
In the Beginning

God had created Angles, humans, and animals but what else had God created. Surely humans were not the last creatures that roam the earth. So let me tell you a tale- A tale of creation. ~This all started with absolute nothingness~

This was when I decided to create an existence… Anything as one might say.

As I spoke the words that came out of the mouth that did not exist yet, I created the building blocks of life. The pattern, the gears that will turn everything and have it all connect with one another.


The first star, as it would be named later, was created. I saw that it was good, thus I continued my work. More and more creations had appeared and I created the first Angel, as it would be named later on. More and more came to be, and I deemed it to be good. Thus creating a civilization of Angels. Every angel that I created, I gave the smallest portion of me that I deem to be fitting, and they, the Angels, started to think more for themselves. My Angels were no longer mindless creatures that did my bidding, but creatures like me. Creatures that are me, creatures that have a part of me yet still have free will and individuality. I am these angels and the angels are me. As time went on, I was surprised to see that one of me, one of the angels, talked about being something more than servants of mine. One angel stood out, as the angel known as Lucifer had a silver tongue. Lucifer who was the seal of perfection, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. The first creature I had created to be an equal to me had helped ⅓ of the angel population come to the realization that they could be more than angels. Something higher, something they call "Me"? The angels wanted to be me. I didn't understand why they wanted to be me. I have created them to be able to grow and be equals of me.

As the angels started to develop more ideas, war broke out. Leading to the defeat of the angels now known as fallen angels. The victors banished their fellow fallen angels from Heaven. For the fallen angels now has nowhere to go. A place they could no longer call home.

Hell was a place I decided to create to house the fallen angels, for I could not leave my creations homeless. I took no part in the war. Aided not either side of the Angels. For they are not fallen angels but simply angels with different ideas.

Time as it moves. So did my ideals, for I am time and time is I. My newest creations will be later known as Earthlings. They were creatures from big to small. All sorts of shapes and forms. These earthlings roamed the Earth for decades as I experimented on making more and more. Seeing how each will react with others. Eventually I deemed that my creations were not fit for Earth, I destroyed most of them. And stook with small things. There was no need for large creatures that reached the skies, nor creatures that roamed the waters to rip apart any living thing it encounters. As more time went on I had created a new version of my first. Instead of giving the first human a part of me. I gave "him" a small breath of life and put him in a garden. I had plans for this new type of being that I had created. In the garden, instead of giving the smallest portion of myself to this human, I gave him the breath of life. In the garden, I gave myself a soul that was created for humans, and split my soul evenly into most trees that bear edibles... With one instruction to the human to not eat one of the edible from the middle of the garden.

As time moved, the human roamed the garden freely and sometimes practiced what I had taught him. But I had decided to create a system of CREATION, that the human could do. For the human did not have the ability of the angels, but they will soon have something the angels did not have. Something the fallen angels have ever wanted. Attempting this, the fallen Angels created Demons. Something that I sometimes do for the angels when they ask including the fallen ones. The ability to create more of their kind! For this, I had created special creatures for Adam to choose as his partner. I had created animals and had them meet Adam. For these animals were different than the one I had previously made on Earth- both physically and mentally, for the animals could communicate with Adam the human. As Adam named each one, he was not contempt with not one creature. This led me to create a complete replica of Adam himself from his bones, as he slept. Instead of keeping all physical traits the same, I made alterations to be fit for CREATION as I did for the special creatures.. For this creature, named Eve ( for Adam had given her this name ), will be the place for CREATION.

As time went on one of my creations for Adam, named the "snake" , ate the fruit of knowledge that was in the garden of Eden. Something both Adam and Eve had yet to find. The fruit of knowledge was not easily found within the garden. With the fruit of knowledge the Snake found out what the edible in the center of the garden was meant for, thus the Snake was curious if they would really die). For the Snake knew the fruit in the center of the garden was GOOD, the snake went to Adam and Eve, but only found Eve. The Snake then told Eve of what the fruit does. The Snake told her,

"For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like Gods, knowing good and evil."

Indeed the Snake did not lie, nor did the Snake deceive the woman. I had been planning on allowing humans to eat from the tree in the future but now was not the time. I had already taught the humans of good and evil. I wanted to create creatures that could learn, and I was successful. For Eve thought the fruit was GOOD, thus she ate from it -giving some to Adam. The Snake saw that neither of them died, thus he also ate from it.

I came to visit. Realizing what had been done. Knowing the humans and the Snake failed, I banished them from the garden and told both Adam and Eve the harsh world that was waiting outside the garden. I also told Eve how her Ability of CREATION will cause immense pain to come, but alongside told both Adam and Eve that the process of CREATION will be pleasurable to make up for the pain. In the future humanity will perceive this as a punishment or curse, but it is not so. Adam and Eve must suffer from the environment that is outside of the paradise which I made that is called the garden of Eden. While Eve will suffer from the Ability of CREATION. As for the snake? There wasn't much I wanted to do. Thus I decided to remove its legs and create new types of creatures with no legs or hands. Outside the garden, there were humans that I had already created for the sake of experimentive of what the Earth holds for Adam and Eve..

I am sure you all know where this led to. Many events took place: The first murder in the hands of humans, The mass flood of the entire earth, prophets, and Jesus. Jesus the 3rd new type of life forms that I had created. With the genes of the mother Mary, that carried from the first Eve. I created the first hybrid. I took a bit more of me, like I would when creating a new angel, and placed it in Mary. With the egg that was inside Mary, the two combined and made the baby boy that I named Jesus. Jesus will be more of me than any angel, than any human. Jesus will be me and I, Jesus. At a certain age, I called out to Jesus and had him meet me. Because Jesus was more of me than any Angel, he was able to meet me. There I gave Jesus information about his existence and purpose for his existence. I informed Jesus about his ability to control demons, control over life and death. Control over many things that I had controlled over. I allowed him to use the word I. For I am Jesus and Jesus is I. Jesus's existence was to live among humans and see if they are worthy of him. Jesus will be the new ruler of the humans. I'll still be there, but I told Jesus to be the gatekeeper.

"Live among humans and know what being a human means… For in the future you, Jesus, will be the judge of humanity"

You might be wondering what was the second new type of life form that I had created. The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, unlike Jesus, is me. Have you heard of the phrase " God works in mysterious ways" Or the phrase " God is everywhere"? That is true I suppose. I have no physical body as do the angels and humans and others. When I want things to be done, I do so. I am everywhere, yet I am not. To make sure I do not disturb the system I had created in the beginning. Where one action affects others. I do not drastically do things. I can see all the possibilities of what every creature in heaven, hell, and the universes can do. For example, if I were to move this tiny piece of rock that is on earth what would happen to everything else. Some call this "Middle Knowledge". To make sure I do not do anything drastic as simply moving this rock or controlling someone. I simply send out my "Spirit" and have it do something. This something could be a bush burning.. Of course that spirit is me.

But enough of that. Let me tell you about the story of the other person.

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