to slice off the queen's head.

"Arville you're a mad man! Don't you ever pity me and your daughter? You weren't always like this. I've supported you, but you're going too far. Please return to the husband I know, a hard working and loving father.

Don't let your ambitions take over. Please Arville... Please!" Xeryll begged while clinging to the king's pants.

"There's nothing I can do! I cannot stray from the path I chose, this is my will, this is what I want! This is my life, and no one can control it except for me!"

"Arville... don't do this, only pain will be brought upon you."

"Gods do not feel pain nor sadness. I thought you were a loyal queen of the Regime and me... It turns out, your a traitor as well! You and Hemera are no different!

If you keep on doing this, I'll have no choice but to file a divorce, so I could execute you myself!"

"Please don't. Please don't do this Arville. No matter how cruel you are to me, I'll still love you till the end of time, even if it means, sacrificing myself." Xeryll's tone declined. She revived a fainted instruction that the king has set upon her years ago.

"That was years ago. That plan has been scraped off. I'm sorry, but I really have to do this. Guards! Bring her to the dungeon." The King's tone raised to its limit as the guards surrounding the hallway rushed to the room.

"Imprison me... Slaughter me, or even kill me. I do not care, dead or alive I'll still love you. You will always be the Arville I remembered years ago. If only you were more patient and waited for Jirachi to make your dream into a reality who knows? Maybe we would be living in one house with our daughter, singing songs and playing together like what other families do." Xeryll uttered softly while the grunts tied her hand. Fiercely, the queen was dragged down the hallway and into the deepest reaches of the dungeon. The dungeon where Detective Looker is in.

The king suddenly stopped for a while. His rage cooled while looking at the grunts dragging her wife to the dungeon.

"What... have I done?" The king uttered softly as tears drooled down. No one could see the king's tears due to the helmet he hides his face on.

"I may not be the perfect husband, but I am doing this for the sake of not just our family but for the entire world," Arville spoke softly as he threw his sword to the barren floor. He regretted his decision of ordering his guards to bring his wife to the dungeon, but what's done is done, the only thing he could do is to move on and fulfill his ambitions.

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